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Jude's avatar

What album did you used to dance and play over and over when you were a youngin'?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 25th, 2011

I am talking, say, 8 to 14.

For me, it was the whole Goofy Greats album (I was 8). According to my friend, Kate, I used to dress up when lip syncing to Ahab the Arab. I knew all of the words to that song.

Another one was the Freeze Frame by J. Geils’ Band. When I was 12, my friend Erin and I used to dance to this song in our bathing suits. I remember her being a bit more well endowed than me (chest area), and I really wanted to dance along side of her (rub our shinny bathing suits together, haha!).

Finally, the slow jams. I used to do a dance solo to Blue Eyes by Elton John. Don’t hate, I was eight.

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23 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

An album of Strauss waltzes.My mom would dance with me to this
She was good.I was a floppy fish. XD
The J.Geils Band was the first concert I went to.They are a fun band:)

Jude's avatar


@lucillelucillelucille You need to go out dancing with N. and I. :)

Jude's avatar

My Dad used to get me to step on his toes when we were dancing. That way, he would move his feet around and mine would go along with his. :)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@jude—I used to do that with my dad too! In fact all my siblings did.At the same time.
He had some big-ass feet XD

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Britney Spears- Baby One More Time
Sometimes I still listen to it

chyna's avatar

I remember listening to Janis Joplin and The Doors at a friends house in junior high. Not really dance music though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m soooo glad the awards are fixed!!

Janis…my dad had her Pearl Album. I also remember listening to the William Tell 1812 Overture. I also loved the Hawii 5–0 intro. When I was older, a young teenager, I’d listen to Micheal Jackson and Donny Osmond over and over and OVER. And the Monkees.

Cruiser's avatar

Pretty Little Angel Eyes I even rolled my moms cigarettes up in my T-shirt sleeve. She was not happy when she saw that!

YoBob's avatar

The Royal Guardsmen – Snoopy vs. the Red Baron

Brian1946's avatar

Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley.
It only cost me a quarter to play it 6 times in a row, but that was in 1958.

creative1's avatar

ACDC Back in Black how I loved Big Balls!!!! Now that was some head banging music!

Dutchess_III's avatar

My bigga 10 incha!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m ‘Enery the eighth I yam!

geeky_mama's avatar

I remember a lot of roller skating in the basement to the Grease Soundtrack (original vinyl double album)

My children are aghast when I explain to them that CDs did not exist until I was well into adulthood…

cak's avatar

Anything Eagles. My entire family loved the Eagles. J. Geils’ Band. Shaun Cassidy, The Monkees, Willie Nelson, Fleetwood Mac, lots of Southern Rock.

wilma's avatar

The Sound Of Music soundtrack album.
The Monkees
Some album by The Irish Rovers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The “Dreamgirls” album from the Broadway production.

Jude's avatar

^^ “It’s raining men!!”

filmfann's avatar

I am massively uncoordinated, so I didn’t dance as a child. I would get albums, and listen to them, not dance to them.
The first album I constantly danced to was Talking Heads “Fear Of Music”.
The rhythms got the better of me.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Ravel’s Bolero. My folks had an album which I took over.

12Oaks's avatar

The Monkees were and still are a favorite of mine, used to play them all the time. You Just May Be The One to enjoy them next. Go ahead, dare to listen and not enjoy. :-)

Berserker's avatar

Damn…I had this album that had songs about animals and nature. But I can’t remember what it was called, or who the artist was. Some French music. Wish I could remember, I was always playing it, and a lot of the time at night my dad would let me play it on my tape player went I went to sleep.

In my early teens it was totally Metallica, especially the album Justice for All.

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