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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

What's your opinion of this kind of future?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) March 24th, 2011
Watch the video please and then tell me what you think about it. Would you like to live like that? Do you think it’s too futuristic?

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18 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

I’d be totally OK with it. Mainly because it would mean being able to afford all of that crap. Also, it would mean that Android’s Swype feature would work in the future and not replace such uncommon words as ‘know’ with the totally common and everyday word ‘knorr.’

It would also mean being able to afford the army of maids that would be required to keep my house a pristine white.

MilkyWay's avatar

wow…I think it’s quite accurate ,,,at the rate in which we are going. I’m not too sure as to whether I would want to live in such a perfect environment though….it TOO clean!
I wouldn’t say it’s too futuristic though I am wondering what will happen if you drop some milk on the kitchen counter…on top of grandma’s face.
Would she see it?

mrentropy's avatar

Oh, one thing I’m not okay with, though, is having a videogame display on my car’s dashboard. For starters, I think it’s a distraction. Secondly, I would hate to think that it would break one day and leave me completely clueless as to what speed I was going and everything else that goes along with a mouse nibbling through a single wire.

12Oaks's avatar

I’d like a green apple. The rest, no thanks.

zenvelo's avatar

I’d be happy with about 90% of that. But I don’t want the bathroom mirror bugging me while I am shaving or brushing my teeth. And I would want a place where I am able to disconnect.

john65pennington's avatar

I am 67 years old and I can adapt to anything. Bring it on!

This technology is needed now in law enforcement, especially in producing and showing of a suspect lineup.

Did you notice one thing that did not change in the video? FOOD.

bolwerk's avatar

Yike. Suburban affluence porn and post-modernist minimalism. No, please, if that’s our future, nuke us now.

ucme's avatar

Looks smells & feels like a Bill Gates wet dream, ewwww! I have no desire to see his “microsoft” aroused or otherwise! Anyway yeah, way too sanitised for my taste.

flutherother's avatar

It would be OK for a day or two. A bit too much glass and not enough grass for my taste.

robdamel's avatar

I want the name of that awesome lift me up song! Reminds me of a song from The Sims.

syzygy2600's avatar

I’d rather live in a tent with a kerosene heater than this nightmare. Of course, this is coming from someone who thinks the idea of owning a ‘smart phone’ is retarded, so I can see how most people would like this.

AmWiser's avatar

It looks like a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there. Of course you realize this kind of change is slowly making its way into our lives.

Jaxk's avatar

The perfect future for Corning and Windex.

WasCy's avatar

She’s kind of cute, but if she’s earning her own money to be buying those clothes then I guess I’m down widdat. That guy has to go, though.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I could definitely handle that sort of future, which, BTW, is almost feasible right now. : )

jerv's avatar

After seeing different varieties of alleged “safety glass” fo into “failure mode”, there is no way I would trust glass in certain applications. For instance, car dashboards are a big no-no. I have picked enough “safety glass” out of my face after an accident to know that that is the stupidest thing I’ve seen in a while. And the bus stop… does vandalism not exist in the future?

There is also the fact that you won’t see that sort of thing in teh lower economic brackets where most of us are heading for at least a century, and by then there will be newer, better stuff. Hell, who needs glass with electronics when you can get a neural interface and display images right into the vision centers of the brain without a relatively fragile external display? If you bust the “display” of a neural interface, you have other things to worry about!

I saw very little there I liked, quite a bit that I didn’t, and some things that can only be a good idea if you are on pretty hefty drugs.

CaptainHarley's avatar

@jerv [ Does an imitation of a cookoo clock which has had marijuana stuffed into it to hide it from the cops ] Hey, maaaan! Like… what time is it? : D

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