There are chubby dating sites but are there any boney lovers (anorexic dating) sites you ever heard of?
Why are there no anorexic dating sites? If skinny is suppose to be so great women and girls will starve themselves down to broom handles with skin stretched over you’d think there would be sites for anorexic gals to find dates? The opposite end of the scale (no pun intended) has sites for them, such as
etc. So, as bad as many people want to say weight or heavy girls are not sexy doesn’t the fact that there are more chubby dating site out there than boney lovers site say that being mop handle thin is less attractive and sexy than having rolls and jiggles over all? After having a conversation about anorexic bulimic gals and how those who do it think they are after the perfect body (the thinner they get) and that they won’t get guys if they are normal weight (fat to them) I wondered if the romantic demand was really there for them. Look as I might I could not really find any, it would have been easier to find a needle in a stack of needles than find a boney lovers dating site. Have you ever come across any, out of curiosity?
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25 Answers
There is such a thing as an “emaciation fetish,” though I’ve never crossed paths with any sites that capitalize on it.
EDIT: Personally, I think a woman is most attractive when she looks like a woman. We’re meant to have mounds and curves and I’d rather have too many of them than clearly too few.
You can’t find any because those sites are just normal dating sites, and those women are the “hottest” women on there.
They are a little thin on the ground I agree.
Theres a big difference between someone whose skinny and someone whose anorexic.
I agree, as a skinny man, it pisses me off that society is moving towards accepting big women as beautiful, but as a man I’m still expected to be this perfect physical specimen to be attractive. Some people just have a certain body type and metabolism.
Just for the record, I think it’s good that there are sites like this for bigger women – some of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen are chubby.
Sorry. Real women have curves.
@Russell_D_SpacePoet Sorry. Real women come in all shapes and sizes. Obviously emaciated isn’t good at all but some women are naturally skinny and being told that we are not “real women” because we not all that curvy isn’t pleasant!
@Leanne1986 I agree 100%. It would also be nice if men aren’t conditioned to believe that we need to have the physique of an athlete to be attractive. (unless of course you’re a rich man, in which case you can be fat and ugly and still be attractive).
@syzygy2600 People are attracted to different things. Some like the slimmer lady with much less than an ample bust and booty and some like more meat on the bones with a killer cleavage. I say, healthy is the key but I hate it when people imply that someone isn’t a “real woman” if they don’t fit a certain bra/dress size.
@Leanne1986 @syzygy2600 I love women of all shapes, sizes and flavors. I just get tired of almost every model looking anorexic. For the most part, popular media look at women with curves as fat. I disagree, but I still love thin women also.
I have to second @Leanne1986 here. I hate the phrase “real women are…” (y’all are probably sick of my bitching on this topic by now).
@MyNewtBoobs Just wondering, what exactly brings you to say what you did? Because from my perspective, there seems to be a LOT of backlash against ultra-skinny women and I never ever hear anybody describing that body type as beautiful or hot. More often I hear they’re not “real women,” in fact.
Everybody claims that these women are considered hot, but have you ever noticed that nobody ever actually seems to say that they personally find this body type appealing?
As for the original question, I think there are a lot of dating websites for “chubby” people because that is a body type that is traditionally looked upon as being unappealing, and people believe that they maybe need their own dating sites to cater to the people who do find them appealing. People traditionally seem to believe that stick-thin women are generally thought to be appealing and therefore don’t need the extra help – whether or not this reputation actually exists is another story.
@Mariah My own personal experience – I know a lot of men who won’t find someone larger than Keira Knightly to be sexy, but rather fat. There’s a lot of backlash on Fluther, which attracts a certain type of crowd.
Trim people don’t need dating sites, they are the most sought after dates.
Same reason they are always trying to make standardized tests easier. It isn’t to help the smart people.
@MyNewtBoobs Okay, I’ll hand you that: I haven’t really talked to guys I know about what body types they prefer; most discussion I’ve had on the topic has occurred on the internet (Fluther and elsewhere) which may cater to skewed audiences. I wish I could find some reliable stats on this. I am convinced that the stick thin body type isn’t as revered as everyone thinks it is!
Insofar as anorexia is a mental disorder, you might consider or to be sites for them. A lot of pro-ana (that is, pro-anorexia) sites double as dating sites as well. Otherwise, abnormally skinny women just use normal dating sites.
