Social Question

ucme's avatar

What is the most/least expensive thing you are wearing right now?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 23rd, 2011

…..if you don’t mind me asking that is =0)

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31 Answers

theninth's avatar

Most expensive thing are my Doc Martens. They were $119 (USD). Course, they’ve lasted seven years so far, so it was a wise investment.

Least expensive… probably my socks.

Cruiser's avatar

My readers….$1.00

bunnygrl's avatar

most expensive… my wedding/engagement rings
least expensive a bath towel <blush> what?? I’m just out of the shower <more blushes>

janbb's avatar

Most: my gallasses
Least: my socks

SpatzieLover's avatar

My wedding/engagement ring.
My jogging pants.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Cheapest – socks.
Most expensive – watch.

troubleinharlem's avatar

Most: My class ring.
Cheapest: Some random shirt I’m wearing that I got for freeeeee. :3

janbb's avatar

Edit: “glasses” – should have put them on!

Raven_Rising's avatar

Most- my incredibly stylish glasses from Costco
Least- one of my favorite Threadless tees scored on sale.

Stefaniebby's avatar

Most: My hair extensions :x
Least: My worn down boots that I’ve been wearing all winter.

tinyfaery's avatar

Most: My glasses
Least: My undies which were $6.99 for a pack of 4. You do the math.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Most: Jeans. Retail price: $350.
But if you think I paid that much for them, there’s a bridge by my place I’d like to sell you.

Least: Tights. Retail price: $2.50.
Helloooo, Target!

Coloma's avatar

Hahaha….well, it’s a toss up between bath robe and glasses in the present moment.

BUT….yesterday I was wearing $180 boots and an $80 skirt.

The only two modes I have, frumped out to the max, or, lookin’ pretty damn good.
There is no gray area. lol

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Coloma We must be twins ;) I have the same dressing disorder

Coloma's avatar


Thank God I live in a rather remote area, if asnyone ‘dropped in’ on me right now I’d be humilated. haha

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Neizvestnaya's avatar

Most expensive: leather boots ($250+)

Least expensive: pullover t-shirt type top ($30.)

Jude's avatar

Most: ring
Least: skivvies

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Ralph Lauren jacket & a pair of footies ;)

YARNLADY's avatar

My family heirloom engagement ring – 1¾ carat diamond, platinum filigree setting.

picante's avatar

Most expensive: custom diamond (and other gems) necklace
Least expensive: Skechers sandals

Seelix's avatar

Most expensive: my grandmother’s engagement ring, or, if you don’t update the 1944 dollars, my glasses

Least expensive: my ponytail elastic

tedibear's avatar

Most expensive: My engagement and wedding rings

Least expensive: My sweatshirt. It was a freebie from work.

etignotasanimum's avatar

Most expensive: My glasses, or one of my tattoos Can you “wear” a tattoo? Sort of?
Least: My $5 pair of slipper or the hair clip that’s holding my voluminous hair back.

Kardamom's avatar

I got my cute T-shirt at the 99 cent store.

My pretty green earrings were a gift, about $10.

Sunny2's avatar

Least expensive: my pullover sweater. It was free, given to me by the school where I worked.
Most expensive: The cardigan I am also wearing. It’s cold here today. Or else I’m getting a cold. I feel chilly despite the heat being on.

Scooby's avatar

Least my smile, most expensive my haircut….. just got out the shower! :-/

shego's avatar

The least expensive is my jacket, it was a gift

The most expensive, my engagement ring.

Brian1946's avatar

Least: my Toronto t-shirt is a gift and I inherited these pants from my dad.

Most: I think my slippers cost about $5.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Most expensive – My trainers (I got them free from work, the perks of working in a leisure centre, but I would never have been able to afford them from shops!)

Least expenise – Probably my ring that me Grandmother bought over from Singapore. It has so much sentimental value but zero financial value.

mattbrowne's avatar

My progressive power lenses.

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