What is making you feel young as opposed to what is making you feel old?
Curiosity as to what excites or stimulates people enough to feel young and what drags them down to feel they have aged, probably beyond what their age truly is, compelled me to ask this question. The two answers may or may not be connected at all. Like I feel young when watching cartoons but feel old when my grandkids watch it with me or I’m like a kid holding a lollipop but being inside a voting booth for the 60th time I’m not…or something like that. Thanks!
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13 Answers
I work with a lot of younger people. They make you feel young. Just being around their chatter and optimism and adventurous spirits.
Feeling Old: Taking much longer to heal. At six, a cut or bruise would heal in a day. Now, it takes much longer.
Feeling Young: Spending time with my SO. We play well together. For example, he has this set of decorative, painted wooden fish in the bathroom on a shelf. One day, I moved them around. The next time I was in there, they had been re-posed and in a different location. We kept this up for about a week without commenting on it. His parents, who were staying with us at the time and sharing the same bathroom, must have thought we had gone a bit loopy.
Feeling old: arthritic pain, not being able to get through cold/flu season without catching it…
Feeling young: our puppy Jade and the absolute joy she gets from playing with one of her stuffies or chasing a ball, laughing my head off with hubby just because :-)
Feeling old: aches, pains, being tired at night and not wanting to go out. Tackling projects seem to be extra hard lately, just not into it.
Feeling young: Listening to new music, heading to the coffee shop to read, trying a new beer at a beer bar where the bartender knows my name, making one of the younger folks at work laugh, having my daughter’s friends ask me to go to dinner with them when she’s not there.
Feeling Young: Knowing I still have a great sense of humor and love to laugh (you know the tears rolling and gut hurting kind). Also my children and grandkids, they keep me going when they are around.
Feeling Old: Not wanting to dress to the nines anymore and not caring:) It also makes me feel old when I look in the mirror and see old age slowly creeping in.
Feeling old: arthritis, pain, wanting to go to bed early.
Feeling young: dancing to music when no one is watching, feeling my hair bounce when I walk, having fun with friends, going barefoot.
Feeling old: Pain. Pain. Grey hair. Did I mention pain?
Feeling young: Laughing with my kids or my friends. Rocking out in the car by myself, stereo blasting. Pillow fights with my husband.
At age 67, I am feeling the pain of 16 previous surgeries to my body. I knew this day would come. The pain and arthritis can really get you down.
On the other hand, I have a great wife that can lift my spirits and put my life back into perspective. She makes me laugh. When I laugh, all the pain just goes away.
Feeling young
My physical condition.
A 2nd marriage with all the best of what I’ve lived and known to share again.
Ideas of new experiences to come like travel and a new career.
Feeling old
Noting “the little kids” are now having babies.
Noting peoples pets I remember have long since died.
Anytime someone my parents’ age dies.
Feeling young– Lack of wisdom, feeling like I need permission to do thing, seeing my friends get married and have children, acting goofy
Feeling old– The stiffness and creaking in my joints, seeing how old some of the kids I knew as a kid are, seeing my friends get married and have children, being in a committed relationship for almost four years now, lack of sex drive >=(
Old is the feeling of wanting to lay in bed after a busy day on the job. And the failing eyesight and hearing and the big prostate and the aches and pains and the prescribed old people medications, farting accidentally,looking at people that I grew up with and thinking they look old ass hell and surmising they see the same thing in me, going to funerals more and well, I can go on for longer than I want to type here.
Young is knowing I can still do the kind of work I do just slower. Seeing the humor in things, farting on purpose. Cruising in our car together and going to Sonic. Going hiking in the mountains with my dog, just slower.
Feeling young; my passions and hobbies. I’ve been into horror movies and video games since 12 or so. In my teenage years I was often told it was a phase, something I’ll grow out of. But at nearly 30, I still haven’t, haha. I don’t really see this going away, either. Some people think it’s weird and immature, but fuck em. A lot of people of all ages like that stuff. ecxept I don’t really meet any. Everyone has houses and cars and kids and I’m all sitting around watching zombie flicks in my room like I was doing 15 years ago when I had no rent to pay haha. It’s a good feeling. (ecxept having to pay the rent)
Feeling old; my health is seriously on a bad road ahead. This is due to other things besides aging, I don’t think I’m at that point yet. Still, when I was younger I did drugs, started smoking at 14, drank lots and still am. This does take a toll on your body, and I feel old when all the setbacks from not looking after myself are starting to kick in. It’s like, dude, this did not happen five years ago. Ow.
I also feel old when I look at teens today and am completely appalled and disgusted by what they wear. I keep this to myself usually, they can dress however they want. You’re not gonna hear a Goth judge others for their fashion sense or appearance. But I still can have my own opinion that modern teen fashion sucks.Even some of the modern Goths make me raise an eyebrow sometimes.
And I don’t like those thoughts at all. It makes me feel old because I remember old people saying that about me when I was a teen. As I get older, am I not supposed to become wiser and more open minded? Ah well.
My kids. For both answers.
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