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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What shop has recently opened near you that you're thrilled about, or what shop do you wish was nearby?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37843points) March 24th, 2011

My little town just got a real patisserie that makes real croissant that are so laden with butter they soak through the paper bag you get them in. It’s heaven to walk in and see the cakes and pies and the real croissant. (Did I mention they make real croissant loaded with lots of yummy butter?)

What’s going on in your community as far as shops are concerned? Have you got a new clothing store that has you excited? Or is there a new pizza parlor? Maybe there’s a new pet store with cute puppies in the window?

Is there anything new and exciting in your neck of the woods?

If not, what would you like to see open up?

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38 Answers

laineybug's avatar

@hawaii_jake Butter, ew. A new tea shop opened down town. I haven’t checked it out yet, but I really want to.

erichw1504's avatar

I wish there was an IKEA nearby!

erichw1504's avatar

Also, a Five Guys Burger and Fries just opened near me and I finally got to try their burgers. Believe you me, they are freaking legendary. I want Five Guys in my mouth right now.

marinelife's avatar

I was so psyched to move back into Trader Joe’s territory after a near five-year drought in Florida.

Summum's avatar

I’m happy that Win-Co just came in because it has caused competition for Wal Mart. They keep getting into price wars and we love it.

Judi's avatar

I wish we had a Dutch Brothers Coffee and a Cafe Yumm. It would be like bringing the pest of Otegon to California.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I wish we had a Barnes & Nobles, Target, Starbuck’s or Dunkin Donuts we have neither, Ikea, A. C. Moore, F.Y.E, Home Depot, Modell’s, and Macy’s

JilltheTooth's avatar

When I lived in Seattle I had a fabulous Herb and Spice store not too far away. Everything was organic and a lot of the products were either grown by the owners or picked by them in the wild. I haven’t found anything to match it here, and I really miss it.

Allie's avatar

The Memorial Union on campus just opened back up a bit ago. They had been closed for MONTHS for renovations. It’s got a coffee shop, a bakery, a pizza place, a soup/salad/sandwich place (that makes and sells pho noodle soup, yum) and a few other places I’ve yet to try. I’d really missed the burrito place though… and now it’s back! The MU makes the best burrito I’ve had in town. (There is a place downtown that rivals them, but when it comes down to it, I think the MU takes the cake.) So, I’m glad that the MU burrito place re-opened.
One place I wish would open nearby is (and I know this might sound nerdy) The Container Store. I can’t get enough of all the little gadgets and do-dads that place has.

erichw1504's avatar

Dunkin Donuts!!! The closest one is more than 4 hours away. Save me!

marinelife's avatar

@Judi The “pest”?

Mariah's avatar

We just got this new pizza place that serves pizza that doesn’t taste ridiculously greasy and the topping selection is to die for… bleu cheese and roasted garlic is my favorite!

I’m hungry now!

anartist's avatar

Trader Joe’s is in the city now, not just the burbs.

AmWiser's avatar

I would love to have a Trader Joe’s in my neck of the woods. I did notice a Home Goods store is opening up soon (whatever the heck that is)

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

IKEA. We’ve been supposed to be getting one for over 10 years now. Oh, they say their building it, but I’ve heard that before.

Judi's avatar

@marinelife; I’m on an iPhone. You knew what I meant, right? !

SpatzieLover's avatar

My husband & I have been begging Jamba Juice to come to our region…the closest to us is an hour+ away.

We’ll be getting a Trader Joe’s soon. Our local Whole Foods is far in the city, but that we will make the weekly trip for.

marinelife's avatar

@Judi Yes, I knew. I thought it was a funny typo.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Another antiques store.Love it :)

Kardamom's avatar

There’s a new bistro opening up down the street from where I’m currently house sitting. Most of the other places around are take out joints. It would be nice if a Whole Foods would open up closer to where I live.

Seelix's avatar

I wish there was a Dairy Queen within walking distance. There’s nowhere to get ice cream yummies nearby except McDonald’s :(

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’d like a Fresh & Easy store nearby.

YARNLADY's avatar

Panera Bread just opened two blocks away.

tinyfaery's avatar

The Pinkberry that is 5 miles away is a just a bit too far.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@tinyfaery you had to rub in the fact that you have Pinkberry?

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’d love a coffeehouse across the street for those times where I want to leave the apartment, but not be too far from it, and they’d serve fresh scones with cream and jam.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@aprilsimnel We share the same dream

Seelix's avatar

@aprilsimnel, @SpatzieLover – There’s a Second Cup in the mall attached to my building, a Starbucks across the street and a Timothy’s next door :)

Aster's avatar

nothing is “near” here but about 10 miles away is an enormous new grocery store with gorgeous produce, an outdoor dining area, salad bar, olive bar (I can’t wrap my head around that one), those bins of things with scoops (see how worldly I am?) , dozens of condiments, fresh herbs BUT they don’t carry your stuff to the car and I’ve gotten used to that. Plus, they only use paper bags.
I wish we had a Krispy Kreme , Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s.

6rant6's avatar

There’s a great Asian food market – Ranch 99 – but it’s a half hour drive from here. Something closer would be delicious! Same for the closest Indian food store.

In the last few years, “Mexican” grocery stores have popped up around here. They are terrific alternative to the gringo groceries – produce is much, much cheaper, and the takeout foods are good.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@6rant6: I really our Ranch 99 market because it had better produce, greater variety and cheaper prices than the standard chains or Super Wal Mart we have now. :(

12Oaks's avatar

A new Wal-Mart is being built. There’s also a new professional baseball team a touch down the road (about 30 miles). I do wish we had professional softball close by. I just love softball!

YARNLADY's avatar

@6rant6 Oh, we just got a Ranch 99 a few miles away, my two half-Chinese grandsons, who live with me, are thrilled. We also have a Sprouts coming next month.

Brian1946's avatar

I wish they’d open a Bozo’s Barfeteria near here, because I love the sounds of puking clowns!

Since that’s an unrealizable dream, I’d settle for replacing the Whole Foods down the street with an Erewhon. It’s like Whole Foods, but with a conscience.

Scooby's avatar

Well on my side of town a new ‘SPAR’ shop has just opened up ( Grocery store ) & also, yes we have a new PIZZA place too, all within say ten or fifteen minutes walk of my house or three minutes in the car, if I’m feeling lazy….. We already have a grocery shop and a fish & chip shop plus news paper shop & a hairdressers come barbers…. Still I use the supermarket up the road, well two we have… A Tesco & an ASDA, I’m pretty much catered for really :-/

Allie's avatar

@tinyfaery @SpatzieLover Welcome to Davis, where there is all the frozen yogurt you could want.

WhiteWingDove's avatar

In the SF Bay Area there is a small chain of funky clothing/gifts/housewares called ‘Therapy’ (great name, love ‘checking in to Therapy’ on Facebook). One just opened in our town. I found great Christmas gifts and clothes, really originally stuff.

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