Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

What decision are you glad you never made?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) March 26th, 2011

I was 20 when I met my husband and we started dating immediately. He had been in an accident in his teens, and his doctor told him he’d never have biological children, so we didn’t use protection once we had sex. I was surprised when I found out I was pregnant 5 months into our relationship.

My immediate thought was abortion. We were both 20, working for minimum wage, living at my parent’s house. How could we possibly do this? My husband was an adopted child. His immediate response was “Let’s do this”. I agreed.

We did it. It was hard, but we now have an 18 year old honor student in college, along with two other miracle children. I can honestly say I didn’t take the easy way out of the situation.

What decision are you glad you never made?

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29 Answers

Axemusica's avatar

~EDIT!!!~ I just realized that this said Decisions never made & I read it wrong, but I decided to leave my answer, because I’m glad I said it. :)

Getting into the local music scene. This is literally the story:

I answered a craigslist add (No plug intended) for a local band looking for a new guitarist. I tried out, got the gig & with in the second week was already playing shows with them. which immediately plunged me into “The Local Scene.” I’ve since tried to be an avid supporter and frankly I’m proud to admit that I’m somewhat content with how things are going. Regardless of wealth. Since right now, I’m f***ing poor, lol.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I am glad I did not get married to “what’s-his-name”whew! ;)

ucme's avatar

When I first left school I was offered a position in a fish factory….....wise move. Who wants to smell like Ahab all day long? :¬(

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@ucme Someone who hates whales?

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m glad I never had to decide whether I had to get an abortion or not.

Edit to Add – My husband and I were both considered at risk, and had to wait for an amniocentesis.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m glad I didn’t leave AT&T to work at Continental Air in 1975.
I was lonely back then, and I thought that I’d meet more people working for an airline

At AT&T I had a very good job with short commutes, good pay, and great benefits, whereas I think quite a few airlines have had at least some financial damage with the attendant job losses, especially since 9/11.

ucme's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs Just call me Ishmael…..good name for a fishmongers.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I’m glad I never hit that guy in high school. I don’t think it would’ve gone well.

chocolatechip's avatar

@Axemusica Well technically it’s impossible to NOT make a decision, as the alternative to a decision is still a decision.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@chocolatechip If you want to be technical, then not making a decision is remaining in indecision.

janbb's avatar

I’m glad I didn’t decide to take the train instead of hitchhike. I wouldn’t have met my husband if it weren’t for that thumb.

OpryLeigh's avatar

There are decisions I am glad I have never had to make but I don’t think this is what you are asking?!

jonsblond's avatar

@Leanne1986 I was going to go a different way with this question, you are correct, but decided not to. I decided to just give my example of a decision I’m glad I didn’t make and ask the collective instead. (I was a bit emotional last night when I asked) I’m glad I went this direction, especially after reading @janbb‘s answer. =)

Thank you everyone for answering!

pathfinder's avatar

I remember that day wery well.This known guy came at my place and sayz-Hey I gone teach you haw to make a meth.and you know what I said- no thanks.It was the best desizione I have ever made

Facade's avatar

I’m glad I didn’t make use of the bottles of narcotics I had (legally, guys) during my first year of college.
And I know I say this all the time, but I’m glad I don’t have kids. SO’s Dad and brother with his little daughter are in town. The little thing is a spoiled brat. I wanted to strangle her, especially since she was scaring Duncan. Can’t wait ‘til they go home!!

jonsblond's avatar

@pathfinder Haven’t seen you around for a while. Good to see ya!

12Oaks's avatar

Am glad about my decision not to go to college. Am also glad I decided never to accept any promotion offered to me.

Coloma's avatar

I am glad that I am secure enough to not fall for the plastic surgery scene so many women I know are succumbing to in their middle age.

Who needs perky breasts at 50, 60, 70? Stupid! lol

jonsblond's avatar

Good for you @Coloma! I’ve seen your mugshot. You definitely don’t need it. (well, I haven’t seen your boobs, but you know what I mean) =)

Coloma's avatar


hahaha, mugs holding up, boobs are halfway to Cancun. lol

filmfann's avatar

I considered retirement from AT&T (hi @Brian1946 ) 5 years ago, because my body was getting torn up from the physicality of the work. Not long afterward, I transfered to a crew that takes care of the digital equipment, of which I had a lot of knowledge. I plan to go another 5 years now.

tranquilsea's avatar

I’m glad that I broke off an engagement when I was 18. It was made for the wrong reasons and would have just led to heartache. I met my husband a year and a half later.

Cruiser's avatar

I almost reconciled with my ex….what was I thinking??? HS!

Berserker's avatar

Awesome story. :) Mine isn’t that deep and moving, but here goes. An older anecdote. About ten years ago, I used to hang out with these people, and one of them was a car thief. So he stole a van, and him and his buddies came over to my place with it, asking if I wanted to go for a ride. I knew it was stolen of course, but that’s not why I declined. Just didn’t feel like it. So that was that.
But a few days later, I had heard that they got busted by the police like five minutes later lmao. Glad I decided not to go. XD When I saw my friend again, that was like six months later, after he got out of the slammer. The others with him didn’t get much of any punishment, no doubt I wouldn’t have either, but still.

jonsblond's avatar

@Symbeline Very wise decision to not go along!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

To go through with my pregnancies. I was single, in my 30’s, no relatives for support or aid, a crap job and bf’s not worthy to be anyone’s serious partner much less parent material.

Garebo's avatar

Marrying a J.A.P. in college.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Cruiser I so hear you on that one! Phew dodged a another bullet there.

cookieman's avatar

I hung around with a lot of folks who did and sold drugs when I was a teenager. I’m glad I never decided to try either. Just hanging around that scene for a couple years was enough for me.

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