Meta Question

robdamel's avatar

When is the best time of day to ask a question and get most answers on Fluther?

Asked by robdamel (791points) March 25th, 2011

Considering people work, but do people answer more in the morning, or at night? Or during work hours?

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10 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

The more topics you add that pertain to your actual question, the more your question reaches the collection. We have a “Questions For You” folder we can look besides the general, social, just for you or meta sections of Fluther.

In my experience it hasn’t mattered when I ask. If you need immediate answers, then Friday or Saturday night after 9pm is not the best time to ask. Weekdays seem to be pretty high volume.

JmacOroni's avatar

During the day, definitely, if you want quick answers.
It really depends on the question itself, though. An interesting or thought provoking question will naturally get more answers than one that is cut and dry, and only needs one or two responses to get a complete answer.

jonsblond's avatar

It’s a crap shoot really. LIke @SpatzieLover said, weekends usually have a higher volume of traffic. Just be aware of the other questions that have just been asked. If you ask something about electronics the same time someone asks about religion or abortion, everyone will be at the religion and abortion questions.

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Clearly a time other than when you asked this question.

mrentropy's avatar

Considering that there are people from all over the globe on here it helps to be a bit specific on where you are. I could say, ‘During the day.’ but if you’re in Russia there’s no telling what time frame that would be for you.

I’m at GMT-6 and I find the place is fairly hopping during the usual 9am-5pm hours, which makes sense since it’s the traditional work time. And the evenings when people have run out of real things to do.

robdamel's avatar

@mrentropy I actually live in Brazil, but I was referring to eastern time USA. You are right though, there are many people from Australia here, and else where.

janbb's avatar

I find the place is pretty lively on Friday afternoons, East coast USA time.

marinelife's avatar

Early evening (say 7 PM) West Coast time.

dxs's avatar

That’s my strategy, basically.
I guess I’m not the only one.
I am more of a nocturnal jelly; primetime for me is 10–11pm, though I am on around 4pm alot, too. (I am in Eastern time US). Good Question!

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