Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Which actors/actresses could star in a movie or tv series as family members?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) March 30th, 2011

Yeah, since they have looks similarity, which actors could easily join in a flick and be siblings, father-son, granny-granddaughter, etc.?
Like, for example: Jim True Frost as Sean Penn’s son?!
Got any?

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8 Answers

theninth's avatar

I’d like to see Alicia Witt on Castle as Castle’s ex-wife and the mother of Alexis.

Seelix's avatar

John and Joan Cusack. Oh, wait…

filmfann's avatar

Cate Blanchett and Jeruba.

6rant6's avatar

Justin Beiber and Charlie Sheen. They play twin fourteen-year-olds. The bad one drags the good one into all kinds of wacky shenanigans including T-P’ing the wrong girl’s house, borrowing dad’s car and driving through a bad neighborhood and ending up in a hotel room with a hooker and a suitcase full of coke. A laugh riot!

mazingerz88's avatar

Lindsay Lohan and ET…just wait…just wait….just…....wait….

ucme's avatar

Seabiscuit as SJP… brainer really.

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