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mazingerz88's avatar

What is that interesting, funny or crazy thing you did so drunk?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) April 3rd, 2011

Please answer beginning with the words, “I WAS SO DRUNK I…”
Most people have been intoxicated at varying degrees in their lives that I’m quite certain a lot of unpredictable things took place, some memorably funny if not interesting. ( Note : This question is in no way making light of being drunk, especially in the case of drunk driving )

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14 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

I was so drunk I slept outside on a golf course naked——-50 miles from my home. I don’t know how I got there. I still can’t remember.

jerv's avatar

I have puked on the side of a Marine’s head, and (in a separate incident) woken up miles from where I was partying with no pants and a hangover that lasted two days.

Mikewlf337's avatar

I danced in a fire. Humped a log, Danced like an idiot in a bar.

12Oaks's avatar

Had a Jack Daniels chugging contest. I won,. or maybe lost, depending on how you consider that I drank the most in the shortest amount of time but woke like 10 hours later under some strangers front porch.

faye's avatar

Woke up with my ex in my bed!

Randy's avatar

Oh man… Some of my worst moments have been when I was heavily intoxicated.

I was so drunk at a party once that I called out my boss to a coworker’s video camera. That coworker showed him. I never saw my boss much after that unless it was for something bad I had done or a shitty job he wanted me to take care of.

I was so drunk and pissed off at my roommate once that I loaded up my truck with everything I could fit in there from my upstairs room and slept in it while everything, including my mattress, got rained on.

I was so drunk once that I went to pee in an ally and ended up sleeping there in my pee.

This one didn’t happen to me but I’ve got to tell this story anyway. Me and a few friends were drinking at this little pub downtown and as we were leaving, we stopped to smoke just outside. My friend Tim passed out on the sidewalk and he’s a big guy so we were having problems getting him up. We were trying to figure out a plan when I cop pulled up to tell us that if we couldn’t get him home, he was gonna take him to jail. We explained the situation and the cop came up with a plan. He said that if we’d go pick him up in the morning, he’d take him to the homeless shelter for the night. We thought it was hilarious, agreed and took his wallet and phone and the cop drove off with him. The next day, we went down there and as soon as we walked in, we could hear Tim yelling at the top of his lungs. He thought one of the people at the shelter stole all his stuff so he was going around accusing everyone. He wasn’t too happy about the whole ordeal.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A man I was dating at one time took me to a construction site in the middle of the town we were drinking in and we climbed up the building and out onto a crane that held a beam several stories up. We climbed along the beam and then sat for awhile looking at planes fly in, the lights of the town change, stars, etc. When we climbed down a site security guy caught us and my date gave him a couple hundred dollars to not call us in to police.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Neizvestnaya the scary crazy part of your Tales From The Drunk Side story is not the cop part but the fact that you sat on the beam! Although that will be a great spot for puking!

stardust's avatar

I thought it’d be a good idea to go to my chemistry lab class. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before I was kicked back out. I returned to the on campus bar. Oh my! :/

Aster's avatar

I was so drunk at a party on Sunday night that at school the next day I slept the entire day in a friend’s car in the school parking lot. I wasn’t even sober by Monday for classes.
So drunk at a college party that my date said, “you’re ready to go home now, right?”

TexasDude's avatar

I WAS SO DRUNK I ate an entire platter of chicken nuggets and challenged all of my suitemates to a fight. Bearing in mind that these guys are all very large and ludicrously strong, I probably shouldn’t have, but drunk Fiddle Bastard doesn’t concern himself with such petty logistics.

Needless to say, I lost the initial scuffle and was chased back to my room. I tried hiding under my bed, but my suitemates broke into my room, climbed under my bed with me, and started beating me with frisbees while screaming “We are in your safe place, we are in your safe place!” and screeching a bizarre lovecraftian chant into my ears as well.

I laughed and cried at the same time and threw up chicken all over them and then I started flailing wildly until they gave up.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard: I imagine tickling you and chirping, “I wanna see chi-chi-chik-ughn…”

TexasDude's avatar

@Neizvestnaya, THATS WHAT THEY DID! I was kicking and screaming and laughing and crying and trying to choke them out all at the same time. That’s the last time I ever touch American Honey….

SABOTEUR's avatar

I WAS SO DRUNK returning to the Naval Base (Great Lakes, IL) that I became nauseus on the train. Not wishing to “embarrass the uniform” by vomiting on the floor, I threw up in my uniform hat (cover).

I forgot we were required to be in full dress uniform to enter the base…!

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