Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Are we allowed to ask party questions for jellies we admire, or has one person been designated to do this now?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) March 25th, 2011

Noticed the same person asking these questions lately. I have a feeling they don’t want the lurve associate with their regular account here and have made an account to only ask these questions.

In the past it was usually a jelly friend of the guest of honor that asked these questions. It seems less personal now. imo

Honestly just curious. Not upset I couldn’t ask a party thread, as I rarely respond to them anymore and send pm’s with congrats instead.

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76 Answers

Jude's avatar

GQ. Would love to hear what is going on with that.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Some of us were just wondering that…

marinelife's avatar

I kind of doubt that that’s the case.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I don’t know, @marinelife , that user’s entire history of Qs and As is parties…

syz's avatar

As far as I know, it’s that same as it’s always been – whoever notices first and can get it up the fastest, wins. I guess that particular user likes to watch the scores.

chyna's avatar

I wondered that also.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Maybe that’s their life?

erichw1504's avatar

I made one for a jelly that I wasn’t very familiar with about a year ago. I don’t think it matters too much who makes them.

jonsblond's avatar

@erichw1504 I guess I just find it odd someone would ask when they don’t know the person well. When I’ve asked these questions in the past it was because I admired the person, not because I wanted lurve. That’s the only reason why I can see someone asking if they don’t know the person. For the lurve. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I think it does matter a little who asks (and please note, I said a little). I’d rather hear a few kind words from someone that has gotten to know me a little than someone who doesn’t know me at all and is only asking because it looks cool (or whatever)

Also, I doubt the person asking the recent questions is doing so for the lurve, but the exact opposite. They are apparently a regular who has created this account to ask only party questions.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’ve noticed they’ve all been asked by the same person lately and I’ve been wondering who they were since that’s all they’ve done.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’ve thrown the occasional party for someone I don’t know well, but only after waiting a little bit, then I try to find something personal to say…

jonsblond's avatar

Just playing a little Nancy Drew this morning. I’ve got a sick child at home still sleeping, so I’m trying to pass the time for now. I love a good mystery. ;)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t think so. I had my party just a bit ago and it was friends that asked the q. I’ll keep on top of this.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, poor little sicky-poo, I hope she’s better soon!

tranquilsea's avatar

My party thread was hosted by this Jelly. I was a bit puzzled because I don’t know them at all but then I dismissed that thought because it is thought that counts. The people I have gotten to know showed up and congratulated me in lovely ways.

Jude's avatar

I went ahead an pmed the jelly the other day, saying that I was curious and that I wanted to know who they were. No response.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

This is a really interesting question; I was wondering the same thing myself. That one person keeps asking all the lurve mansion questions, and it has me curious.

picante's avatar

I note with interest that our mysterious party-launcher has chosen Shiva as the user ID. The Hindu god Shiva (Shiv) is the destroyer of the ego and ultimately of the universe. I would think these parties would be lurve- and ego-builders.

janbb's avatar

I’ve been noticing this for a while and I think it is wrong. Used to be fun to see who got to make a party and if it was a friend, it made it more personal. I kinda resent that this @Shiva person is around scarfing up all the party hosting and is nowhere else. Suspect it is an alias but why?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Pokes head in I wanted to throw a part recently, but was beat out by the user now known as “Shiva”’s all good, but I haven’t seen this person answer questions. That makes me wonder.

Dog's avatar

It has always been about who noticed first. Yes it is okay for one user to be the one to ask all of the questions if the user is indeed waiting for the Lurve to rise naturally.

However it is NOT permissible to create a new user ID with fresh Lurve reserves in order to ARTIFICIALLY INFLATE the Lurve score immediately, ahead of schedule, in order to be the one to ask the question each time.

