Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What is your favorite day of the week-?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) March 27th, 2011

Mine is Monday, work day. Believe it or not.

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15 Answers

yankeetooter's avatar

It used to be Sunday, because that was the only day I didn’t have classes or work either of my two jobs. Than it became Monday because I got to see someone special to me on that day. For that reason, it’s still Monday, but now I’m off Saturdays and that is just glorious!

mazzkat's avatar

I enjoy Friday, because after comes Saturday and then it’s Sunday. I always get conflicted over which seat to take on Fridays though.

Les's avatar

Friday at 4:31. Longest possible amount of time until more work.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Because it’s in the middle.

dxs's avatar

I like Sundays, but also weekdays because I like school.

takeachance's avatar

Friday, last day of school for the week and well me and my boyfriend starting going out on a friday :)

SamIAm's avatar

Sunday! It’s a day to clean, food shop, cook, relax. They’re more appreciated when I’m working full time but I’ll always cherish Sundays. As a kid, my dad declared Sunday as “Tickle Me Sunday” and he’d tickle us till we were red and out of breath in the mornings. They were the best mornings.

downtide's avatar

Friday. Except on weeks when I’m working Saturday.

novemberrain's avatar

I can’t believe no ones said SATURDAY. Wooo, Friday’s cool too..

Blackberry's avatar

I’m sorry….but it’s Friday.

12Oaks's avatar

Monday. Monday at 5:00 am to be exact. That’s the first opportunity of the week to get up and be to work before 6:00 am. The first opportunity of the week to go do your part for society to function as a unit. The first opportunity of the week to go in and do your best to see that the company makes as much of a profit that week as possible. The first opportunity of the week to do something to support yourself, not depend on others to support you.

MilkyWay's avatar

saturdays….smack bang in the middle of the weekend : D

dxs's avatar

waaaay too predictable

woodcutter's avatar

probably Sunday. It’s easier not to feel like a dick for not working somewhere that day..

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