If given the chance to create a title for a Harry Potter book, yours will be Harry Potter and-?
Book titles unto itself are a source of excitement and intrigue, imagination and propaganda. For those who are fans and those who are not yet have fair inklings of the Harry Potter series…any thoughts?
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158 Answers
Harry Potter and the Naughty Invisibility Cloak User.
Harry Potter and the Magic Circle
Harry Potter and the Raging Inferno of Puberty.
Harry Potter and the Mid-Life Crisis.
In this rollicking story, Harry realizes that all the magic in the world won’t work on andropause (male menopause), a receding hairline, and a growing mid-section—- so he decides to buy a red Lamborghini and troll the bars of London looking for young 20 year old women who are still impressed with the fact that he was once a Wizard in training…..unfortunately, he can’t find one who can spell much less understand a complicated incantation. He finally tires of questions like, “So, like…so….like…could you conjure me up some of them fancy shoes with the red soles…like…like… Victoria Beckham wears?” and retires to Mallorca where he opens a tapas bar called “Harry Potter and the Pisto Manchego.”
Harry Potter and the Broken Hip of Doom (60 Years Later)
Harry Potter & the forty thieves……. :-/
Harry Potter and the Trouble with Toddlers
Harry and Ginny are parents of twins that take after their uncles Fred and George.
Harry Potter and the waking from his coma back into the real world
followed by:
Harry Potter and the Insane Asylum
Harry Potter and the Alternate Dimension: Meet Parry Hotter
Harry Potter and the Next Book Banned From My House
Harry Potter and the Umm… Oh Yea, Magical Bong
Harry Potter and the Sex Magick.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Bone.
Harry Potter and the Four Inch Cleavage.
Harry Potter and the Handing Over of his Nude Role in Equus to Severus Snape. ; – p
Wouldn’t you grownups rather see Alan Rickman Naked?
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Lesbians.
@12Oaks Does that mean that Harry Potter is banned from your house? I’m confused.
Harry Potter and the Wand That Compensates for Something
Harry Potter and the Case of the Missing Pubes
Harry Potter and the Lord of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Harry Potter and the Unfortunate Rash on Prom Night
Harry Potter and the Doomed To Stay Short Wand Because It’s British ( sorry just a joke )
Harry Potter and the Explosion in His Pants
Harry Potter and the Tiger’s Blood of Charlie Sheen
Hairy Porker & the Prisoner of Ass Cabin
Hairy Porker Made the Philosopher Moan
Harry Potter and the Half-Naked Princess
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Moonshine
Harry potter & the revenge of the Sith……. :-/
Harry Potter and the Shawshank Redemption
Harry Potter and Harry Potter
Harry Potter meets Space balls the movie…………. :-/
Harry Potter and the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Harry Potter & the Clash of the Titans Y-fronts…… :-/
Harry Potter and the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Harry Potter Meets His Maker (and thus puts an end to the series).
Harry Potter & the potters wheel of turmoil & slumped vases…….. :-/
Starring, Clay Mould….....
Harry Potter and Hermoine in Bed.
Harry Potter and the Great Depression
Visit an alternate view of the Potter story where the harsh living conditions with his uncle and aunt lead him into delinquency and depression as he enters Hogwarts. Instead of playing Quidditch and solving mysteries, Potter skips class to go get drunk with Hagrid. Events take a turn for the worse when Potter forms an alliance with those Dementor things.
Harry Potter and the Missing Editor.
Oh my god does that woman need an editor.
Harry Potter and the Warehouse full of Scrap Paper Assaulted with Text.
Harry Potter and The End Is Nigh…
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretions
As an aside here, I was once giving a class of third graders a tour of an historic home.
I had showed them and talked about, the “chamber pot” in the downstairs bedroom. When we got upstairs to another bedroom I pointed to the chamber pot in that room and asked them if anyone remembered what it was called.
One excited boy raised his hand and blurted out in a very loud voice, “the chamber pot of secrets!”
What @mazingerz88 said, reminded me of that.
Harry Potter and the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.
Harry Potter and the Toxic Avengers
Harry Potter and the Chocolate Factory
Harry Potter and the Knights Who Say “Ni!”
Harry Potter and the Pimple of Death
Harry Potter and the Missing TPS Report
Harry Potter and Borat in Fantasia
Harry Potter and the Boat that Needed to be Bigger
@Symbeline Which one? The lesbians or the pimple? :P
I was thinking the pimple, but now that you mention it…both. :D
Harry Potter and the Amazing Threeway with Ron and Hermione
Harry Potter and the Temple of Doom
Harry Potter and the Neverending Maze
Harry Potter and the Man with the Golden Gun
Harry Potter and His Glasses
Harry Potter and the Revenge of the Sith
Harry Potter and The Lost Driving License
Harry Potter and the Broken Condom
Harry Potter and the Unexpected Pregnancy
Harry Potter and the Sleepless Nights with Harry Potter, Jr.
