Are you truthful or agreeable? See details.
Asked by
Facade (
March 29th, 2011
So it’s pretty safe to say that most of us here have very strong opinions. What do you do when those opinions come up in conversation?
Do you state how you truly feel and prepare for a disagreement, or do you just agree with the other person in order to avoid any ill feelings?
My SO and I always get into an argument about this, especially when people ask us why we don’t have have kids or why he is 28 and not yet a father. I, being the person that I am, am glad to tell people to shove it and stop trying to change our minds no matter who’s asking. He on the other hand will go into the whole “one day..we’ll think about it.. blah blah” routine. Drives me mad!!
So back to you guys =) how do you handle situations like that?
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23 Answers
I am bluntly honest in real life. I try my best not to lie…not even socially. Lying is a sin in my religion. Lying by omission is considered lying. I just don’t do it. If someone doesn’t like what I say, oh well. That is not really my issue. That is their issue.
I am an uncomfortable mix of both. I will tell you anything about myself until I figure out that you and I disagree about some basic things, then I will keep my mouth clamped shut to avoid conflict. When I am with some fundamentalist Christian friends and the subjects of gay marriage or abortion come up, I become as silent as the grave. I don’t know if this is necessarily bad, but I think I need to learn more tactful silence and more effective speaking when it comes to my controversial beliefs and opinions of which I have many.
@SpatzieLover That’s my instinct as well, but it’s a very lonely train of thought.
@KatawaGrey I agree, doing that is very uncomfortable. Have you ever had someone ask you directly about some of the things you mentioned? What then?
@Facade In my case, my husband has my back. He “gets it”. I cannot stand liars, nor can I be any part of lying. It goes against my grain.
We plan to have zero more children. I tell people that when they ask. Then if they bring up adoption, I’ll say, “Well if you’ll pay for the adoption fees and the cost to raise the child, I’m in” That usually shuts them right up.
I tell people what they need to know and should know. I tell the truth when it counts and sometimes will withhold a detail or two they may not need or want to know about. I am also not afraid to say MYOFB!
I’m truthful. Not too concerned with anyone thinking I disagree with them. Sometimes I’ll be a little vague, though, if it matters little. So I might say, “so. You don’t like Oprah, huh? hmmmm.” Then they just assume I like her, that we disagree, and that’s fine. Then later on I may hear my friend doesn’t like Oprah just because Oprah likes Obama so much. I just shake my head. I can’t relate.
I actually enjoy saying the opposite what others are saying when they just glare at me. I think it’s funny.
For the sake of peace I almost always keep my mouth shut unless someone makes a statement that is so egregious that I can’t let it pass. If someone is coming at me or at @KatawaGrey in a personal way, I’ll happily rip them a new one, usually in a way that makes sure they will not come back and try again. Cold logic, subtle sarcasm and humiliation are often enough to shut them up. I’ve had to learn the hard way over the years which hills are worth dying on. Most of them are not.
I realize that anyone who disagrees with me is insane and possibly dangerous so I lie.
Truthful. If it’s going to be too uncomfortable, I try to just keep my mouth shut.
Oh you know me. I am all about ladylike agreeableness. LOL.
I am always truthful. I am often disagreeable, but I try to be polite.
I’m kind of a combination of both, but I lean more toward the truthful side, even to the point of being blunt and just downright rude. But hey, at least I know this about myself. :P
Recently, to save my sanity, I walk away from people, or politely hang up the phone, or (here for instance) stop following a thread if I start to feel bitchy. If I can’t be completely truthful without wanting to scratch someone’s eyes out, I do my best to just let it go.
I was like 37 when I became a father for the first time. But I will answer honestly. If someone else decides to challange my position, fine, but it’s not like I am honest so then I must prepare to argue. It may happen that someone will agree with my position on something—may.
I’m not truthful as often as l’d like to be but over time I’ve decided it’s often best not to rumple feathers or hurt feelings if it can be avoided. Like others have mentioned, there are some things worth laying yourself bare for and others where you actually save yourself a lot of trouble by keeping on the down low.
I do not tell them what they want to hear.
@Facade: Oh, gee, that’s a hard one. That’s happened so rarely to me. However, if it’s someone I know really well or someone I respect, I tell them the truth with as little sugar-coating as possible and even less condescension. Usually, we then agree to disagree and move on. However, if someone who barely knows me asks me a questions about a deeply controversial subject, I will tell them exactly what I think just because they deserve what they get if they’re not going to think before they speak.
In a group, if I have an entirely different view, I may just keep quiet. (Depending on the topic, I may also avoid them in the future.) One on one I’m pretty direct, but not interested in arguing. I may pleasantly state that preference. I don’t do well with angry arguments, particularly about things I care very much about. I’m not out to change anybody and am not interested in being changed. I’ve lived long enough to know not to ‘get into it.’ on some sensitive subjects. With my SO, if he voice opinions I don’t agree with in public, I may talk to him later to clarify the issue, but there’s very little we disagree on. Sounds boring, but it’s peaceful. I’d rather spend energy on funny outbursts rather than angry ones.
The vast majority of the time, truthful. I don’t dance around subjects, I don’t sugar-coat what I say. However, if I recognize that being truthful will lead to an argument that will go nowhere most likely, then perhaps I will keep quiet about it.
@faye : That’s a good one isn’t it? Not mine, originally, but it fits so many things so well!
I try to be truthful and sometimes it is to my detriment but I would rather be honest than lie. I try not to be blunt and hurtful but I mostly tell the truth. In saying all that, there are times when I know getting into an argument won’t change the person’s perspective. I can tell they have a closed mind and perhaps are fairly ignorant and aggressive. In those situations I won’t agree with them but if I think things could get out of hand, I will just not discuss the topic.
I tell people to mind their own business when they are being too nosy or rude, but know how to be agreeable when I have to be.
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