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blueberry_kid's avatar

Can I make up an "F" on my report card easily?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) March 26th, 2011

Okay, so my history teacher Ms. Kiefer is a really awesome teacher. She knows how to help a student, she’s very nice, and there is no real down side to her or her teachings. She is kind of crazy though. (She tried to do modern dances)

Anyway, 4th quarter just recently started. We have a “Quest” coming up after spring break and I just turned in two worksheets. One I got an 88% on, the other I got accused of cheating with my friend Nate and got a zero. Making my entire grade a 38%, sucks.

No, I did NOT cheat off of Nate, he cheated off of me. But I was assuming that if I basically showed him in the textbook where I found it, I’d be just giving him the answer, so I gave it to him anyway. Then Ms. Kiefer said to the ENTIRE class who cheated, embarrasing.

So now I have a huge F on my report card, “Cheating” on my record, and I have no Idea if I can make up a grade this bad in just 8 weeks, I go to a pretty tough school. Any help?

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7 Answers

BarnacleBill's avatar

You are probably going to have to ask your teacher what you can do to bring your grade up. You could start with an apology and saying that you learned an important lesson about helping others. Does she give extra credit?

As a parent, I would have a problem with my child’s grade being based on two worksheets. What about tests, projects, etc.? Worksheets should only account for a portion of your grade. You should be asked to do real work, like writing papers.

optimisticpessimist's avatar

I would also start with an apology. Do not offer any excuses/reasons, just the apology. Let her know your grades are important to you and ask if their is anything you can do besides your regular class work/home work to bring up your grade.

lemming's avatar

You could ask to take the test again, and that would show her that you didn’t cheat too.

laineybug's avatar

Well, the quarter just started, so you should be getting plenty more assignments that you could do well on and that can bring your grade up. There are only a few assignments in the grade book, right? I don’t know how grading is done at your school, but as long as you do well on the rest of your assignments, you should be able to easily pull your grade up. You should also ask for some extra credit work.

janbb's avatar

You need to talk to your teacher and ask her what you can do to improve your grade and possibly expunge the cheating report.

snowberry's avatar

Often a teacher will offer a student with a low grade the chance to do extra credit work to bring up their grade. Ask if that is possible for you. If you ask to take the test again, your teacher will have to re-write the test just for you, which will be an inconvenience for her.

If you have assigned seating, ask your teacher to allow you to move, so you will not sit next to your friend. If it is possible, try to sit on the front row, in front of your teacher. It will ensure to her that you have nothing to hide, that you want to do well in her class, and you will not be distracted by as many people around you.

In addition, you might explain to your friend that from now on, you will not be able to help him in any way, except outside of class, and that because of what happened, you will no longer sit beside him during class.

I know that doing some of these things may feel embarrassing, but you will benefit from them. You can also use these techniques to do well in other classes as well.

Here’s some advice you can live by: It’s easier to humble yourself than it is to be humbled (embarrassed) by someone else.

bolwerk's avatar

If you didn’t cheat, it sounds harsh, but that’s kind of how schools are. Even though it’s unfair, and probably humiliating to have to do this, it may be best to just be contrite, apologize, and ask for an opportunity to make the grade up.

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