Harry Potter and the Fluther Question About Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Responses to the Fluther Question About Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Quest To Have The Most Number of Answers Given to A Fluther Question About Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Longest Harry Potter Novel Title in the Existence of all the Harry Potter Novel Titles Combined in the History of Mankind
Harry Potter and the Everlasting Itch
Harry Potter and Rettop Yrrah
enilyrotS sdrawkcaB eht dna rettoP yrraH
( below this sentence is the invisible answer to the question, inside an invisibility cloak )
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Alcatraz
Hary pottr ‘n the questionabl grammer errorz.
Harry Potter and Ten Thousand Flaming, Sentient Dildos From Hell
It’s a grindhouse film.
Harry Potter and Harry the Second Son of the late Lady Diana and Brother to William Who Is About to Marry Kate Middleton
Harry Potter and The Array Of Nonsensical Answers On Fluther
Harry Potter and His Asking Hagrid If He Called Jenny Yet To Remind The Big Guy Of His Need To Diet
Harry Potter and the Obtuse Triangle
Harry Potter and the Technicolor Dreamcoat
Harry Potter and the Breaking Dawn
Harry Potter and The Sparkling Vampire…? 0_0
Buy the complete set:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Bone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Lesbians
Harry Potter and the Hawt Prisoner of Alcatraz
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Tequila
Harry Potter and the Orders of the Dominatrix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Hooker
Harry Potter and the Deathly STD
Harry Potter and the Last Chicken Wing
Harry Potter and His Empty Stomach
Harry Potter and the Socks Worn with Sandals
@erichw1504 What is it with you and socks and sandals?
Harry Potter and The Fashion Police
Harry Potter and the Magic Dollar Loaded Turban of Gaddafi
Harry Potter and the Trip to Walmart.
Harry Potter and the One Who Farted That Shall Not Be Named
Harry Potter and the Wet Bed
Harry Potter and the Love Potion That Wore Off After 10 Years Of Marriage
Harry Potter and the Hangover Part III
Harry Potter and the Aging Spell Cast Upon Him Turning Him Into Zach Galiafinakis
Harry Potter and the Two Funny Idiots
Harry Potter and the Flutherian Who Keeps Laughing At The Two Funny Idiots
Harry Potter and the Two Funny Idiots Who Keep Making The Flutherian Laugh
Harry Potter and What Did I Just Say?
Harry Potter and the Wand He Named Yucky After Hagrid Used It As Toothpick
Harry Potter and the Everlasting Gobstopper.
Harry Potter and Peter Rabbit
Harry Potter and the Long Ride Home After Losing a Quidditch Match to the Lowest Seeded Team.
Harry Potter and the Annoying Lizard Who Keeps Telling Him 15 Minutes Could Save Him Money By Switching To Geico
Harry Potter and the Phone that E.T. Used to Call Home
Harry Potter and the Sexual Harassment Charge After Gifting Hermione With A Vibrating Broomstick
Harry Potter and the Popsicles in Herbert’s basement.
Harry Potter and the Unruly Pygmy Puff
Harry Potter and the Adjustment Bureau
Harry Potter and Red Riding Hood
Harry Potter and the Order of Chinese Food Delivery Drivers
Harry Potter and the Half-Witted Foes
An eleven year old boy outsmarted you. Go home and rethink your life :P
Yeah lol. It’s even more ridiculous when you’re like, you know, eternal.
Harry Potter and the Time He Tripped and Fell and it was Really Funny and Stuff
Harry Potter and the Lively British Hullos!
Harry Potter and His Trip To Hell
Harry Potter and the Drunk and Vulnerable Girl
Harry Potter and The Gallbladder’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Trip To The Strip Club
Harry Potter and the Bitch that Wouldn’t Stay in the Kitchen
Harry Potter and the Same Bitch that Got Herself Pregnant
Harry Potter and the Child That Wasn’t His
Harry Potter and the Messy Break Up
Harry Potter and the Time When He Laughed His Fat Arse Off And Had To Get It Put On Again.
Harry Potter and the Massive Alimony Checks
Harry Potter and the Magical wand of Merlin
I don’t know xD
Harry Potter and the Overstuffed Turkey
Harry Potter and the Occupy Voldemort’s Bathroom Movement
Harry Potter and the Trip to Walmart on Black Friday
Harry Potter and the Curse of Hogwarth’s Trillion Euro Deficit
Harry Potter and the Quidditch Season That Almost Didn’t Happen
Harry Potter Breaks Bella
Harry Potter and the Dark Robed Quidditch Coach Pedophiles
Harry Potter’s Wild Weed Weekend.
Harry Potter and the Long Game of Pocket Pool
Harry Potter Comes Out of the Closet
Harry Potter and the 999 Strange Cases of Cain
Harry Potter and the Naked Hermoine
Harry Potter and the Diabolical Ghost of Dobby Humping His Leg
Harry Potter and the Scary Otter
Harry Potter and the Pottery Store
Harry Potter and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Harry Potter and the Hairy Potter that Made Him a Hairy Pot
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