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ucme's avatar

Can you remember any of your former teachers first names?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 30th, 2011

I was thinking about this the other day, as you do. I recall loads of my teachers surnames, but only a handful of their first names come to mind. I’m not sure if this is because I didn’t know when I was at school, or that time has just seen them fade from memory. Obviously no names need be given, but I wonder how many first names you can think of. Just playing randoms, that’s all.

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30 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Almost all of them.

ETpro's avatar

Yes, but in my case, that’s inordinately easy. My mom was the only biology teacher in my high school, and on the College Prep curriculum, biology was required. And believe it or not, I still remember her first name. :-)

Mariah's avatar

Umm… Mrs.?

Just kidding, I can think of quite a few! Some I never knew in the first place, though.

Jude's avatar

All, yes.

Crystal, Mary Margaret, Anne, Pam, Wayne, Jim, Pam, Henry (grades 1 through 8).

I got to work with Mary Margaret not long ago.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I remember most of my Russian teachers because we called them by first and last name, as a rule. I don’t remember the first names of any of my middle and high school teachers. I do remember some of my college teachers first names and definitely ones in graduate school.

Supacase's avatar

Several, but not all. Most of them are teachers I really liked or really didn’t.

YoBob's avatar

Very few if any.

Where I went to school teachers were addressed by surname. It would have been considered rude and presumptuous to address them by first name, at least in public, no matter how great a relationship you had with them.

saintDrew's avatar

I recall all of my elementary, Jr. High and high school teacher names.
But now that am in my 2nd semester of college i do not remember
most of my 1st semester professors.

as a matter-a-fact i do not remember the professors name’s from classes I had earlier today
Weird huh?

tedibear's avatar

I remember the first names of some of them, but certainly not all. I think that’s simply because we used “Mr. Whomever” or “Mrs. Whomever,” and not their first names. I can tell you last names of all of them through fifth grade, most of middle school, and all of the important ones in high school.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I remember some of them.
Why do you ask? XD

Scooby's avatar

I can only remember Susan…. My Art & design Teacher…
The reason being the girl I lost my cherry to had the same name :-/ And they both had the same huge smiling blue eyes……

OpryLeigh's avatar

A few. I remember a Walter, Jane, Sue, Beth, Catriona and Nancy!

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Elementary: Susan, Brenda, Crystal, Sherry, Shawn, Chanel, Francesca, Debbie, Jann, Sharon, Vince, Lynn, Dani, Christopher, Claude, Amanda, Christina
Those aren’t all of them, but most

High School (although home schooled): Patricia, Shawn, Rebecca, Amanda, Jacqui, Carmela, Kathryn
so far

12Oaks's avatar

Maybe three. One, I have no idea his first name, but he let us call him G or Mr.G. He may have been one of, oh, two teachers I totally didn’t hate.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Todd, Maryanne, Martha, Susan, Geraldine, Deanna, Jeff, Jeff, Nancy….

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DominicX's avatar

Well, I remember my main teachers’ first names from Kindergarten through 8th:

Debbie, Joan, Maribeth, Sharon, Lisa, Martha, Emily, Susan, William

I had a 6th grade science teacher named Alicia, a 7th grade science teacher named Nancy, and an 8th grade science teacher named Mike. Woodshop teacher’s name was also Mike. And I could probably keep going… :P

@YoBob Teachers were obviously addressed by surname where I went to school too, but their first names were in the directory, class pictures, and Yearbooks…

tranquilsea's avatar

Teachers have first names? lol

I know three: My 4th grade teacher’s name was Irene. My 5th & 6th grade teacher’s name is Janet. She had taught my two older sisters and then went on to teach my younger sisters and we really got to know her well. My grade 11 social studies teacher is Tyler and the only reason I know his first name is because my husband’s parents are very good friends with his parents.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Mr. Beasley (sigh!) His first name was John. I was in seventh grade, and I had a huge crush on him. I didn’t know any of my other teacher’s first names. In those days, you didn’t EVER call your teacher, principal, or school secretary by first names.

downtide's avatar

Only one, and that was only because she was a personal friend of my mum. I don’t think I ever knew the first names of any of the others.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Good question :¬D As I said, I was thinking about my teachers at school & I realised that hardly any of their first names were easily recalled. Gripping stuff huh?

Thanks everyone, good stuff!

Seelix's avatar

Yup, most of them.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme Thank you! I had to know!!

dxs's avatar

I remember every single one from elementary/middle school and highschool so far. Of course, I am still young and it has not been too long, so that must be taken into effect.

Haleth's avatar

Jessica- the art teacher who taught me to draw from observation. Two years of her classes took me from childish scribble-scrabbles to being able to draw pretty much any subject from life. I learned how to stretch a canvas and mix a monochromatic grey in her class, as well as mixing colors accurately by looking for their component parts. She also didn’t mind me and my friends hanging around in her art room during lunch.

Doug- A wonderfully thoughtful, analytical English teacher who really engaged us in the subject. Before his class, I hated doing essays, but he got me all fired up about writing, reading, and literary analysis. He really, really cared about English and literature and once suggested that I should be an English major. He always wore those tweed jackets with leather patches on the sleeves and had a coffeepot going in his classroom. He was a bit of an oddball, but definitely a gentleman and a scholar. I had a bit of a schoolgirl crush on him, now that I think about it.

Dan- This guy was fresh out of college when I had him for algebra. I hated algebra and don’t remember much about his class except that it was always cold in there and he wore these tight little shirts that showed off his nipples. He had a nice bod but the visible nipples didn’t really do it for me. Also, he went to my church, which was super weird.

Melissa- Ostensibly a science teacher, but we spent most of her class watching silly videos like Alec Baldwin hamming it up about the solar system or Bill Nye the Science Guy. She taught us how to do tarot readings and was awesome and goofy.

Miyuki- Studio art teacher in my freshman year. She was a tiny, feisty dynamo who said she was in was in an all-girl biker gang when she was going to high school in Tokyo. She also had a very sweet personality.

Donald- I took his photography class when I was 16. It was a lot of fun in spite of the fact that he was constantly teasing all of us students. He had an endearingly dorky personality. The coolest thing I learned in that class was that you can take a polaroid photo, soak it in warm water, gently remove the top layer and transfer it to watercolor paper. The photo will get all wavy and distorted, which is really neat-looking.

6rant6's avatar

Maime Seversike. 1963. Who could forget that name? Or the triceps that waved at us as she wrote on the blackboard?

bkcunningham's avatar

Yes. I can name nearly all of my former teachers by their first names. Come to think of it, I know the first names of many of the other teachers in the county where I grew-up. I wonder why you would know the first names of teachers when you were in elementary school.

laineybug's avatar

Uhm… I can remember four, but two of them are from this year. My sixth grade science teacher’s name was Gina, my sixth grade history teacher’s name was Glen, my science teacher from this year (eighth grade) and last semester’s name was Charles, but apparently he goes by Chuck, and my history teacher from this year’s name is Dan.

filmfann's avatar

I remember Robert, Basil, and Arlene. The first two incorporated their names into learning lessons (Robert refered to himself as RBM: Robert Bourgoine Machine).
Arlene was a former playboy centerfold, so I remember her name from that.

Bellatrix's avatar

Not really. One or two but that’s it. Oh well… I was probably as memorable to them too.

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