(NSFW) Do you realize how important sexual hygiene is, in regards to a lady's health?
I’m not talking about STDs; everyone knows the importance of protection by now. I’m talking about your own personal hygiene. Do you shower beforehand? Are you careful with your roaming fingers? Are the toys freshly washed?
If you have a female lover, sexual hygiene is extremely important! Penetration with a sweaty or dirty penis can cause your partner to develop a bladder infection or a yeast infection. If your nether regions have been in your undies all day, they have been in a dark, moist environment, and dark, moist environments promote bacteria growth. Sure, it takes away from spontaneity, but showering before sex is important!
Oral sex that includes anal play can also cause painful infections if you aren’t careful. If one of your fingers plays around or in the anus, then moves back to the jayjay, you’ve just transferred (even a miniscule amount) fecal matter to her jayjay.
If toys are involved, they should be washed before and after use, to ensure cleanliness! And they should never be used to penetrate the anus then penetrate the jayjay. Not unless you use a condom on your toys.
I’m asking this question because, with endometriosis, I’m horribly prone to both bladder and yeast infections if I’m not very careful, so I’ve had to school my husband on how to be careful.
So now I’m wondering how many people with female lovers don’t realize how important sexual hygiene really is.
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60 Answers
I always shower after/between “sessions.” If I’ve been without shower for a while then I will make a point of it if I know something is going to happen.
In my experience not showering beforehand has never been a problem, so much as not showering between.
Sure they always show before they come over, or I go there, me too….. But it’s never a case of just diving straight in, some hours may pass…. jayjay!? Lol….. That’s a new one on me :-/
Generally speaking, I’m all about peeing before and after sex and about washing toys before and after. Other than that, I make sure my fingers are clean, fingernails are cut, etc.
@Scooby Sorry, I just can’t make myself call it a “vagina”- it sounds like something slimy. I’ve tried for years but I can’t do it. A lot of ladies call it a “vajayjay” and I used to, but I’ve since shortened it to just “jayjay”. I know it bothers some people when others don’t use the “correct” terminology, but the word “vagina” just creeps me out. So does “vulva”. <shudder>
We’re generally clean. If it is first thing in the morning sex, I usually will brush my teeth and clean up a bit beforehand. I don’t care how dirty she is.
Right hand (fingers) is for the bum, left is for the honey pot. I never mix. Been there, done that and we both ended up with terrible urinary tract infections.
Toys are always washed before sex. And, yes, during mid-play. If I am hitting her in the ass with a dildo/strap-on, I never stick in her vag, unless it is washed.
Now, tongues go (in) wherever. We both tend to pee right after sex.
@Jude Perfect! All it takes is a little knowledge of healthy practices. My hubby really had no idea about any of it when we first started dating, so I had to request that he take a shower before I came over, and that he never touch my jayjay with the same fingers that had touched my anus. It took some time, and a lot of his watching me go through a UTI or yeast infection before he finally began to remember what he should or shouldn’t do.
Yeast/bladder infections suck, but if treated, they are hardly the end of the world.
When I first got together with my SO, I would get UTIs and infections back to back because I had no idea about peeing before and after, what to use, etc. It was horrible! Plus, the condoms were bothering me, but we did away with those. Being a virgin, I had no knowledge about that stuff, and being a guy, neither did he. But now we know.
He works as an inspector for construction projects, but his hands are always clean and fingernails neat. Love that! And I’ve learned that the only lube my lady parts can tolerate is saliva, and to pee before and after. Other than that, we’re pretty clean in general, so we don’t necessarily shower beforehand.
Side note: why is my computer telling me “lube” is misspelled? lol
@MyNewtBoobs They certainly seem to be when you get them =(
@MyNewtBoobs It feels like the end of the world if you are prone to them and seem to have a perpetual infection. I get bladder infections very easily, and it doesn’t matter what sort of antibiotic, homeopathic remedy, or any kind of treatment- I have an almost perpetual bladder infection.
It didn’t help when my hubby unknowingly caused it to get worse.
@MyNewtBoobs They’re pretty uncomfortable, if not treated. Mine never went away on it’s own. I had to take antibiotics to get rid of it. One time, I put up with it for 3 weeks. I was drinking cranberry juice by the jug. So sick of that taste! I finally decided, “fuck this!” and went to see my doctor. Free health care here, so, it didn’t cost me a dime.
@WillWorkForChocolate @Facade Which is the same argument for colds. It feels like the end of the world, so we should sterilize our homes like they’re operating rooms, never allowing children to build up immunities and promoting allergies. I can see it if you’re extra prone to bladder infections – but shouldn’t that be it’s own separate category? We also keep kids who have hemophilia from riding horses – we don’t say “Do you realize how important it is that your child not ride horses!” Sinus infections feel like the end of the world, but we don’t say everyone should just avoid pollen as much as possible – we recognize that just because something feels horrible doesn’t mean it’s actually a severe issue.
@Jude Yeah, that’s because they won’t clear up on their own. Drinking cranberry juice is only good as a preventative, not a treatment.
