Sometimes do girls/women shave their face?
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April 2nd, 2011
Oppinion question for girls/women
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14 Answers
I knew a woman who did because she had so many stiff hairs on her chin she didn’t always have time to pull them.
She hated it.
My mom used to. The problem is that the hair follicle is thinner in the end. If you shave you get the thicker stubble that shows up more.
When I was in my 20’s I had one hair on my chin that I had to pluck.
Now that I’m 50, I keep my waxing girl in business.
My mother used to say she was a victim of gravity. Her eyebrows kept falling out and growing on her chin.
I had a friend about 15 years ago who got really heavy and one day I noticed razor stubble on her chin. It was shocking to see, and in time she admitted it. She started getting electrolysis. I think she should have gone to the doctor because to me, the amount of hair she had and being only about 30 at the time, indicated a hormone problem (maybe due to her weight). She lost the weight and maybe due to the weight loss, or maybe due to the electrolysis, I don’t know but the hair problem went away.
Many women use depilatory creams.
I wax my eyebrows once a month, and occasionally wax the peach fuzz from my upper lip.
I get my eyebrows threaded. I used to get them waxed, but threading seems more precise to me. The person doing it can see what they do as they do it.
@snowberry I would use your mom’s saying except that I’m now growing Andy Rooney eyebrows so have to reign them in, too.
Some women do, out of a desire to blend in and be socially acceptable.
A friend of mine dated a girl who had very dark hair, and a hint of a tash, she shaved it once and when he kissed her he said it was all stubbly, he promptly ended the relationship. You just can’t date a girl with more stubble than you.
only those who are really self consious and/or afraid/ embarassed by plucking or waxing
probably extremely rare for a woman to “shave” her face in the same overall coverage way men typically do but it’s probably more common than we realize for women to do a bit of touch up here and there. Several women I know do.
I have a tad more testosterone than I should. My hands are actually formed like a man’s hands, with the ring fingers longer than the pointing finger. I never had much facial hair when I was younger, but in my late 30’s and now in my mid 40’s I’m noticing more persistent hairs that I pluck. I don’t think I would ever shave. I don’t even like shaving my legs and instead prefer to epilady them infrequently.
Not that I know of but I think if they do, they pretty much keep it to themselves. Most woman wax and/or thread, but generally dont have facial hair
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