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Is there anything wrong with not having a huge group of friends ? What do you think ?
Sometimes I feel like mainstream media and society tries to make us feel that if you don’t have a big gang of friends like say in Sex and the City then you are lame or boring.
I have a couple friends outside my fiance and I am happy with that.
Is there something wrong with this ?
I guess sometimes I feel weird when i see my friends that have 100 to 400 friends on facebook and I wonder.
Is it really possible to have so many friends or are they just acquaintances?
I find it difficult to keep in touch regularly with the few friends I have and to be honest I don’t really want a lot of friends.
How can you possibly maintain true deep meaningful friendships with more than a handful of people in your life at a time?
For those of you out there that can claim that you have a lot of friends are these actually true friends or more acquaintances,
people that you know very superficially.
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