They are popular there, but not as popular as we might think. Scientific studies show that, while there are racial, cultural, age, and class differences among body type preference, men are most concerned with waist-to-hip ratio. Moreover, on silhouette tests (tests where men and women are given silhouettes of different body types and asked to circle which ones they find attractive), men circle a wider range of types than women do and show greater variance. That is, women as a whole tend to like only a few male body types, whereas men tend to like a greater range and that range varies with the man.
The other side of this, however, is how important body type is to men versus women. Women may prefer a narrower range of body types on silhouette tests, but they are much less likely to consider that preference to be a deciding factor in dating decisions. Men, however, rate physical attractiveness much higher and almost always have an “attractiveness threshold” below which they will not date.
We tend to be influenced by the media, of course, and the media often throws skinny women at us. But the media is also influenced by us. Compare women’s magazines to men’s magazines and you’ll see that the women who appear in the latter are not as thin as the women who appear in the former. And look at television shows aimed at middle aged or blue collar men. The “hot wives” in those shows are bigger than the “hot girlfriends” in shows aimed at wealthy people or twentysomethings.
@Mariah Okay, I’ll hand you that: I haven’t really talked to guys I know about what body types they prefer; most discussion I’ve had on the topic has occurred on the internet (Fluther and elsewhere) which may cater to skewed audiences. I wish I could find some reliable stats on this I don’t know about statistics just the conversation with other male friends and acquaintances. Over the years I was always chided for liking the skinnier women, most of the other guys like women that were slightly higher than the scientific weight; ”thick” girls with rack and booty. More of the gals you’d have seen as the 50’s era bombshells.
@SavoirFaire A lot of pro-ana (that is, pro-anorexia) sites double as dating sites as well. I have seen that but a “stand alone” anorexic dating sight I have not found anywhere.
They are popular there, but not as popular as we might think. Scientific studies show that, while there are racial, cultural, age, and class differences among body type preference, men are most concerned with waist-to-hip ratio. If I had to base it off conversations I have had those ano girls are not nearly as popular as the chubby girls. I would guess because those ”thick” to chubby girls have more shape as you say. Having an hourglass figure played more importance no matter what size but many anorexic gals had no shape, bodies reduced mostly down to that of teen boys almost.
Men, however, rate physical attractiveness much higher and almost always have an “attractiveness threshold” below which they will not date. That is why men will have a romp with the hat check girl at a convention if she is half way hot not caring if she is smart, how much she makes, etc. Where a woman won’t (or at least they didn’t use to) think about being unfaithful unless the guy was very rich, very popular or influential, or very hunky; or a combination of all three,
Compare women’s magazines to men’s magazines and you’ll see that the women who appear in the latter are not as thin as the women who appear in the former. Haven’t you noticed that in magazines be it male or female both are usually very attractive. Though TV wives and G/F are close in level of attractiveness over all, TV husbands and B/F are often rather goofy looking but with a girl in life they would not be good enough to actually get. Interesting………
They also wouldn’t advertise themselves as pro-ana/mia. People who are anorexic don’t think they’re anorexic – calling themselves that would be admitting that there’s a problem where they don’t think there is one. That’s not necessarily the same with people who are overweight.
@Hypocrisy_Central I haven’t found a “stand alone” site of that kind either, and I agree that the anorexic girls—the truly anorexic ones—simply are not all that popular with men. As for the magazines, obviously they want as many attractive people as possible. But I still find it interesting that men are not sold the same picture of attractiveness as women are. You are quite right about the goofy television husbands, though. Must be part of the escapism of TV land.
@SavoirFaire As for the magazines, obviously they want as many attractive people as possible. But I still find it interesting that men are not sold the same picture of attractiveness as women are. Some of the ads in women orientated magazines if you cover up the small photo of the actual product they are selling with your hand the ad could be mistaken as a layout in a men’s orientated magazine IMO. As fars as the attractiveness of the women (Madison Avenue style) men magazines seem to focus 98% on women that are suppose to be babes (none are boney bread stick women thought) with amble “lungs” or a big rack where women’s magazine actually has some more rounded to plump women (again no Olive Oil bread stick women). Some women and their ads in magazines for women you could drop them and their ad in FHM, Maxiam, etc and not miss a beat.
@Hypocrisy_Central I agree that there is crossover between the two, but in general we are not all sold the same picture of attractiveness. Of course, it depends on the specific audience of the magazine as well. Magazines aimed at mothers contain different pictures than magazines aimed at teenage girls. And fashion magazines are the most likely to contain extremely skinny women.
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