NSFW - How do you feel about naked females on calendars?
Asked by
rooeytoo (
April 2nd, 2011
I made a sales call earlier this week to a welding shop. It is an all male workplace. The walls were covered with photos of naked females, many in lewd poses. I acted professionally and ignored them. I do feel it made it more difficult for me to be taken seriously as an equal human being when surrounded by photos of assorted female body parts. What are your feelings about the women who pose and the men who surround themselves with the pics?
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61 Answers
Filling your premises with nude calendars: Tasteless, rude and offensive.
You are getting paid to not care one way or another. Just make the sale and get on with your day. Naked welders on the other hand IMO are a real problem….
I don’t care about naked women on anything, obviously, but in a workplace is pretty tasteless.
Anyone can hang anything they want on their walls.The people who pose for them don’t bother me either.
I do have a problem with men that act like jackasses.
I don’t really care one way or the other, as long as it’s not on public display. Keeping a calendar like that in your house? Sure. Keeping it in an office? Not so much.
I like them for 5 minutes and then just want it to be next month already so I get to see the next one. Either that, or ill just flip thru them all when it first arives.
They basically take up space, and they are kind of a bad sign because it insinuates the workers have time to look at them and are probably not working that hard.
They don’t bother me that much one way or the other, but if I owned a business of any kind they would be banned in all but rest areas.
I mean hanging them up in a workplace seems like the dudes are intentionally sending a message—“hey, we’re dudes, and we like to objectify women!” Eye roll.
Not for me, but it is a First Amendment right for them to have the publications they desire. The models also are allowed to work in the trade that they desire. Many strive their whole lives to become professional models, and who is anybody to judge their life decisions? I hope they make a lot on their modeling jobs, and a whole lot more tax-free income doing personal appearances. Maybe the men in the plant would love for Miss September to come and meet them, and if they’re willing to pay top tax-free dollar, it’s their choice and nobody should be allowed to dictate the decorum of their workplaces.
It does make it difficult for a woman to feel that she will be taken seriously in an environment like that.
@12Oaks This isn’t about censoring.
Thank you all for your answers, lurve even to the ones I didn’t like.
I guess what prompted this is the fact that it is socially acceptable to degrade women (and for women to degrade themselves) in this manner. I am sure if I said they had pics of the preacher burning the koran, or KKK guys burning crosses, so many would be offended, but since it was only women, no biggie!
You are right @Dutchess_III, it is not about legality, and you are also right that it was difficult and I was demonstrating a 25k piece of equipment.
I have no problem with it. I wouldn’t buy a calender with nude women on it because it makes you look tasteless. You want things with naked ladies on it. Fine but keep it in your private collection and under lock and key. Everyone has their guilty pleasures but you don’t have to leave them out in the open for all to see. Only a person with no respect for themself does that. I have porn but I keep it under lock and key.
@rooeytoo :: We have fire fighter and cops and construction worker calenders. I’m assuming your disdain applies to them too.
It’s not the most professional of choices, but it wouldn’t bother me to distraction in a welding shop. I’d probably start up a conversation over it – I always have at least one classic pin-ups calendar at home.
@math_nerd – are they start naked, masturbating? If so definitely.
I always considered this normal. I still do.
@rooeytoo :: My dad owned a welding and machine shop. I grew up in it. All the calenders were from suppliers. Everyone was a girl in a bikini holding a reciprocating saw while leaning on a welder or something similar. Yeah, I could see being pissed if they had women with a digit in them. But I don’t consider gripping your boob with a bikini on masturbation.
And here are our calanders.
@math_nerd Howdy, there, cowboy… Can I… get you some… lemonade ;)?
If you do not like them, sign them up and charge top dollar,
Win, win.
Take their money and enjoy.
It’s very tasteless but somehow expected in such a shop. Although to clarify: I’ve been in many shops where there are very tasteful pictures on the wall or no pictures at all. I can see why you were uncomfortable in this case. That shop says a lot about who you were dealing with so the upside is that it is all out on the table, so to speak.
I like the idea of charging them top dollar.
I would take it as a sign that I’ve just entered a macho culture, and that I should expect the values of macho culture to be in force. Virility, physicallity, competency, toughness and individuality will be the social currency in this environment. Being confrontational, as in freely displaying something that’s bound to offend someone not of that culture, is just part of the bona fides of the culture.
And as I am a smart ass sometimes I would be tempted to ask if they were pictures of his kids and wife. Of course I would have to duck and kiss any hopes of deal goodbye.
I’d roll my eyes, lose respect for them but pity them nonetheless (they’re just products of our culture) and if anyone would look at me inappropriately, they’d hear it, professionalism would be their worry, not mine.
