What are the down-sides to a haircut?
There is this haircut seminar thing at our school call St. Brodericks. At first I thought it was only for boys and they do it for fun. But, I also saw 4 or 5 female students getting thier head shaved too.
Now this thing only happens once a year at school, so of course I have to wait until next year. But, I was thinking of doing it too. I have not asked my mother about it yet, and my friends say it might take a while to think about. The girls who got thier hair cut looked great and I wanted to help the cause.
Any advice?
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8 Answers
wow… no hair, I coouldn’t do it (I have quite short already) but not sure if I could shave it all off though… in saying that if it is for charity and I could raise LOTS of money then maybe I’d consider it, but I can think of other ways to raise money
Anything below the crown.
-Waiting for it to grow back.
-Explaining why you have no hair to lots of random people and possibly having to let people know that you do not have cancer.
-Finding out exact flaws of your scalp.
-Raising money for charity
Charity Alternative:
You and your friends vow not to cut your hair for one full year…then you all get shorter hairstyles (bobs, pixies-etc not bald) while giving the hair to Locks of Love
Upside to this: You can explain to people all year why all of you are growing out your hair…others will most likely join your cause as the end result isn’t as scary as a shaven head or donate money to the cause…you will all raise awareness, and help children that really are in need.
BTW-I’ve known kids/teens/adults that have done it…and many of them have done it more than once after working with this charity!
Well, if you have any oddness about the shape of your skull, its going to show. And there is something about shearing one’s head that inspires friends to walk up to you during the growing out process to ask if they can touch your head.At least, that’s been the case with my friends.
Still, if its something you want to do, I say go for it!
What? Are you asking what the downside would be to shaving your head?
You might have a weird-shaped head. You’ll have to wait for it to grow back before you can do anything fun with it. If you have dandruff, it’ll look worse when your hair is supersupershort. So if you’re at all vain, those first couple of months are probably gonna suck.
But hey – if you still want to do it by the time the event happens next year, do it. You’ll know that it was for a good cause.
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I’ve been hairless before. (chemo) The major downside to it growing back in, when it was very short and stubbly. Especially on the back on my neck and head. We lose heat through our head, it can be a bit chilly, at times. However, if you are heading into warmer months, oh how freeing it can be!
There are worse things in life than not having hair. Sometimes, it takes not having hair to understand that, in full.
Are you talking about St. Baldrick’s that raises money for kids with cancer? My daughter did it one year and raised $2000. She even went to prom that year with a buzzed head. It grows back pretty quickly. It was an inch long in about 6 weeks. She loved taking a shower and having no hair to deal with. The raising the $2000 made dealing with comments from other people pretty good; being able to shoot back “I raised $2000 for a charity by having my head shaved.” She also put that on her college applications as volunteer experience.
She also did a project on WWII and concentration camps after the shaving; she wrote a first person narrative loosely based upon Aharon Appelfeld’s Badenheim 1939. She created a character from the town, and described how she came to be in a concentration camp. It was pretty effective.
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