Meta Question

MilkyWay's avatar

What happens if your account gets suspended?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) April 1st, 2011

I have no idea, so information would be appreciated.
Will you lose all your love? For how long will it last?

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30 Answers

blueiiznh's avatar

@queenie “What’chu talkin’ about, Willis?”.

Jude's avatar

You have to get down to the ground, and shine up Augustlan’s boots, then take a couple of lashings with her whip.


blueiiznh's avatar

@Jude I am down for that. ooops never mind..

ucme's avatar

Ooh I know… we get a lollipop?

erichw1504's avatar

Don’t care about losing all my love, baby. But if I lost my lurve, then that’s another story all in itself.

Seriously though, I’ve never been suspended, so I don’t know what happens.

syz's avatar

Users who are not playing by the rules are usually given a gentle warning (or two, or three) via pm. If they continue to flaunt the rules, they are given a formal warning. Continued failure to live up to the standards of the community can result in a suspension, effectively a temporary ban (usually two weeks). A suspension is a cooling off period, a time for reflection. If the user, during their time away from Fluther, decides that they can abide by the rules and wishes to return, they send Augustlan an e-mail requesting reinstatement, and their account is re-opened pretty much as it was before the suspension. If they don’t want to return, then we wish them no ill – we hope they find what they’re looking for, a site that suits their needs. And (except for a very few exceptions), we are saddened by their leaving.

No one wants to suspend or ban users. That’s not what we’re here for. But if you think about what first attracted you to Fluther, I would venture a guess that a lot of what made you decide to stay was the smart, clean, helpful dialogue. By maintaining a certain level of quality (grammar, spelling, crediting sources, courtesy, differing views and opinions expressed without personal attacks and flame wars), we separate ourselves from so many of the other Q&A sites out there.

It’s “give and take”: if you want a stranger to give you a serious, thoughtful, well researched, helpful answer to your question or problem, shouldn’t you be willing to put enough effort into your question to type it properly? Likewise, if someone has posted a question that they need help with, shouldn’t you give them your best effort? You are, after all, putting yourself out there as someone who has some expertise or knowledge that’s helpful (an “expert”), and tossing out an answer with no capitalization, spelling errors, and poor grammar doesn’t help with your credibility.

Decisions like these are discussed by the mods as a team, and input from the user is also considered. Non-native English speakers, people with broken arms, other extenuating circumstances; these are all taken into consideration.

We’ve all seen the new users who come in and decide that they don’t need no stinkin’ rules, that they’re smarter that that, better than that, and they start posting inflammatory questions about censorship and Nazi mods. And the community does a fantastic job of explaining just why the rules exist, promptly bursting their attention-seeking ego-bubbles (which we lurve you guys for!). But if you think about it, it’s just a matter of degree.

Sure, we all make the occasional typo. And that’s not what we’re talking about – we’re looking at long term trends, consistent errors, and multiple flagging by other users. We’re looking at users who know what the problem is and have decided, for whatever reason, that that particular rule doesn’t apply to them. We’re want everyone to love and respect this site, and respect the other users, and we want to be fair. The only way we know to do that is to treat everyone equally, and ask that everyone contribute their best to this site that we care so much about.

Climbing down off soapbox now.

janbb's avatar

@syz Fantastic explanation!

Coloma's avatar

I was suspended for 2 weeks awhile back for my tendancy to go off topic in General and for an innappropriate remark I believe.

I took my lumps and have been paying attention, to the best of my ability.
So far, so good. ;-)

I realized that other than my Fluther suspension I had not been in trouble since 2nd grade when a food fighting bully in the school cafeteria forced me to spit milk in his face through my straw.

Of course the lunch room monitor only saw MY delinquent act of aggression and the pea slinging brat that provoked me escaped detection. lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@queenie You get banished to England for the length of your sentence.

erichw1504's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That would be horrible.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@erichw1504 Why do you think so many quake in fear at the very thought?

Coloma's avatar

I volunteer to offer house arrest at my place.
Your punishment shall be scraping goose poo off my barn walls and serving me happy brownies in the hot tub. haha

erichw1504's avatar

@Coloma That’s considered a punishment?!

flutherother's avatar

@Coloma Your punishment is to be banned from the hot tub for one week.

Coloma's avatar

No, noooo! I need my theraputic interventions.
Brownies and bubbles, are a MUST have for ultimate stress reduction and longevity. lol

How ‘bout I make the sandwiches for a week?

flutherother's avatar

@Coloma I can hear the fear in your voice. OK sandwiches it is, wouldn’t want you to get stressed lol.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Coloma But you have to make them only for bob_.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe….I already live in England lol. It’s a wonderful place, if you know where to look : )

YARNLADY's avatar

Loose your lurve? Oh, heaven forbid.

augustlan's avatar

The only reason we ever take away lurve is if someone has gamed the system, and given themselves unearned lurve. Otherwise, we leave your lurve alone. :)

ucme's avatar

@queenie You tell the old goat XD

MilkyWay's avatar

@ucme Right on, fellow Briton! : D

ucme's avatar

@queenie Jolly good show :¬)

MilkyWay's avatar

Quite right old bean, us Britons are very proud of our heritage… very cricket, if I do say so myself, what what.

ucme's avatar

How delightful, you are indeed well named maaam XD

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Queenie. I knew exactly where you lived.:)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@queenie Mum. Who else uses that term?

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I do, and I know what you mean, you secretive sneak! ; P

erichw1504's avatar

From @augustlan: “The only reason we ever take away lurve is if someone has gamed the system, and given themselves unearned lurve.”

Yeah, so don’t create a second account and give your primary account lurve from that account. Just not cool… not cool.

I found out the hard way…

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