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SpatzieLover's avatar

What would you do with child killer Michael Woodmansee? See Details.

Asked by SpatzieLover (24614points) March 22nd, 2011

ABC has given this Rhode Island case the most national attention. Here is the link to their footage/coverage of the Michael Woodmansee case

My understanding is that at the time, to avoid bringing out the gruesome details of the known murder/cannibalism of 5yr old Jason Foreman by Woodmansee, the DA offered a deal to lock him up for forty years. He could be released this summer after only 28 years, due to “good behavior”.

Foreman’s dad has stated in radio & TV interviews, that if he sees Woodmansee, he will not be able to control himself and may kill him.

The authorities are looking at the gruesome journals Woodmansee kept, to see if sending him to an asylum would be possible, but some judges/lawyers think this would set a bad precedent.

If this were you in the place of the dad, or the judge, or the community, what would you do or attempt to do in this situation?

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24 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

Execution. You’d never have to worry about him again.

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SpatzieLover's avatar

My family’s personal opinion of this? Too bad they can’t hire someone with a life sentence to do away with him Jeffery Dahmer/ Jesse Anderson style as they did here in Wisconsin.

Then, the deed would be done, and no one would have to concern themselves with rehashing the horrific details.

woodcutter's avatar

Just let the creep out, see what happens. He’s not going to get a job probably, and is bound to do something that will get himself locked up. Or he will die somehow.

ragingloli's avatar

Release him and see what happens. If he behaves and survives, fine. If he relapses, jail him again. If he gets murdered by Foreman, lock Foreman up for murder.
Simple as that.

flutherother's avatar

He should never be allowed out. If his journal is so horrific that it has to be sealed away it will never be right to set him free.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@ragingloli If he relapses and eats another child?! They were only able to book him on this murder, because at 16, he tried to do the same thing to a 14yr old paper boy. That boy was strong and struggled.

deni's avatar

Holy shit. That’s insane. And again I’ll say that normally I am against the death penalty because of the off chance that the executed were actually innocent. But in cases like this, what the fuck is the point? Why are we paying to keep him around? What good is it? Just get rid of him. That article makes me sick.

JmacOroni's avatar

The problem is that morally it is obvious that this guy should never be free. Legally, however, there is very little that can be done to keep him behind bars. I heard that the odds of him ending up in an institution are very slim, despite the fact that he is clearly not right in the head. Personally, I have an issue with the legal definition of “insanity.” You can know the difference between right and wrong and still be mentally ill. I have a hard time believing that someone that murders, probably sexually abuses and then eats a child, is not insane. I’m sorry, but mentally healthy people don’t behave that way. I think there is an issue with the law in that regard.

deni's avatar

@JmacOroni And at the same time, knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing to not kill and eat a child because it is wrong are 2 different things.

skfinkel's avatar

He needs to be kept in jail. This kind of sickness will not get better and we don’t want to see what might happen if he “relapses.”

JmacOroni's avatar

@deni I agree, of course. I just think that it should be taken into consideration how mentally deranged a person probably is to do something like that. Clearly there is a difference between knowing right from wrong and being mentally ill. There are countless degrees and types of mental illness. I just don’t think that people with that sort of mental illness shouldn’t be receiving medical treatment for what is most likely a lifelong sickness. He isn’t going to be rehabilitated in jail – he’s going to go back out into the world, and possibly kill another child, because he is probably not thinking like a normal, healthy, functioning human being. I think the system fails in that regard.
If insanity is only recognized as an inability to tell the difference between right and wrong, sickos like this fall through the cracks. I think, when given the options of setting him free or having him institutionalized, the majority of people would agree that this guy should be in a medical setting. I’m sure, ideally, he would be in prison or in the electric chair… but when keeping him in prison is no longer an option, it seems like there is a huge gap.
It is very common for people who suffer from schizophrenia and have a criminal record. Particularly if there is drug abuse involved. Many of these people do well while they are incarcerated, because they are being monitored and medication is being administered. Once they leave jail/prison, they will often lapse on medication and become repeat offenders. It isn’t always horrific or violent crimes, but there is clearly a gap between prison and freedom that needs to be filled for people who are mentally ill, and may not be fully capable of controlling their own behavior in the way that a mentally healthy person can.

ucme's avatar

I’d utilise a pair of pliers & a blow torch on the sick nonce.

Buttonstc's avatar

I’m normally opposed to the death penalty but I’d certainly be willing to make an exception in this case.

Society needs to be protected from a psychopath like this. How on earth can we expect normal laws to keep in check someone who literally has no conscience ?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I’m sure the GOP or Tea Party would consider him as a candidate for an important position in 2012.

Slightly more seriously, the authorities should disclose the details of his crimes in the most sensational manner typical of TV today. Then they should announce his date of release and where he will be living.

Civilization is but a thin veneer and mob mentality should result in a predictable and satisfying outcome.

mrentropy's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence Or use him as a current day Willie Horton?

bkcunningham's avatar

What does the GOP or Tea Party have to do with the question or the story?

casheroo's avatar

Whoops. I thought he got convicted at 52 currently, not in 1983. Yikes, he’s about to get out?? I hope they can keep him locked up. What a sicko.

faye's avatar

Some people are better dead.

Bellatrix's avatar

He should be kept in jail for life or in a mental asylum for life.

Nullo's avatar

He should have been executed. But he wasn’t, and now he can’t be until he commits another crime.
Lock him up. If you can’t lock him up, keep close tabs on him. If you lose the tabs, issue arrest or start a manhunt. There are plenty of people interested in seeing this guy killed or contained; it wouldn’t be hard to get cooperation.

woodcutter's avatar

Find out where he sleeps after he’s free. Everything else should fall into place.

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