Social Question

Jude's avatar

The loneliest point in your life was when _____?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 28th, 2011

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18 Answers

wilma's avatar

My divorce.

novemberrain's avatar

Probably when i first got my heart broken. I’ve never felt so lonely.
On a non-depressing note, where i am now, i’ve never felt happier

serenityNOW's avatar

Quite honestly… probably right now. My friends are all scattered, I’m moving and my only real interaction is customers in my video-store. My other job, building websites, is very isolated. Going back to school in Sept. will help; I like befriending my fellow students. Also, it’s partly my fault; I’m not good at reaching out. I feel like people write me off, because I’m bipolar – but probably more so, because I rarely pick up the phone.

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DominicX's avatar

Probably when I first went off to college. Even though I had several friends going to the same college, I was not living with my parents for the first time in my life, I knew my life would be completely different from then on, I was living with strangers, etc. I had never been more homesick in my life. I got used to the change, though, and I do not feel lonely at all here anymore. :)

Berserker's avatar

I lived in group homes in most of my teenage life, and when I hit 19, I got booted out the door. People there tried to get me to get ready to find a place, a job, and if the job couldn’t come in time, I was eligible for welfare. Ecxept I was pretty depressed at that point and really didn’t care. So I didn’t do anything to prepare myself. Two months or so after my birthday I got kicked out, and had nowhere to go. So I lived in the street for a little less than a week. I had never been so damn lonely in my whole life lol. First of all you have nothing to do to occupy your mind, ecxept looking ways to find food. I usually hit daily church charity where they feed homeless folk.
Most of the time you have no one to talk with. You just look at people go by, all day long. I was sitting around wishing for someone to sop and talk to me, maybe even try to help, but it just never happened. You walk around all bored feeling sorry for yourself lol. I had this staircase I slept under, but I slept very little, and time went by so slowly. But I was just being immature and retarded, although as I say I was feeling pretty down in that period of my life. I could have gone to my dad’s. I didn’t, and I still don’t quite know why. He saw me hanging around eventually though, and he’s like, boy are you an idiot lol. Went to stay with him then haha. But yeah, I felt really alone during that time, and it sucked.

xjustxxclaudiax's avatar

After my ex broke up our 4 year relationship…I had this weird idea that the military would make life so much better for me, so I dedicated all my time to working out and losing weight…I spent about 5 or 6 months doing so, lost about 40 pounds and didn’t socialize one bit. I was alone until this guy, out of nowhere asked me to go with him and some of our old old friends from high school to the beach….Of course I declined…but he begged until I said yes…..............We have been inseparable ever since.

Jay484's avatar

well when I broke up with my girlfriend for the first time last year (we got back together), and right now i feel very lonely because we got into a fight and i feel like she dose not care for me anymore

Jude's avatar

Mine would be now. Man, do I miss my family.

yankeetooter's avatar

Maybe right now, which is why I enjoy coming on this site and talking. Most of my friends are too wrapped up to spend time with me, my schedule’s insane, and I just can’t find anyone to talk to who wants to have a semi-intelligent conversation. I really like this guy, but am too shy to take it further, and I am just so lonely I can’t stand it…

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I moved with a bf to a state where I had no friends, no family I was close to and no job. My bf became very troubled to the point where it was best to avoid him as much as possible. I had no one to talk to, to confide in and I was feeling very hopeless as to ever having a full life again.

ucme's avatar

I’ve never felt lonely.

augustlan's avatar

While I was enduring my childhood. Being sexually abused for so long, and being told to keep it a secret from anyone outside the family, I just didn’t feel like anyone could understand the life I was living. I had no one to turn to, besides family, and they weren’t much help. At all.

FluffyChicken's avatar

When I was with my ex, and desperately wanted someone else.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I broke up with my boyfriend a few years ago for about 2 months. They were the lonliest days I have ever experienced and I would rather die than go through that kind of pain again.

MilkyWay's avatar

well,being on fluther somehow makes me feel as if I’m not lonely : )
But if I didn’t have fluther right now in my life, then I will say my life feels lonely right now.

yankeetooter's avatar

@queenie : I feel the same way…:( Hang in there!

laineybug's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever felt very lonely, but I hope that all of you that are feeling lonely right now don’t feel lonely any longer.

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