What are the worst pickup lines you have ever used?
Asked by
gameeboya (
March 27th, 2011
from iPhone
Well what are some really lame ones? :)
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23 Answers
I havent but my friend who was 17 used ‘You’re hot, lets hump?’
He didnt end up getting her but she couldnt stop laughing :)
I have never used a pick up line in my life. But just the other night, I was standing in line at the local taco shop, conversing with the cashier about the nice weather we were having, and some dude sitting at a table behind me, told me I would be a good candidate for massage therapy when I was putting salsa into those little plastic containers. REALLY!? How did he come to that conclusion?
A week before that, another dude was in line at the grocery store buying 3 cases of soda pop. The clerk told him that he would have to bluy 4 cases to get the sale price. I commented that he could get a bottle of wine instead and his wife would probably appreciate that more than the soda. He then looked over at me (while still standing in line at the cashier) and said, “Heh heh, your cute! Are you married?” I’ve talked to a million people in line and said friendly things to them about their cart contents or potential recipes, but I’ve never had anyone try to pick me up by simply saying, casually, that he might enjoy wine more than another 12 pack of soda. By the way, my hair was greasy after having not been washed for 2 days and pulled up into a scrunchy. I was not wearing any make up and a pair of sweats and flip flops. When I told him that I was married, he got pissy and said, “Then why did you tell me to buy wine if you weren’t single?” BECAUSE WINE WOULD PROBABLY BE BETTER THAN ANOTHER 12 PACK OF MOUNTAIN DEW, DUDE!
I only ever used it as a joke but… “Grab your coat, you’ve pulled.”
“Hi, how’s it goin?”. It doesn’t sound that bad….but I left out the part where I was totally wasted and my speech was slurred….lol.
A guy once said to me, “Nice shoes, wanna fuck?”
I’ve also gotten the beautiful eyes line a few times. When one guy told me I should get contacts to show off my eyes, I think he got the message pretty quick that he wasn’t gettin’ none. (I love my glasses!)
I have never used a pick up line, but I always wanted to say “Is it hot in here, or is it just you?”
I have never uesd pickup lines.I just clonk them over the head and drag them off by the hair.
I’ve had men making humping motions at me from across the room. I had one guy start running his hand up my leg as he was sitting next to his wife. I don’t understand how some men can be so crude and disgusting and crass and think we’re actually going to be impressed with them.
I don’t think I’ve ever used something that would constitute a pickup line, BUT I just have to post my friend’s, these are so ridiculous.
She was like… fourteen at the time, and she said to this boy she liked, “Have you ever even had a pimple? ‘Cuz your face is perfect.” Later on she told him she had “heard through the grapevine” he was looking for a girlfriend. Oh goodness. XD
A guy actually used the “is your daddy a thief” line on me once. It made me want to laugh in his face!
Guy- “Is your daddy a thief?”
Girl- “No, why?”
Guy- “Because he stole the stars and put them in your eyes.”
O. No, dummy, that’s a super nova so you better leave before you get hurt.
I only use these as jokes, but…
“You know, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d take you out back in the shed and screw you.”
“Hey, was your father a baker? ‘Cause I’m gonna take you out back in the shed and screw you.”
Okay, basically you just take any pick up line and replace the punchline with the whole shed gag..
I work in a Candy Floss shop and the number of unoriginal people who sing 50 cent to me is unbelievable…
For the love of all that is holy ‘No, i do not want to lick your lolipop!’
@Dutchess_III I would never use it seriously, I swear! It just originated out of some lame in-joke!
Do you wanna go halves on a bastard?
“That guy that was at my house. He’s my husband but we aren’t having relations any more”.
Okay, this one is a little cheesy, but actually happened to me… “If you were a pirate, would you want to have a parrot on this shoulder” [male taps your shoulder that is closest to him] “Or this shoulder?” [male throws him arm around your shoulders to tap the one farthest from him, but then eases in until he’s quite close to you]
This line wasn’t really that effective because I couldn’t stop laughing at how obvious it was.
I thought it was really cute, but then very bad at the same time: “If I was an enzyme, I’d be a DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.”
If I told you that you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?
@RareDenver GEE! They should make that into a country and western song!
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