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jonsblond's avatar

Do you make special sleeping arrangements for your young children when they are sick?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) March 27th, 2011

I’ve found it easier to sleep in the same room when my little ones are sick, vomiting, or need medication. I’m sitting on the sofa sleeper now with my daughter, waiting to give her her next dose of antibiotics.

When my sons were younger I would lay a mattress down in the living room, letting them sleep on the mattress, with me on the sofa next to them. They slept better knowing mommy was there, ready with the puke bucket.

Does anyone else do this?

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8 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

My little 5 year old nephew has really never been sick beyond the sniffles. I remember getting really sick, man times, when I was a kid and my mom would always bring in the vaporizer, make sure that my electric blanket was warm enough, make sure that I had a cool compress for my head and leave the door open so she could hear me call her.

Now that I’m an adult, I’ve had to deal with some pretty serious illnesses with my parents and my older brother (open heart surgeries) and some friends who had some common, but unpleasant illnesses.

It’s always good to have a receptable for them to barf into, a glass of water (or a sippy cup if they have a difficult time holding a cup and not spilling it) a nightlight, a bell that they can ring if they need to get your attention (but can’t call out). If there is a problem with not being able to get to the bathroom on time, make sure that you put a plastic mattress cover on the mattress and have a hospital pad on top of the sheet under their bottom. Make sure that you know exactly what meds they need and that YOU dole them out. Don’t leave any meds on the bedside table, for which they might not recall taking. Make sure that they eat a little bit of something (even if it’s just a bite of toast or breakfast bar, or Ensure or broth) even if you have to scold them to eat it. And make sure that you come in regularly to make sure that they drink something (water, decaf tea, broth, juice) and if they have to use the bathroom. Sometimes they do, but they won’t tell you. If you make a habit of taking them to the potty, you are likely to get results. Make sure that the patient is warm enough, but not too hot, by having a sheet and a blanket and ajusting as needed. Sleep with one eye open. Make sure they have their favorite stuffed animal or book and their glasses. Regularly check to see if their pillows are propped up comfortably and see if having a pillow under their knees or one for their side to prop up their arms will make it more comfortable. Make sure that they rinse and spit out some mouthwash each day if they can’t make it to the sink to brush their teeth. If they seem like they are in pain, and their pain meds aren’t helping, massage their backs and their feet and their foreheads and their necks, often. Make sure that the TV remote is within reach and that their chapstick is within reach. You might have to tie a little string around those 2 items so that they don’t fall off the bed and become out of reach. Turn the phone ringer off in their bedroom. Make sure that the curtains are drawn when they need to take a nap. If you have a pet, make sure the pet visits several times a day. And try to keep the noise level in the rest of the house down (don’t use the vacuum or the leaf blower or keep the TV on loud, watch your voice levels when you are talking, put a note on the door not to knock or ring, turn the ringer down on the telephone and be mindful of the kitchen timers (either don’t use them or turn them off immediately).

BBSDTfamily's avatar

Absolutely. Even if my son just has a medium-high fever, I sleep with him because I like to take his temperature every hour and sick kids seem to wake up more and I just want him to know that his mom is right there for him. He needs comforting the most during those nights.

augustlan's avatar

When they were very little, they slept in our bed when they were sick. As they got a little older, they’d sleep on a loveseat we had in our bedroom. Older still, they often sleep downstairs on the couch when they’re sick. Poor babies. :(

cak's avatar

My son has made his own sleeping arrangements. If he’s not throwing up, he gets in bed with us. If he’s throwing up, bucket next to bed and frequent checks. My daughter wanted to be left alone in a cool, quiet room. she takes after me. My son can actually spike a pretty good fever, so wiping him down and keeping him comfortable is his priority.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

For a regular illness, I put my children in my bed, so I can watch over them through the night. If they’re throwing up, I make a thick pallet for both of us on the living room floor, with a few towels draped around them and a small trash can off to the side.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Not at all. We just know that they might be waking us up more often. Generally, if they’re able to sleep, they’ll be put in their cribs. If they’re unable to sleep, Alex or I might lay with them more than usual, just in general, for comfort.

MissAusten's avatar

Yes, but we weren’t as smart as you and let them sleep in our bed. Now I don’t know why we were never smart enough to do what you did so our bed didn’t get puked on. :P

filmfann's avatar

When my kids were sick, they were allowed to sleep in the get-away room (our television room). This was a luxury, as I didn’t want the kids sleeping in front of the TV as a habit.

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