If you could make the world just a little bit lazier, what would you change?
If you had the power to change or do anything to make the world a lazier place to live in, what would you do?
You could implement a new law, make an invention, change guidelines or rules, or even change the way humans are.
It doesn’t need to be a drastic or huge change, just something small to make our lives more lazy and easier.
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38 Answers
I would change “casual Fridays” at work to “pajama Fridays”. Don’t bother changing in the morning, just roll out of bed and get to work!
As a teacher I would allow my students to use txt spk in their essays. LOL!
Eliminate workaholism. Also perfectionism. Also inefficiency. The more efficient you are, faster you get stuff done and the more time you have for lazing around.
We already have pajama day at our house aka Sunday
I’d give everyone a 3-day weekend. That way they’d get their stuff done Mon-thurs and be able to enjoy their “off” time.
Make everyday tasks possible with Kinect technology.
Bike-Town has been my dream for years. A city with no cars and built on a slight grade. Everything is downhill and if you need to go up there is a elevator. It works in my head.
I would reinstate the old British tradition of knocking off work at noon on Friday.
Teledeportation. Imagine the hours it would shave off our schedules for other things.
Seconds @Pied_Pfeffer ‘s idea. I waste two and a half hours every work-day on commuting.
The ability to order anything online.
Oh, wait. We can already do that.
@SpatzieLover I’d have a four day work/school week too. And a standard work week would be 30 hrs a week.
Convert food cultivation back to being largely based on principles similar to permaculture. It’s lazier, more productive, and sustainable.
I’d implement a 1 hour nap time at work right after lunch.
How about we only work and go to school on the weekends, while the weekdays are off?
I’d like to second the mid-day nap idea from @chyna. I’d also implement food teleportation, for those times when Mommy feels like crap. Instant hot, nutritious meal, sent straight to your culinary teleporter.
Maybe I should hire someone to wipe my bottom, since a fellow jelly told me it’s a “natural thing to not wipe after defecating”, and meh, maybe I just won’t feel like doing it myself anymore.
Make every job a Union represented job.
GA everybody and this is a really good question @erichw1504 :-)
Could we go back to the old days, when stores/shops used to stay closed on sundays please? I know its only one day but it would be so nice. People could have this one day a week to chill, catch up on sleep, hobbies, see family and friends, spend time with partners, really spend time, re-connect and have a whole “us” day. Re-charge our batteries, before having to face the world (and working week) again. I know lots of people are lucky enough to have sundays or even whole weekends off work, (ooooooo the bliss…. I’d so like that lol) but most folk don’t seem to stop and realise that in order to enjoy those fun shopping trips on weekends…. well… other folk have to work.
I know that folk wanting to shop have earned their shopping trips and can’t do it during the week because they’re working too, and I’m nowhere near clever enough to know what the answer is lol, but I figure some kind of compromise is just to have a sunday? Like we used to when I was young. Us retail folk could still work the other 6 days so that everyone can shop, but it would be so nice in this 24 hour world we live in to just have a regular chill day where all the hustle and bustle stops.
huggles xx
@12Oaks well said honey <hugs> xx
The Morlocks are going to do that someday. We just have to wait.
That everyone, male or female, should be able to leave work at 5pm each day and go home and be an involved parent/partner for the rest of the day. The sideways looks at people (and particularly men) who choose not to work long hours still exists and the world would be a better place if people were allowed to value their family AND their jobs.
I also think the four day week would be a wonderful thing.
I would add another day to the week between Saturday and Sunday to give us three day weekends.
Replace all roads with canals.
No cars; just really good public transportation!
I’ll let you know as soon as you get done brushing my teeth. XD
a new law that requires all social network websites to ask people to register then do nothing but imagine in their minds the questions coming their way and answer them merely by thinking of the answer, sighing each time as their eyelashes flutter…
and advise people to take their bottled water by holding them in their hands and wait for the body to absorb it by osmosis…
I’d love to see the stores do what they do in some European countries. They take a sabbatical. They are gone for weeks at a time. They go on Holiday. Do we? Nope. We just continue to toil away and work ourselves into the ground. I say time off during the summer!
A law that banishes keyboards. You may only speak to your computer and it types what you say.
This was never the way I planned, not my intention-
Can you turn the music down please? My laptop can hear it-
I kissed a girl and I-
I would infect every world leader with “eh? why bother?” attitude when it comes to violence against their own people and violence again other nations.
Everyone is to sleep in two hours every morning. If one fails to comply, one is beaten with pillows for half an hour.
Manufacture watches and clocks that have a slo-mo setting…
@Symbeline I’ll get up early on purpose, if you promise to beat me with a pillow. :P
Being able to clean a room with a wand and a flick of the wrist. I have seen this and I want it. Damn you Jeannie, Samantha, Sabrina, Alex, Harry Potter and all the rest.
3D Printers that can print whole cars and houses. I actually read an article about one that could print pieces of a house which you can then assemble together. Makes it much easier and quicker. Don’t know how well the house holds up and all, but it was pretty neat.
An app that makes you telephatic, send text messages, email just thinking about it.
Having a personal robot to listen and argue for you in front of your parents. Talk to the robot dudes!
Fully automatic cars that drive and everything for you.
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