General Question

cockswain's avatar

Are colds contagious after symptoms are showing?

Asked by cockswain (15289points) March 22nd, 2011

I want to know if this is an urban legend. I’ve heard that once the symptoms of a cold are in full swing, that person is no longer contagious to others. Is this true?

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7 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes, colds are contagious after you have symptoms.

As a matter of fact, once you have nasal symptoms (drizzling/sneezing), you are more contagious, not less. This is why people should use their elbow to cover their sneezes & coughs.

deni's avatar

My boyfriend had a really awful horrible cold a few weeks ago and his doctor told him that the day he woke up starting to feel better, around then he would start to not be contagious anymore. Who knows. Luckily my body is that of a greek god, I never did get sick. And he sneezed all over EVERYTHING for a week and a half. eww.

Rarebear's avatar

Yes. You are contagious if you’re showing symptoms.

cockswain's avatar

Where the hell did this stupid urban legend come from? I mean, I used to assume anyone showing symptoms was contagious, then heard from numerous places over the years that that wasn’t true. Stupid.

Response moderated (Unhelpful)
lonelydragon's avatar

Yes. A person is contagious from the incubation period until symptoms clear up.

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