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mazingerz88's avatar

What would your self-designed Air, Land and Sea fantasy vehicle be made of?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) April 1st, 2011

Feel free to use any REAL or FANTASY material there is out there, even live creatures like animals and plants could pilot it if you want. All to build your imaginary but unique vehicle that can fly, travel by land and water. If you could name your ship, perfect!

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11 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

Whatever this fantasy vehicle is, I want it made out of some type of see through material. All the better if its a air or sea vehicle.

mazingerz88's avatar

@uberbatman You are the expert in coming up with these kinds of vehicles with your Wayne Corp.!

FluffyChicken's avatar

Fire, so I’d have all the elements under my control! mwahaha!

jerv's avatar

Given the way I treat cars, I think some Adamantium might be wise, especially in the transmission, though I think I would probably want Vibranium for the body panels to deal with wind buffeting and waves. I could get away with mere transparent aluminum for the windows/canopy. And it would have to be “living metal”; little nanites running around repairing everything that scratches, rusts, dents, or whatever.

While “liquid metal” (think Terminator 2) may be more versatile, it isn’t very tough and I could probably find a way to bludgeon a puddle of metal beyond repair, so I would rather have something tough with self-repair capability.

downtide's avatar

Mine would be steampunk-style and although it would look like steel it would actually be made of admantium (with brass trimmings). It would resemble Captain Nemo’s “Nautilus” and would have retractable parts; wheels, wings, propeller etc) to allow it to travel in the various modes. It would be sufficiently strong to allow for the pressure of deep-sea diving.

I would name it the “Jules Verne”, of course.

PhiNotPi's avatar

It would have to be made of almost nothing. The walls and hull will be forcefields, and many things onboard will be either holograms or some sort of cold plasma in a controlled magnetic field, so that they can be reshaped when needed. I would name it the “Metapseud,” from meta, meaning form/shape, and pseudo, meaning false, because it would never have a defined shape and most parts of it aren’t actually made of matter.

mazingerz88's avatar

Can’t think of anything original right now but that alien ship from the movie THE LAST NAVIGATOR still excites me after all these years!

12Oaks's avatar

Steel. Love steel! And I’d make sure it had an internal combustion engine that runs on good old clean burning oil based gasoline. I’d also design it to be inefficient in fuel consumption and burn a lot more than necessary, just because I could. The heavier the better, and I want it LOUD!!!

blueiiznh's avatar

I would make mine out of marshmallows.
Shock absorbing
Slight sweet aroma
Never go hungry
Wonderfuly aerodynamic
Squeezes into any parking place
Perfect material for when I get hungry or get in tight traffic with chocolate and graham cracker vehicles.
I could go on forever…...................

dabbler's avatar

I would grow it in a pond out back
3-D printed growing from the surface downward. The lily pads are obliging to deposit the correct materials in the correct spots. The final structural members are actually one piece of strategically grained carbon fiber. The hardest part might be keeping the flagellate that make the buckytubes for data and control circuitry from evaporating.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Plasma with temporal transphased inter-coolers with gold pressed Latium connectors.

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