Lurve gaming is a bannable offense.
Dog growls

JilltheTooth's avatar

I shall sleep better tonight knowing that @Dog is on the prowl! ;-)

Berserker's avatar

It does seem kinda generic and…distant. If the person doesn’t want the associated lurve, that’s quite alright, but maybe they should say who their original account is. Make things livelier. Not much of a party otherwise, that’s like if the government threw a birthday party for me, or those dumbass season’s greetings cards you get from companies and stuff that they send to a bunch of people and the only thing that changes in the copies is your name lol.

everephebe's avatar

@picante‘s answer made me do some quick wiki research. I remember Shiva as being both creator and destroyer, so I was curious. There were some intriguing results.*

Here is what I found:

“The Sanskrit word Shiva (Devanagari: शिव, śiva) is an adjective meaning “auspicious, kind, gracious”.” -Jimmy Wales

“Adi Sankara, in his interpretation of the name Shiva, the 27th and 600th name of Vishnu sahasranama, the thousand names of Vishnu interprets Shiva to have multiple meanings: “The Pure One”, or “the One who is not affected by three Gunas of Prakrti (Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas)” or “the One who purifies everyone by the very utterance of His name.” Swami Chinmayananda, in his translation of Vishnu sahasranama, further elaborates on that verse: Shiva means “the One who is eternally pure” or “the One who can never have any contamination of the imperfection of Rajas and Tamas”.” – Jimmy Wales

“In contrast, the name Śaṇkara (Sanskrit: शङ्कर), “beneficent” or “conferring happiness” reflects his benign form. This name was adopted by the great Vedanta philosopher Śaṇkara (c. 788–820 CE), who is also known as Shankaracharya. The name Śambhu (Sanskrit: शम्भु), “causing happiness”, also reflects this benign aspect”” – Jimmy Wales

“When it requires the world or universe to be destroyed, Lord Śiva does it by the tāṇḍavanṛtya and Lasya, which is graceful and delicate and expresses emotions on a gentle level and is considered the feminine dance attributed to the goddess Parvati. Lasya is regarded as the female counterpart of Tandava. The Tandava-Lasya dances are associated with the destruction-creation of the world.” -Jimmy Wales

Further reading on Shiva’s dance.
*Note to readers, I focused on the positive aspects of the Hindu god Shiva.

Honestly, I would have gone with a pancake related name, if I was going to start throwing parties for everyone. It’s rather mysterious, it’s it? I don’t know what I think about the whole thing, but I’ve only been here 6 months or so.

jonsblond's avatar

@Symbeline You made me lol, but it is so true!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, the thing is, if it’s a regular Jelly with a different account created for this purpose, why not make the Qs more personal? Someone who has been here even for a little while can find something to say that’s special to the party person…

Jude's avatar

Shiva, where are you at? Come out, come out, wherever you are, and meet a young lady who fell from a star…..

JilltheTooth's avatar

Maybe Shiva will now understand our displeasure at this turn of events and let someone else throw a party or two…

Edit to add: Well, I take back what I said before about the personal stuff, I just looked at the Qs and Shiva did say some personal stuff. Sorry, Shiva, my bad. blushing, now

Jude's avatar

Are we being bamboozled? Reminds me of the cactus question.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Jude Which one? LOL! Ahhh, nevermind, you asked a cute one. I thought you were referring to an angry question about the naming of cacti and chips.

janbb's avatar

Folks – @Shiva has left the building! Another Fluther Unsolved Mystery! Tune in next week for….

janbb's avatar

It’s better than the Perils of Pauline around here!

wilma's avatar

The plot thickens…

I want to hear about the cactus question.

Jude's avatar

lol, that was odd.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh no. Not the great cacti conspiracy!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, the angst! The angst!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Of course you are, dear. Now go over to cprevite’s party and eat a cookie.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Some people eat cactus, you know…

jonsblond's avatar

I was just going to ask if anyone has a cactus recipe @WillWorkForChocolate. Great minds!

Seelix's avatar

:O Shiva left!

I thought it was really weird that (s)he was a new user who only threw party threads and who was always the first to post them. Well, whoever you were, @Shiva, I’m glad you’ve given up that persona. My 10k is on the horizon and I’d rather someone I know and love throw the party.

