Meta Question

MilkyWay's avatar

Would you wish Tranquilsea better?

Asked by MilkyWay (14100points) March 25th, 2011

Just like me, she’s off to the hospital soon.Let’s all wish her luck and make her feel better.

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32 Answers

bunnygrl's avatar

Oh no!! <throws mountains of warm gentle hugs for @Tranquilsea and @queenie>
feel better soon honeys
huggles xx

filmfann's avatar

Warm wishes and prayers headed your way!

TexasDude's avatar

Get well soon, tranquilsea! Thoughts/prayers/positive vibes/good karma/science heading your way!

sakura's avatar

Lurve hugs and caring thoughts are being sent their way xxx

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Awww, of course! (((HUGS))) and prayers are already in progress!

erichw1504's avatar

Get well soon @tranquilsea! We’ll be missing you.

BarnacleBill's avatar

Yikes! We’re needing a Fluther recovery facility! Get well soon, Tranquilsea!

ETpro's avatar

Absolutely. Wishing her a successful outcome, speedy recovery, and low co-pay.

AmWiser's avatar

{{{HUGS}}} and speedy recovery to Tranquilsea and you also @queenie

cookieman's avatar

Best of luck @Tranquilsea. Feel better soon.

josie's avatar

Get well soon. Both of you.

Bellatrix's avatar

Feel better soon and get out of that hospital fast. We don’t want you to get sicker!

flutherother's avatar

Best wishes to both of you and get well soon

janbb's avatar

@tranquilsea Best wishes for a smooth surgery and an easy recovery.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Malama pono (take care) to both Tranquilsea and queenie.

zenvelo's avatar

Good health both of you! Lurve and hugs!

jaytkay's avatar

Hey, we are thinking of you, wishing you the easiest, fastest recovery ever!

wilma's avatar

Best wishes for a smooth recovery.

tranquilsea's avatar

Aw, thanks @queenie (and everyone who’s replied thus far).

I’m pretty nervous as both my anterior tibialis muscles are getting a fasciotomy on both legs. The surgery is 6 weeks away and the big plus is that I can resume running about 4 weeks post-op. I’ll have some pretty gnarly scars on both legs.

As I’ll be off my feet for a least a week post op I’ll be hear fluthering up a storm. I’ll have to stock pile some interesting questions for that time.

cak's avatar

Of course! Take it easy on that foot and work on things that you have put off learning or doing.

Getting in the house was the worst part, I had to crawl in…OUCH!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Get well soon!! :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, my dear @tranquilsea! I wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

CaptainHarley's avatar


My wife and I will keep you in our prayers. [ HUGGGS ]

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@Tranquilsea I wish you a successful surgery and comfortable and quick recuperation.
Thinking of you…

tranquilsea's avatar

Of course that should be here and not hear. I hate finding my typos long after my editing time is up.

SpatzieLover's avatar

May your surgery go smoothly. I’ll wish you a delightful recovery when you come back to us from your couch. ((((((Healing Thoughts))))))

I can’t wait for you to ask lots of drug induced stupor questions…And of course how we can make better use of the kids fetching abilities ;)

SavoirFaire's avatar

Good luck, and come back to us soon!

Kardamom's avatar

Hope you have an easy time in surgery, a nice nap, handsome doctors, attentive nurses, good food and nice helpful family and friends to take care of you when you come home.

We’ll be thinking about you while your in the hospital and wishing for a speedy recovery. You might want to join in making the Fluther quilt, as suggested by @Barnaclebill, with @Queenie.

You both can add sections and then piece it all together when you are done.

seazen_'s avatar

Warm wishes and prayers for you both. Come back soon.

augustlan's avatar

Healing thoughts coming to both of you!

rooeytoo's avatar

You are both brave women, I am terrified of hospitals!

Speedy recoveries for you both.

MilkyWay's avatar

@tranquilsea MWAH! XXXXXXXXX D

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