General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Where does the majority of Libya's weapons come from?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) March 23rd, 2011

Do they manufacture their own weapons?
What countries do they have arm deals with?
Has the US sold them weapons?

Bill Hicks said during the first Gulf War, “Im so sick of arming the world and then sending the military over to destroy the arms.”
Is this the case with Libya?

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8 Answers

Qingu's avatar

Looks like most of their stuff is Soviet. I don’t know how they acquired them though.

Summum's avatar

I had put an answer in but had to change it. I could get myself in trouble.

wundayatta's avatar

Oddly enough, many European nations granted licenses to companies who wanted to sell arms to Libya. Guess who the leaders on that list are? Italy, France and Britain. The source leads to other sources as well.

A US deal to sell arms to Libya was in the works, but was scotched by the rebellion.

tedd's avatar

Most of Libya’s weapons are from Russia and other Asian countries. We haven’t been on “good” terms with them in about 40 years, so few if any weapons would be American made.

This was different for Iraq, or the Taliban. We supplied Iraq in the 80’s so they could fight a war against Iran, and the Taliban (among many other factions in Afghanistan) in the 80’s so they could fight the USSR. It came around full spin when we ended up having to invade both countries.

marinelife's avatar

Bought with oil money.

woodcutter's avatar

Looks like Soviet arms,mostly, and really old at that.

mattbrowne's avatar

Both from the Soviets and Western countries.

Garebo's avatar

My sources say it is partly Brits and French manufactured goods in guise. makes sense the French still have a mother interest in there x-colony.

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