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MilkyWay's avatar

Does this dream of mine mean anything?

Asked by MilkyWay (13997points) April 3rd, 2011

I had a nightmare last night.
I dreamed I went to the hospital and had a lot of difficulty moving around because I have a broken ankle ( I have broken my ankle in reality too). In the dream I am waiting in the waiting room and it’s my turn to go, but my sister who was with me has dissapeared and so have my crutches, which without I cannot go. There is no one else there I can ask for help so I have to hop to the doctor’s room.
When I get there the doctor isn’t too happy to see me and rushes to get me out of there. Then suddenly the scene changes ( which often happens in my dreams) and I am in a very noisy place.
I am standing on a side of a very busy and dusty road with my 4 siblings and my mother. It looks like a third world country as there are no markings on the road and too much traffic and pollution. For some reason there is a rocky mound which we have to climb ( another strange feeling as we know we have to). I still have my Aircast on due to my broken ankle and we start climbing with difficulty.When we reach the the top we hear my dad calling us down again. So with difficulty we climb down again. Then the scens changes again and now I am back home. I am getting ready to go to school after 4 months due to my injury. The strange thing about this dream is that the things that are happening are not scary but the emotions and the atmostphere is. I feel very panicky and scared all throughout the dream, as if something awful is about to happen.I am late for school, when I get there all the teachers are unhelpful, my friends are unresponsive and I’ve either lost or forgotten many of my things. It maybe doesn’t sound so bad but when I was dreaming it it felt horrible. It’s made me feel really sad and down and I was just wondering if it all means anything.
Sorry this is so long and any help/opinions will be much appreciated.

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