Why can't we all just freakin' get along?
We go through life putting up with people’s bullshit from time to time, we complain about it but the truth is, at some point we ourselves have also probably caused bullshit in someone else’s life. Nobody likes it, it’s unnecessary so WHY CAN’T WE JUST ALL GET ALONG DAMMIT? Probably a stupid question….
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22 Answers
Kind of strange reading a ’‘question’’ like that, here. We can’t all just get along. Humans aren’t built like that. At least not all of us.
Who’s pissing you off? I’ll beat ‘em up.
We can, but it’s hard work.
Crushing ego is the hardest task in the world and very few ever take it on as a serious, ongoing matter of attention.
Becoming self aware, self responsible for YOUR OWN flaws and shortcomings, educating yourself about the nature of unwell ego.
KNOWING yourself so you are on to your OWN personal ego tricks which will find a match ‘out there’ to perfectly mirror back yourself to yourself!
Making a commitment to self awareness as a lifelong goal is the key.
Very few peeps will find this task of enlightenment to their taste. It’s hard, damn hard, but…it’s the only way.
The world is healed one person at a time and it’s that one person that chooses whether to wake up or run on their programming for the rest of their un-life.
The world needs a mass awakening, but, it doesn’t happen like that.
Mirror mirror, physician heal thyself, be the change you wish to see,.....it’s all there. ;-)
Simple formula but mostly ignored.
Because what one person (or one society) thinks is good and just and useful, is bad and unjust and harmful to other people (and other societies). It’s almost impossible for us “all to just get along” when we can’t agree on what are the right things to do.
We can. Just do as I say and believe what I believe and everything will be fine.
Because we all know better! :-/
One of the greatest gifts I gave myself, I allowed myself to understand that I don’t have to be friends with everyone. It’s a beautiful thing. There is no rule that says the we must like everyone.
However, there is nothing wrong with trying to be civil towards others.
@novemberrain What’s the real problem you’re upset? I doubt you were born yesterday, and found out [today] that the world isn’t a perfect place?
Then how would we prove that I am the Alpha Dog?
Is Filmfann pissing you off?
Ahhh good answers, i was browsing through Facebook and noticed alot of people’s status’ were all complaining/moaning about other people, i already know that it is impossible for everyone to get along, we are all different in so many ways. Just wanted to see what other people had to say i like hearing people’s opinions. Filmfann actually made me laugh hahaha
Because we are all different. We each feel things differently and with different timing.
We each have an ability to F things up royal to a different degree too.
Life would be pretty damned boring if we were all alike.
I remember reading a psychological article on humans’ natural perceptions of the natural world (something on the lines of that) and one of them was some fallacy or something about how humans focus more on the negatives of people versus the positives—That may add to it.
Really @blueiiznh is just afraid I’ll stalk him, again!
It stems from someone for some reason thinking they are better,right,correct,knows more than another and/or being threatened by that. Because of things that I have been through and things I have experience with, most of the time I bring them out. It’s been that way for a long time because what I am is different than most and what I have experience most people do not. I’ve been taught that it is there for everyone and that it is entirely up to them to find it. So I try and not cause waves but a few won’t let that be and they get personal. I have done so as well and always try and appologize if I was being judgemental or making another upset.
Your question is not stupid and it has merit. In my opinion, 70% of the population is madeup of greedy people. And, greed is the contributing factor that can lead to fraud and theft.
Because people with low self esteem have to push people even lower than themselves in order to build themselves up. It’s far easier than actually doing something that’s an achievement. People who actually do stuff and are positive rarely talk about it.
@Coloma GA honey, and very well said.
@BarnacleBill that’s very true, and a very wise observation, a couple of very toxic ex-friends of mine could give lessons :-(
Because of our reptilian brain below our neocortex.
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