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mazingerz88's avatar

What is the funniest thing your body did?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) March 31st, 2011

Years ago an uncle of mine died and during the wake I fell asleep on a bench with one leg tucked under the other. I woke up, stood and wondered where was my left leg? As people watch with amazement and confusion, I started to wobble, sway and finally topple on the floor! I owed my numbed leg that entertaining impromptu performance.

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56 Answers

ucme's avatar

Dance, not good, not clever but definitely funny to anyone who witnesses the charade.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I jumped from the top stair and hit my head on the overhang and almost knocked myself out.
I was whistling while I did that and it kind of faded away after I smacked my melon XD

erichw1504's avatar

Sometimes, when walking downstairs, I’ll not realize I’m at the bottom and try to go down another step when there isn’t anymore! My legs do some sort of odd bending-type-motion that is only possible when this happens.

creative1's avatar

I was tubing on the lake at my mothers and when the tube hit this big wake and I went flying in the air and I just did this huge flip type thing and a big belly flop my whole family was dying of laughter when I finally came up out of the water. My brother was wishing he had a video camera at the time to tape it.

mazingerz88's avatar

Years ago an uncle of mine died and during the wake I fell asleep on a bench with one leg tucked under the other. I woke up, stood and wondered where was my left leg? As people watch with amazement and confusion, I started to wobble, sway and finally topple on the floor! I owed my numbed leg that entertaining impromptu performance.

janbb's avatar

Have wonderful babies.

Taciturnu's avatar

@erichw1504 I so know what you’re talking about.

mazingerz88's avatar

Not making in time to the toilet after binge drinking!

mazingerz88's avatar

Having premature e_______tion before I even got to the bed in high school! Or was that in college?

mazingerz88's avatar

@erichw1504 yes my body part’s emotion got ahead of him…

erichw1504's avatar

@mazingerz88 That’s what I thought.

creative1's avatar

sometimes one hand types faster than the other, even though I think of how to spell things correctly I look up and everything is all totally weird.

mazingerz88's avatar

@creative1 ever seen the movie Idle Hands? Beware.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

It keeps giving me spontaneous boners.
HAHAHA, you are hilarious, body! I don’t know what I would do without you!

erichw1504's avatar

Not only does @Michael_Huntington get morning wood, but also afternoon wood, evening wood, and night wood.

erichw1504's avatar

Grew from 16 to 67 inches.

janbb's avatar

@erichw1504 Was that in reference to your previous comments about @Michael_Huntington ?

creative1's avatar

@mazingerz88 No but I guess I got a movie to watch now to see what your talking about

creative1's avatar

@Michael_Huntington OMG you are too too funny that is a great one!!!!

erichw1504's avatar

@janbb Well… you would know.

KateTheGreat's avatar

My stomach made a whale noise during an opera concert. The stage mics actually picked it up too. Hahahaha.

mazingerz88's avatar

@erichw1504 oh yeah but what about mid morning wood, noon wood, mid afternoon wood, mid evening wood, pre and post urination wood?

erichw1504's avatar

@mazingerz88 Nope, only the wood I mentioned.

Supacase's avatar

@mazingerz88 I was sitting in my desk that way in 3rd grade while waiting for the final bell. It rang, I stood up… and fell down just like you did.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Supacase yes! I’m not alone! Thank you.

One time I was cleaning the fridge and saw small drops of blood on the floor. It took a while before I figured it was from my own toe which hit something hard and started bleeding.

erichw1504's avatar

One time, I had a bruise that changed from dark blue to blue to olive green to green to neon green to off yellow to yellow to light brown.

It was ‘mazing!

Joker94's avatar

Gives me boners in class for no conceivable reason…

Or when it makes sure there’s always a few drops that land in my pants whenever I use a public restroom.

laineybug's avatar

One time I jumped to the floor from three stairs up on my staircase and I landed well on one leg, not so well on the other. Something weird happened in my knee and I just fell over for absolutely no reason. I was perfectly fine and it was hilarious.