I guess if the workplace is in a nudist colony it would be fine.~
But in all seriousness, I would find it really unprofessional and just plain immature. It doesn’t offend me, but I can definitely understand why some users in this thread are offended. Besides, isn’t there enough of objectification of women in the world?
@rooeytoo : I don’t know the laws in Australia nor whom you work for, but let me tell you my experience. I used to work for a Fortune Top Ten corporation here in the States. The company had very progressive sexual harassment rules. It included its customers in those rules. It was simple: they didn’t want to put their employees in any situations where sexual harassment was tolerated.
If on a sales call, I felt sexually harassed by the customer, I could report it to my boss. The customer would receive a visit from the boss, and appropriate action would be decided on.
Sexually explicit pictures of nude women on the walls would be considered sexual harassment and would be grounds to terminate the customer’s account.
Can you talk to your boss about the situation? Are there sexual harassment laws in Australia? Do you want to push the issue? Can you ask to have the account assigned to another employee?
I don’t know what you want to do. All I can say is that the guys who run the welding shop are shits.
Seriously, if you are a female in the United States and bugged about this you really need to worry about Planned Parenthood and the planned control of your bodies wanted by the GOP.
Did we ever get a answer on if these are actually nude or just bikini pics?
@math_nerd : The OP states the pictures are of “naked females, many in lewd poses.”
I feel good.
Then again, I would not hang it at the office.
@hawaii_jake – thank you for your response (the one to @math_nerd also, he/she apparently did not read the entire question).
I work for a small company who will sell to anyone who has the cash and I have no problem with that. I should have added that I was not alone on this call, I did not feel threatened, just sad and disgusted. There were 3 men along on this call and afterwards when we were discussing the call, 2 said basically “boys will be boys” the third felt it was completely inappropriate.
My main thought was this, I just happen to be taking a welding course, there are 14 in the class 9 female, 5 male. The instructor says women usually make better welders, more attention to detail, etc. I know, a generalization but his personal opinion and experience. Anyhow, eventually this welding shop is going to be faced with a female welder. I was thinking how is this woman going to feel if she works in this environment.
Perhaps it has to do with the way we are raised. My dad had an auto parts store (long before the days of chain parts stores). I grew up in it surrounded by guys who rewound armatures and repaired mechanical speedometers. There was not one pin up pic in any of the shops. My dad simply did not allow it, I presume out of deference to the women who worked there and the women who passed through.
I think way up there ^ @Mikewlf337 said it well, you enjoy looking at it, fine, just keep in private. Sometimes and in some ways, the good old days really were.
@rooeytoo You mean the good old days when the concept of sexual harassement didn’t even exist?
This reminds me of a story… a real one, this time.
When I graduated high school I went to an engineering / technical school not far away (one where a fairly new jelly also goes, as she says on her profile, by the way). A couple of other guys from my high school class also attended the same school, and also lived in the dorms.
One day a former high school classmate, a young woman, visited the campus to see her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was coincidentally a roommate with one of my former (male) high school classmates. She looked me up after seeing her boyfriend, and told me how creeped out she had been while in the room with her boyfriend – because of our former classmate.
She laughed as she told me that he had known she was coming, so he took the time to cut out “bra” and “panties” covers for all of the nude women’s photos he had on his side of the room, and pasted them all in place (temporarily) in honor of her pending visit. She told me that she wouldn’t have minded the full nudity a bit, but she considered the time (and his thought process) for designing and cutting out all of these bits of colored paper instead of just taking down the pictures entirely, covering the wall with a sheet, or doing nothing at all. She was kind of horrified to think that she had inspired this ‘consideration’.
Like pretty much everyone else has said, it seems retarded to hang that sort of thing up in a workplace.
Personally, if I ran into something like that, not a single fuck would be given that day, but that’s just me.
@Dutchess_III, yeah I know. I answered the other question like this with pretty much the same answer, though. I don’t really care either way, as long as it’s not being shoved down anyone’s throats or whatever.
I’d like to date them ;¬}
From a proffessional point of view, I don’t think it’s a good idea to have pictures like that all over your work place for customers etc to see.
From a personal point of view, I have no problem with pictures of naked bodies (male or female). I just think there is a time and a place to be looking at them. I don’t consider it to be degrading, it’s a woman’s choice to take her clothes off and model and I see nothing wrong with that.
@rooeytoo I forgot to mention in my above post (and now it’s to late to edit!) that, if there is likely to be more females working there in the future then they should take the opportunity to put calander, pictures of the things they like to (it doesn’t have to be sexual but I’m sure these guys wouldn’t be too happy about having a naked firemans calender hanging next to their naked girls!). I used to work with all men and the deal was, they were allowed to have their “sexy” calenders if I could have some pictures of my idols (Cher, Barbra Streisand) and dogs. They whinged for a bit but soon got over it. Although, we didn’t have customers coming in on a regular basis to see these “decorations”.
