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Jude's avatar

Ladies, why do we feel so tired when we're menstruating?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 22nd, 2011

I can barely keep my eyes open and I slept like a log.

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16 Answers

JmacOroni's avatar

Could also be anemia, if you’re at risk.
If it is any consolation, I was zonked out by 7PM last night. :)

Jude's avatar

I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s anemia.

I’m heading to bed.

sakura's avatar

I’ve often wondered the same thing and my joints get achy and sometimes its a real effort just to lift a leg or an arm! I just put it down to that time of month.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Not everyone experiences fatigue during their periods. I don’t. For those that do, it’s all about the changes your body is going through, it exhausts you.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

In my case, I’ve been told extreme fatigue is one of the symptoms of endometriosis. It sucks, I know. Get some rest hon, and I hope you feel better tomorrow. =0)

bunnygrl's avatar

You’re losing blood honey, and that causes slight aenemia, and if your blood is already (like mine) very low, well its not fun. Great being a woman isn’t it? In my next life I wanna be a man. I could scratch my butt and use a remote, I’m sure I could lol. I hope you feel better sweetheart, try to rest ok? sending mountains of love and huggles xx

KateTheGreat's avatar

Because the life is literally being drained out of us. The body is working very hard during this time. A lot of people experience anemia, especially if you have a heavy flow. I know how you feel, I’m always extremely tired and I never want to do anything but lay in bed when I am on my period. Best wishes! Hope you feel better soon!

creative1's avatar

If your not already taking one an iron supplement helps this, at least it helps me. Vitron C, iron supplement is one of the better ones for being asorbed into your system. I take the iron regardless of whether or not I have my period or not.

FYI the only place I can find the Vitron C is at CVS

optimisticpessimist's avatar

I do suffer from anemia at that time and I do not tolerate iron pills well. So, I eat more food which is rich in iron to make up for the lack. This does help with the tiredness.

Here is a list of iron rich foods.

JmacOroni's avatar

Well, that probably explains why, while most women are rummaging the cupboards for chocolate, I am eating roast beef and scrambled eggs, despite almost never eating meat otherwise.

optimisticpessimist's avatar

@JmacOroni That is good as I usually find if I ‘listen’ my body will tell me what it needs.

MilkyWay's avatar

It’s very tiring as your body is losing blood…I get sooo weak when I have mine.
@optimisticpessimist ‘s list of food is very helpful. Meat,spinach really do help.
Plus the cramps make you wanna lie down in bed and shut the world out.
Really hope you feel better sweetheart : )

creative1's avatar

The cramps make you want to lie down but it is better to get up and move, the more you do such as go for a walk or do some sort of exercise it will actually work the cramps through. My doctors told me to do this and I find that it does work the best that if I workout and exercise through the cramps though I dont feel like it in the end my period is they are less and I end up feeling better.

MilkyWay's avatar

@creative1 Oh,thanks! I didn’t know that : )

shalom's avatar

Coz you are low on “chi” and women lose primordial chi during menstruation just as men lose it through ejaculation. Chi is not just about iron in the blood.

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