On an unrelated note, tonight is pizza & zombie night :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Seelix I think the mods may have eaten @Shiva.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I have a funny hunch it won’t be the last of the ever changing user.

wilma's avatar

Anyone notice that @Dog is looking more like a wolf lately?
sickem @Dog !

Jude's avatar

Ah, the other thread (chocolate’s) closed. Just wanted to show you all that I really am eating pie. :)

wilma's avatar

Was that other little frightened jelly always in the Neptune picture?
I never noticed him before.

augustlan's avatar

Ok, we’ve got this solved. Shiva was an alter-ego of a regular member, one with nothing but good intentions, I’m sure. Knowing this member, I’m certain it was done out of love, and not to upset anyone.

However, since we don’t allow any artificial lurve inflation, we’ve terminated the alter, and warned the regular member not to do it again. Party on, dudes!

jonsblond's avatar

That’s good to hear @augustlan. I’m glad the user had good intentions.

Time to discuss food?

everephebe's avatar

@jonsblond That reminds me it’s sushi night, I have to go start the rice.

janbb's avatar

Going out for margaritas and Mexican tonight!

JilltheTooth's avatar

I just decided to stay in tonight, watch DVDs of Big Bang theory that Katawagrey gave me for my birthday and cook. And eat some Reeses. And wish for pie.

marinelife's avatar

Well, well, well. Now I want to know who Shiva was.

Jude's avatar

My lady is coming over and we’re going to get snuggly whilst watching some movies (drinking beer, eating pizza AND that pie). It’s a balmy 35 degrees F here, folks. And it’ll be going down to the 20’s tonight. Spring, my ass.

Dog's avatar

To Shiva,

As you know as far as I am concerned you are forgiven- I know you did not intend to upset people but just have fun. But a word to the wise- PLEASE do not divulge your regular user name out of wanting to make things right. I tried to clarify my stupidity once and apparently I will never live it down even though it was never intended as it was taken. It still hurts. :( Just move on and be the awesome Jelly you are.


Can we have Sushi tonight? I really need Sushi and maybe a Sapporo and lots and lots of wasabi. :D

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Jude : I’m sure when your sweetie gets there she’ll spring your ass. ;-)
Oh, go ahead and mod me, @Dog , I know that was a bit over the top….

chyna's avatar

@Dog so scary in wolf clothing.

Seelix's avatar

@Jude – There’ll be a similar evening happening a few clicks northeast of you! (But beer is for tomorrow night – we save it for hockey night.) And eek, it’s already 28F here! Most of the snow from the other day has melted, but it’s still not springy at all (and neither is my ass, @JilltheTooth)!

Dog's avatar

@JilltheTooth Never- it is your right. Just toss me a milk bone and all is forgiven.

Is this avatar better? :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, I’m glad Shiva’s intentions were good, makes me feel better.

@Seelix : Nonsense, I’m sure your ass is still springy.
@Dog : Milkbones? Are you sure? I have Snausages!

Jude's avatar

You ladies are cute!

We have two dawgs.

Dog's avatar

@JilltheTooth Oh we are going high-class with snausages! :D

chyna's avatar

@JilltheTooth Yeah, we can only afford milkbone in this house hold. Snausages are high priced and cause gas which isn’t cute on a boxer.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, I’ve definitely noticed the “poot” factor with Snausages and Zuppy, but what the hey, all dem good dogs deserve the best sometimes!

Seelix's avatar

@JilltheTooth – Good point! We all indulge sometimes, don’t we? Why not let the puppers indulge too? :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yay! Doug’s back! I love Doug! Thanks, @Dog !

janbb's avatar

The kinder, gentler side of Doggie has returned!

Dog's avatar

@JilltheTooth it is good to be Dug again. I was not aware of the “richness factor” of Snausages. Best to give them early in the day then to avoid green fog at night. :D

Berserker's avatar

@Seelix Zombie night?

Seelix's avatar

@Symbeline – Yeah, every other Friday or so we have Pizza & Zombie night. I think Tokyo Zombie is on the set list tonight.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Jude They put the Q back up. I hope you’re enjoying that pie!

@Seelix Brains for dinner, then?

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