General Question

choreplay's avatar

What should I wear to a deposition?

Asked by choreplay (6297points) March 29th, 2011

My question has to do with dressing etiquette. I am going to a deposition as an expert witness. I plan on wearing a dark green small hounds tooth print business suit with a dark solid green tie. Does anyone have any suggestions from etiquette or as they say “power position” concern, with what I’m wearing.

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8 Answers

Seelix's avatar

I think that sounds fine. Look professional and you’ll be taken more seriously.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I had depositions last week. I wore dress pants and a nice collared shirt.

marinelife's avatar

That sounds good.

zenvelo's avatar

Are you being video taped? I was recently deposed with both stenographer and video camera. I wore a blue blazer over white short with a blue tie.

choreplay's avatar

@zenvelo, I haven’t been informed I was, so don’t think so.

Kardamom's avatar

As long as you dress conservatively and wear something that a person would wear to a job interview, youu should be fine.

Make sure that your socks, match your pants, or that they are complementary to your pants (don’t wear clashing sock color). Make sure your shoe color is appropriate for your pants. And make sure that your socks are tall enough so that when you sit down, your legs don’t show. Make sure that your shoes are polished and look new (without any worn down heels).

Make sure that when you walk or stand up, you don’t have “Andy Boot” which is what me and my friends refer to when your pant leg ends up down inside your shoe in the back and then your pant leg bunches up. The term is from the Andy Griffith show, who wore boots with his policeman’s uniform and one of his pant legs was always getting caught in the back of his boot. You can sort of see that situation in this photo on Andy’s right leg where the picture is cropped.

Make sure your suit isn’t rumpled (I used to have a big evil boss who always wore rumpled suits that were too short for him and he looked ridiculous). Keep your dress shirt buttoned up to the top and make sure that your tie isn’t loose (or stained). Make sure you don’t have any ring around the collar on your dress shirt.

Make sure your hair is neatly combed (and you don’t have any dandruff) and that you are clean shaven, or trimmed neatly if you have a beard of moustache. Trim the stray hairs out of your nose and your ears if you have to.

Do NOT wear a fanny pack. And clean out your wallet to keep it slim. You don’t want any unsightly bulges in your pockets. Don’t have any tissue or hankies visible in your pockets.

The reason I’m bringing up all of these awful examples is because when I served on jury duty, the lawyer (a public defender) for the accused had all of these problems and seemed to be less than professional because of it.

choreplay's avatar

Thank you all for your advice, excellent. @Kardamom, great list. They should pass the list out at law school, lol. Oh, the shoes are black wing tips, polished.

Kardamom's avatar

@Season_of_Fall Good luck with your deposition : )

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