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Jude's avatar

NSFW - Has anyone tried the CAT (Coital Alignment Technique)? Successful?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 21st, 2011

Coital Alignment Technique.

It looks lovely and I’d love to give it a go (with my SO).

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22 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

Totally done this. Didn’t know it had a specific name. Led to female ejaculation. Everybody wins.

You should definitely try it.

syz's avatar

Sometimes I miss penises.

J0E's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard pretty much said exactly what I was going to say.

Jude's avatar

@syz What about the detachable variety?

creative1's avatar

Go with it from a female perspetive it is quite enjoyable when you hit your mark

Jude's avatar

I like the looks of it – rather intimate.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. and Yes!

Kardamom's avatar

Sounds very interesting and promising, but how can a heavy man (most men are heavier than their partners) put all of his weight onto the woman without crushing her (he’s not supposed to rest on his elbows) or cutting off her air supply?

TexasDude's avatar

@Kardamom, very carefully. A lot of chicks are tougher than they look, too. Just keep communicating.

syz's avatar

@Jude Yes, there’s always that option, but it’s just not the same.

rebbel's avatar

So, i did a search for it and after reading some info and watching some tutorial photos i came to the conclusion that it is, what we called when i was a kid…......, dry fucking?
Or do i miss something?

faye's avatar

Isn’t this just instinct? Someone “developed” this?!!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@rebbel that part you are missing is the part that your actually having sex while such rubbing is occurring.

rebbel's avatar

Having sex, as in coitus?
Dry fucking also felt like actually having sex when i was a small rebbel.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@rebbel i may be wrong but my understanding of this is your having vaginal intercourse whilst your pelvic bone is rubbing against her clitoris. I dont know, bit different than dry fucking.

rebbel's avatar

Ahhhhh, then i was not right (and probably read the article with my eyes closed…).
Thank you @uber, for clearing that up!

Scooby's avatar

Done this many a time, I find different techniques suit different people…. Practise makes perfect! :-/

Seelix's avatar

I didn’t know this had a name either. My ex and I did it all the time. No ejaculation on my part, though.

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Jude's avatar

@noelleptc I know. I can’t wait either.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m with @faye – I’ve read about this and was like ‘um, we do that anyway’.

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