Cruiser's avatar

The video of me kicking my own ass as I wiped out water skiing and tearing my hamstring in half was pretty memorable….so I am told. :(

MilkyWay's avatar

I think I posted this somewhere else before but here it is:
I once went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Our house was being redecorated and the only furniture was the dining table and chairs.Now I have this habit of always sitting down to drink anything and so, I went and sat on the chair…only there wasn’t one.
It was just the skeleton there and someone had taken out the seat.Imagine my surprise when my arse went through and touched the floor!
I was stuck and drenched and had to call someone from upstairs to help me out.My sister said my legs waving about was just about the funniest thing she’s seen so far.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Cruiser Oh no! I hope it wasn’t too sore.

Cruiser's avatar

@queenie Still is…Doc says it will haunt me my whole life.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m sorry to hear that,but hey, you have got a Great personality to make up for it!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Sleep paralysis. More like weird-funny, not so much haha-funny.

DominicX's avatar

I thought of “random boners” first as well, but it’s not funny, it’s annoying as fuck :\ I can think of some more X-rated things, but I won’t go there…

I guess there was that one time I had a spasm of some sort and ended up dropping a plate of food on the ground. Wait, that was just angering…lol. My body’s quirks are generally not too funny. :P

faye's avatar

When I was vegetarian, I burped after eating and a puff of smoke came out of my mouth. It was only the one time.

janbb's avatar

@faye Are you really a dragon? Have you been holding out on us?

blueiiznh's avatar

I have certain body parts affected by Wumbo
Its freaky stuff…;)

faye's avatar

Aw, wouldn’t that be grand? Flying and eating.

mazingerz88's avatar

@faye Dont forget the bib.

XOIIO's avatar

@erichw1504 I always do that XD

cazzie's avatar

My astigmatism is so bad now that walking down stairs is a challenge and I unfairly look drunk when I’m not. I don’t mind looking drunk when I am, but fair is fair.

But the really oddest thing is being pregnant and having a baby. It’s the most unreal, but real and natural thing, so knowing that it’s completely normal, made all the odd feelings even more surreal. You know there is going to be a whole new person, but they’re still inside you, wriggling around, kicking at you, pressing your cervix, pressing on your bladder. I’d imagine having pictures of him up on the wall when he’s big and that would make me laugh out loud, because he was just little thing inside, making me pee all the time. Funny womb.

And breastfeeding? That is weird. Automatic superpower. I’d laugh out loud when I expressed milk, watching my breasts fill up little bottles of actual MILK! that would feed and nourish my little man. Funny, funny boobs.

I made a complete, funny, smart, healthy human being and I look at him every day in absolute awe.

erichw1504's avatar

@queenie I would have paid a large some of money to have seen that!

Judi's avatar

One time I had an awful cold. I blew my nose and when I pulled the tissue away it kept pulling a giant thick snot out. I could feel it pulling from my sinuses. After I pulled it out my cold was instantly gone.

erichw1504's avatar

@Judi Haha! That is wonderfully disgusting, yet intriguing.

erichw1504's avatar

@queenie Because I bet it was extremely hilarious. Definitely would have left you stuck there for at least a minute. Give me enough time to grab my camera.

cazzie's avatar

@Judi That must have felt sooooo satisfying! Ugggh… I hate that pressure in my nose and face when I have a cold and full of snot. I’m going to think of that now, every time I get a bad cold and stuffed up.

XOIIO's avatar

@Judi I’ve sneezed and done that. >_<

erichw1504's avatar

Burped out of nowhere, “BRRAAAAAAHHHP!”

augustlan's avatar

Chest cracking and giggle farts.

blueiiznh's avatar

(NSFW answer) I am suprised nobody mentioned the ever funny queef that would occur with a past girlfriend.

Nullo's avatar

Walked right into an open door once, edge-on. And as luck would have it, I was leaving a room full of people.

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