I don’t change much at all actually, but there are two reasons for this. One, I’ve been drinking every single day for nearly two years, probably more than most of you can handle haha, and two, I drink on my own. So I really have no one to let me know if I’m all different and shit, other than my roommate. But I’m a drunk in my room, she’s a stoner in hers. We don’t communicate so much. Sometimes, but not that much.
Back when I didn’t have a drinking problem, I got all hyper, really talkative and silly, started making no sense, to eventually puke and pass out. (along with the famous ’‘I’m never drinking again’’ bit and not following through haha)
These days though, it’s not like that. My roommate sees me when I’m drunk yeah, and she’s pretty much the only person who can asses what I’m like when intoxicated. Besides slurring, loosing my balance a bit and being more emotional and open than I usually am, she says that whatever comes out of my mouth isn’t much different than when I’m not drunk. It’s just long winded, and comes out in different ways, but as far as she can tell, it’s all the same, really. While I may express myself more, whether it’s true or weather it’s bullshit but me thinking it’s true, nothing else really changes.
It’s hard to say though, because in my head it feels soooo different when I’m drunk. But I guess it doesn’t show very much. Also when I’m drinking I’m not a fan of physical activity (nor am I when sober but…) so no real chance of me being all violent, horny or hyper or nothing.)
Also I’m drunk right now lol, so for those of you who know me a bit, do I seem different, does my demeanor seem to differ? I guess online really isn’t the same thing though, might be hard to tell.
But nah I don’t change much, nor do my moods, I just get a bit more intense and retarded about stuff more then when sober. :D After all, alcohol pretty much just mutates what I usually am. To my understanding anyways.