How do you know if he likes you?
I have been talking to this guy for a long time and it is like we text every night. He doesn’t go to my school but we live near each other (I don’t know if this is relevant). Although we never really talk on the phone. When we text he always calls me babe or honey or beautiful or cutie. I am not very good at telling if he is flirting or just playing around but i flirt with him.
The other day, my friend took my phone (by the way my friend is a guy) while I was texting him. My friend was talking to him and when I went through the messages the guy I like talks completely different to my friend than with me.
Is he flirting; does he like me?
Please help and if you need any more info on the situation just ask and I will try to help you help me.
Thank you!
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10 Answers
First of all, of course he’s going to talk differently to a guy than to you. Is he really going to call a guy friend “babe”? No.
It sounds to me that he’s interested in you. Go out for a coffee and see what happens.
@Seelix I know that he wouldn’t say that i mean that he types differently like instead of saying what’s up (like he says to me) to my friend he says whadup
I think there is a chance this guy could like you by the way he calls you beautiful. That’s a big compliment, so there must be some kind of romantic feelings behind the compliments for him to call you them. He clearly finds you attractive by calling you beautiful and cutie. If he responds well to your flirting, then I think this means he likes you. And also, if he talks differently to you than to other people then this could mean he favours you over others, and could be interested in you not only for your looks but for your personality too. Take a chance and just ask him, that’s what only way you’re going to get some real answers. And if he doesn’t feel that way, then at least you’ve still got a good friend, and there’s plenty more fish in the sea.
@lookingglassx3 but if I ask him and he doesn’t feel the same way what if it makes our friendship awkward
@Quinnk123 You don’t necessarily have to ask him outright if he likes you. Maybe you could get your friend to do it, perhaps jokingly, or just ask him out on a date. It doesn’t have to be a romantic date, maybe just as friends, but see where things go from there. It could become a regular thing or it could become romantic.
That’s what I was thinking too, @lookingglassx3. Ask him out for coffee, and if it turns out that he isn’t interested in dating you, that’s something that you can deal with as it happens. You have to take chances in life – maybe he’s so shy that your making the first move is the only way you’ll find out that he likes you.
@Seelix Yep, the date doesn’t necessarily have to be anything deeper than just a drink out and a chat. Your question is answered, even if it may not be the one you’re looking for, and you get to spend time with him. I think it’s a win-win situation. xD
Probably he likes you. But you will never know unless it progresses past texting.
How about texting him the next time he is flirting and asking him to meet your for coffee (or a soda)?
Invite him over. If he comes, he like you. If he doesn’t, he’s just passing time.
I agree with everything said here but I would add, some guys seem to call all females, babe, beautiful, gorgeous etc. So, the question is, how is he with other females? If he routinely comes on with that routine, then he may be interested in you but whether you want to be involved with him might be another thing. Really all depends on his personality. How is he when he is with you in person and around other girls?
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