@Leanne1986 – I still do not believe that the work place is an appropriate setting for this sort of photography. I neglected to mention that this area is visible to anyone coming to pick up or drop off a job so it is visible to children as well. Now I know nakedness is natural and all that and a nude female fingering herself is natural as well but I don’t really want to see pics of it. There are still, or at least there should be, some actions that are private and do not need to be recorded for posterity or displayed for the world to view. I am not a prude just have a sense of propriety.
@rooeytoo So, wait, which is it – that you’re offended as a woman who feels degraded, or that you’re offended as someone who believes in conforming to societal rules and standards? Those are two totally different arguments.
@MyNewtBoobs – What difference does it make? Are you playing semantics?
@rooeytoo You said that you know nakedness is natural, that masturbation is natural – so if you know that, then why would you be offended as a woman, why would you see that and feel degraded? If you’re offended because it was in a work place instead of in someone’s personal home, then you would be saying you wouldn’t have a problem if it was in someone’s home, and if you saw it in someone’s home, you wouldn’t feel degraded. If this was about societal standards, you would be equally bothered if they weren’t dressed professionally, used foul language, had cocktails at lunch, or did other unprofessional things.
The idea that pictures of naked women masturbating is simply appreciating the natural (nothing wrong with it) is the exact opposite of the idea that pictures of naked women masturbating is degrading to women (something wrong with it).
@MyNewtBoobs – I really don’t understand what you are trying to establish. Nudity is natural but we don’t walk around town naked and if I came to your house and you answered the door start naked and masturbating, mate I don’t care how natural it is, I would make a quick exit and say call me when you’re not busy.
Whether there is something wrong with it or not depends upon where and when it is happening, not necessarily that it is happening. I think if you answer the door in that state you are degrading yourself and me. It also offends my sense of propriety.
@rooeytoo How am I degrading myself and you if I answer the door that way? You may feel degraded, but you have no right to determine what degrades me – only I get to determine that. And I kinda fail to see how you are degraded by me playing with myself.
I’m saying you changed your argument when you didn’t get the answers you wanted.
@MyNewtBoobs – If you don’t think you are degrading yourself answering the door like that, then I guess we, philosophically speaking, live on different planets. So there is no point in my trying to explain my reasoning or feeling. (and if that is indeed the way you answer the door, I would love to be there to see the expression on the face of the next Electrolux salesman who comes to call!)
If you want to accuse me of “changing my argument” be my guest, but in fact, I did not “want” to get specific answers, I wanted to know how others felt about this.
@rooeytoo Just to be clear, I didn’t say I wouldn’t feel degraded, I said that I get to determine what degrades me, not you. Big difference.
@rooeytoo I’m not the type of person who would ever answer the door that way, so if I did, it would be against my will, which I would find very degrading. But I can imagine being someone who would answer the door that way without feeling degraded.
And I guess there we are on different planets again, I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind not.
@rooeytoo I completely agree that it is inappropriate for the work place.
When I bought my mower shop, the mechanic (who didn’t know I’d bought it at that point) had naked females on his roll around tool box. You know, when you see that you know exactly what their attitudes towards women are….they aren’t good for much except getting horney about. They think women have no brains. Shoulda seen his face when we broke the news that I now owned “his” shop. A girl bought this???
@MyNewtBoobs and @rooeytoo I sometimes answer the door in just a towel having jumped out of the shower to get the door. I think I made my postman’s day once!!!
I think its inappropriate in a workplace to be shown, seriously people?
But privately, in your own room, i think its ok?
Personally I prefer a male calendar and there are many that show men in compromising positions and practically nude albeit the covering of private parts. I think it’s perfectly fine for female AND male calendars.
This is too tasteless and offensive clearly. I’m sure female welders are most likey not to want to apply for the job there. If a female was working there it would be under ‘hostile work environment’’ or sexual harrasment’ (if they are told and continue to have it up).
@rooeytoo I wonder if the owner of the shop claims to respect women?
@flo – they say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but if I were to do so, in this case, I would say nope and couldn’t care less!!!
@rooeytoo I meant ouside of the shop, in the shop there is the evidence.
But when we look at Lady Ga Ga on American Idol esp. dressed the way she was see that last week? There was Iglesias & the lyrics of the song, and Jordan Sparks the visuals there, ridiculous! unhelpful.
@flo – I have had no occasion to meet with him outside of the work environment, so I don’t know for sure, but based on his attitude, I’d guess he wouldn’t bother with such trivia.
@rooeytoo “claims to respect women” I was thinking of some men’s idea of respecting is limited to not hurting them physically. And yes that would be trivial to people who tolerate people being demeaned.
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