Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What are things you would not want to say in your sleep?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) April 2nd, 2011

I heard of a guy who made some money when his wife wrote down the weirdest funny things he said in his sleep and put them in t-shirts. Now i’m wondering about if secrets dark and deep could actually surface inadvertently through sleep utterances.

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20 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Someone’s name other than my husband’s.

12Oaks's avatar

I regret that a lack of formal education has held me back.

I just hate lying, even in a deep sleep.

MilkyWay's avatar

I would hate to say fuc£ me just in case my mum walks in to check on me.
Yes she does that even though I’m not a child anymore. Cringe

philosopher's avatar

My real feelings about people that I keep to myself.
Only my husband would here but I try to be kind. LOL

jca's avatar

“Fuck me, ________” with someone’s name other than the person I’m in bed with.

creative1's avatar

Start yelling FIRE when it was only a dream about one…. Get everyone worked up for nothing

rebbel's avatar

“No, believe me, my girlfriend is really okay with me having a one-night stand…”

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john65pennington's avatar

“Donna, I can’t take your photograph. I have no place to hide it, that my wife will not find it. And, quit texting me… much”.

Divorce Court coming up!

Dr_Dredd's avatar

“The body is hidden in the back yard.”

mazingerz88's avatar

Thanks Betty I enjoyed that.

( Betty’s a sheep in the farm )

yankeetooter's avatar

I live alone, so it wouldn’t matter…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

When it comes to saying names other than my husband’s, I’m sure I’ve said something about “Johnny” (Depp) or “Viggo” (Mortenson), but my hubby hasn’t said anything, haha.

flutherother's avatar

Wake me up.

ucme's avatar

Oh Roger, you’re so big & manly! Do it to me some more you wild crazy animal!!

Cruiser's avatar

Oh @ucme you’re so big & manly! Do it to me some more you wild crazy animal!!

ucme's avatar

Woger, is that you? I wuv you Woger!! This shit has now truly gotten surreal.

Cruiser's avatar

Surreal barely scratches the surface…did I just say scratch??

ucme's avatar

Doh, you big gormless halfwit XD

Berserker's avatar

Eh, I denno. I’d be interested to know what I say in my sleep though.

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