Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Why is it that some people can dance while others can't?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29300points) March 28th, 2011

I wanted so much to dance in high school and college, enjoy it with a girl but I have nothing on a guy with “two left feet” doing it while drunk. Is it genetic?

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15 Answers

12Oaks's avatar

Probably. Same could be said for painting, playing a musical instrument, even writing stuff like poerty or short stories or novels. You ever try singing? I like to say that there’s a reason why some will pay hundreds to hear someone sing or play an instrument, or to watch someone dance. It’s because not everybody could. Same as for sports. Could you throw a ball at 85 MPH? Or hit one going that far? Probably not, but that won’t stop you from enjoying playing the game of baseball. Dance your feet off, and enjoy it!! If someone laughs at you, just laugh along. It seems you realize you suck at it, but won’t let it ruin your fun.

marinelife's avatar

You may never be Fred Astaire, but you can improve with training. Consider taking dance lessons.

Winters's avatar

I can’t anymore because of a break and a few fractures throughout my legs and feet.

Supacase's avatar

Same reason not everyone can sing well – we all have different talents and abilities. Still wish I could sing, though.

dxs's avatar

I can’t dance, mainly because I don’t really like it. I am too reserved.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I have no clue and have often wondered the same thing. If it’s something you enjoy, why not take some dance lessons? You may never achieve greatness, but at least you will get better at something you enjoy.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I think @dxs nailed it, for me. I’m too reserved, and I don’t enjoy it (unless I’m alone.. in which case it is just silliness, not actually dancing.)

tinyfaery's avatar

Some people don’t have rhythm. They can’t hear it and cannot feel it. If you don’t have rhythm then you cannot dance. You can still move around and enjoy yourself. Not everyone knows how to bust a move.

mazingerz88's avatar

@tinyfaery so its either you have it or you don’t, something that can’t be taught?

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m not sure rhythm can be taught. I’ve tried to teach people to hear a rhythm, to no avail.

flutherother's avatar

What @dxs said. It is an activity that does absolutely nothing for me and I rarely do it and never like it. I enjoy watching dancers but I can’t do it myself.

MilkyWay's avatar

It comes naturally to a person…
Everyone is different and I think psychologically it also makes a difference. If you believe you can do it and try hard enough then I am sure you can be a good dancer.
Some people have it naturally and some people get it by practising hard.

faye's avatar

I think it’s booze consumption. At least, I sure think I can dance then.

rooeytoo's avatar

I used to be a fantastic dancer when I drank. Now that I don’t drink anymore, I am not so great!


FluffyChicken's avatar

don’t worry about what your look like. just have fun. that is dancing well.

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