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Berserker's avatar

If you were a dwarf, what would your name and title be?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) April 3rd, 2011

We’re talking about the typical Dungeon&Dragons fantasy dwarf here, like Gimli Son of Gloin from The Lord of the Rings.
For those unfamiliar with this popular fantasy figure which I assume is highly based from the stereotypical Viking in some few ways, dwarfs are short but sturdy beings, usually living underground. Traditionally speaking, you will recognize them for their long bushy beards and horned helmets. Female dwarves have super long hair and can cook better than anyone’s grandmother. They fight just as well as the males, and are often the ones to take care of the young dwarves’ schooling. Dwarves use heavy weaponry in battle, such as two handed swords, huge axes, maces, flails or hammers. They love big ass shields, too.
They’re tough as nails, they don’t like sunlight, but they love fire. They forge great weapons and armour, and are known to party it up constantly, singing folk songs while drinking booze that would knock out a horny bull. Dwarves and elves usually don’t get along. But dwarves aren’t just drinking weaponsmiths. They’re deeply rooted in their ancient history, they’re honour bound and while they always act like goofs, they are extremely wise. Artists, singers and craftsmen, dwarves are awesome.
So if that gives you a better idea, if you were a dwarf, what do you think your name and title would be, based on who you are for real? You know like, Bealorth Bouldersmash or Olga Sweetfiddle, only not so stereotypical.
For example, I would be Gigi Ironbraids, Scourge of the Walking Dead or Jizzfayce Buckdrainer.

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