How would you approach a redo for raising your children?
This question came to mind after a dream I had last night. In it, I was presented with my daughter as a newborn infant again.
It made me reflect and ponder the question, (knowing what you know now):
If you started from day one again nurturing and raising your children, is there anything specific you might do different?
or would you be on the side of:
You would want them exactly as they are, yet as you go through life raising this child again, would you be burdened with this prior knowledge and be worried that might come out different?
What are your thoughts?
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13 Answers
I would not work out of the home, no matter what it took. I was often exhausted and short-tempered, and didn’t spend as much time as I needed to in nurturing them. I feel bad, but I did the best I could. I guess if I had a redo, I would have to ask myself if I should short the kids on basic needs or time with me. What a dilemma!
I wish that I had been less worried and intense when the boys were little. I would have loved to raise them with more joy and spontaneity. They are both great people now but I wish I had gone easier on them and let them have more fun.
I would want them to know and understand that just because we’re their parents, doesn’t mean we aren’t human. Parents make mistakes. It’s part of life. Please don’t put us up on some pedestal. And yes, our love is unconditional, even when you do something that is completely out-of-character, we’ll still be there for you, when everyone else abandons you. Our love knows no boundaries.
My whole experience as motherhood would be reinvented. Personally, I would do everything differently if I had a second chance, now that I know what it really takes to raise children.
I would want to leave them far less in the care of others and much more alongside me. I’d love to be more “childlike” and express more unbridled joy. I’d want to give them more time, even at the expense of material things. And I’d want them to skip years 13 to 17—have I gone too far ;-)
One thing I would do differently is to never put them in school. The five years they were in school ended up harming them so much they are still effected by it. I would also have a the right plan for my slightly ODD youngest child. That was a lot of stress in our family as we tried to figure out what to do with him.
I would want to postpone the birth, my own “redo” if you will. I want everything else the same only some years later, so I could fully take in what is happening. I would want to be 28. But in reality God gave me a great kid at a time he thought I could handle it so I’m good with that too :)
I wouldn’t alter a damn thing. Wonderful, awesome, unique little darlings that they surely are.
I would take that opportunity in a heart beat. I missed recognizing my youngest had Sensory Processing Disorder and he suffered silently and needlessly for 4 years before it got so bad a kind Dr finally diagnosed why he was having such difficulties. Such simple changes in what, when and how he/we did things and he is now a happy fun loving boy again. He/we went through a needless hell together. Breaks my heart thinking of those dreadful years.
And I would not have clay planter pots in the house so he wouldn’t have had to get a zillion stitches in his forehead after sliding headfirst into one.
My kids have both turned out fine. It was fun, but I wouldn’t want to do it again.
My oldest daughter and I have had some issues for a loooong time. I honestly believe it’s because we didn’t get to bond when she was born, since I was horribly ill (for almost 6 frikking months) because of something stupid someone did to me in the hospital. The only thing I would approach differently, is if I could go back to when I was in labor and have my husband punch the nurse before she could touch me.
If it were possible, I would take that opportunity immediately!
Nothing. I’m a good parent. I have no regrets.
My children are all fine and beautiful people and I must have got something right along the way BUT if I could redo my time with them, I would like to have more time with them. I would just love to play more games, go to the park more often looking at trees and birds and the world, read more stories, not be so busy and have more time to listen to their lovely stories and ideas. Take more photos. Have more hugs and just enjoy every second with them all over again and not worry so much about the crap of life. I would also write more down about the things they do. The funny things they say etc. so when I get to now, I could read through those things occasionally and revel in who they are.
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