@MyNewtBoobs The thing is- you can’t avoid pollen unless you become a house-bound recluse. You can avoid bladder and yeast infections by being more careful and asking any sexual partners to do the same.
And if my kid was a hemophiliac, I wouldn’t keep her from riding the horse, but I’d ask to be on the horse with her to keep her safer.
It’s not difficult, nor is it silly to ask a sexual partner to be clean and aware of what’s touching what. If your partner cares about you, they won’t mind. Preventing infection is a lot more intelligent than treating an infection due to carelessness.
@WillWorkForChocolate Well, maybe that works for you, but please don’t tell all of us how we should have sex. I’d rather eat ethnic food and have heartburn, go see a great concert and end up with a migraine, drink fluids to my heart’s content and have to pee at least once an hour, and not spend every sexual experience focusing on hygiene and end up with the occasional infection.
Well, thank you for asking this question, because i learned something: apparently it is useful/needed to pee before and after.
Can anybody now tell me why?
And just the lady, or both?
@rebbel So, all that humping tends to shove a lot of bacteria and other crap inside a woman’s urethra. Peeing forces it the way out. I don’t know if it’s needed for men, but it couldn’t hurt.
@MyNewtBoobs Wow, I didn’t mean to touch a nerve… but remember that this site has LOTS of people giving suggestions about different aspects of life, but we don’t have to take the advice if we don’t want to. I’m not forcing you to do anything. If this Q upsets you so much, perhaps you should stop following.
@rebbel Peeing after sex can help flush out anything that may have entered the urethra during sex. Since uring is very acidic, it not only can flush out (with force) anything in there, but it may also kill anything in there. It’s helpful for men and women, but more so for women because a man’s urethra is longer than a woman’s, so he is less likely to get a bladder infection.
@Jude Thanks! I think that a lot of people honestly don’t realize that their actions can cause painful or “uncomfortable” infections for their lover. My husband certainly didn’t know these things when we started dating.
What’s your question? I’m confused :(
What are you confused about?
What the question is that I’m supposed to answer :(
“Do you realize how important sexual hygiene is, in regards to a lady’s health?”
Either YES, you know how important sexual hygiene is when it comes to the health of a female lover, or NO, you never realized that poor sexual hygiene could be a problem.
@MyNewtBoobs Colds don’t cause kidney failure if left untreated. You are making an apple to oranges comparison
“Sorry, I just can’t make myself call it a “vagina”- it sounds like something slimy. I’ve tried for years but I can’t do it. A lot of ladies call it a “vajayjay” and I used to, but I’ve since shortened it to just “jayjay”. I know it bothers some people when others don’t use the “correct” terminology, but the word “vagina” just creeps me out. So does “vulva”. <shudder>”
Lol…… not a problem, “jayjay” is noted & filed for later use ;-)
I’m sure it’ll raise a smile Lol…. Oh & in my earlier reply I meant to say shower, not show, but I guess it is a case of ‘shower & show’ :-/
@SpatzieLover Which is why I said “If treated” – and yeast infections don’t cause kidney failure, only bladder infections. Colds, can, however, cause severe respiratory issues, turn into pneumonia, etc.
Here’s a story. A woman is married but sees her husband infrequently and they have intercourse even more seldom. She goes to the doctor for a problem, suspected infection of the jayjay… and yes.. it is. She’s given a standing prescription for antibiotics for the condition. Her doctor tells her… ‘This is caused by having sex too infrequently. The condition will be improved if you have sex more often.’ The lady patient asks, ‘Can you write a prescription for that? and Do I have to get my husband’s permission?’
true story
@MyNewtBoobs Untreated yeast infections can cause sepsis, and can cause the woman to develop more difficult to treat yeasts
Most of the time, a simple cold will go away on it’s own, without medication. A yeast infection is almost impossible to get rid of without medication, unless you get one right before your period. (The blood gets rid of the yeast.) But yeast infections can have dangerous side effects.
@WillWorkForChocolate Yeast infections can have dangerous side effects. Colds can have dangerous side effects.
If you are never exposed to germs, you will never build up an immunity to those germs.
@MyNewtBoobs Yeasts are fungal growths. You can not build up immunity to them.
@SpatzieLover It was two different points there, that’s why I hit enter. However, your immune system does play a part in if you get a yeast infection.
@MyNewtBoobs As @SpatzieLover said, you can not build up an immunity to yeast. Yeast infections are kind of like heat strokes- once you’ve had one, you’re more likely to have another one.
I honestly don’t understand why you seem to have such a big problem with this question. I really don’t. It’s not like I’m preaching abstinence or anything prudish. I’m simply suggesting that being more careful during sex is much healthier for your body. It’s no different than someone else suggesting that we eat more fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy immune system. You’ll usually only get an infection if your immune system is down anyway, so why add unnecessary stress to it?
@WillWorkForChocolate Because this idea that we have to be so clean and sterile all the time is making us sicker in the long run. In trying to prevent all sickness now, we ensure that we will be sick later. It’s akin to posting “Do you realize how important it is wipe down the counters every night with Lysol?”
@MyNewtBoobs Washing hands or body parts (hygiene) is quite a different topic than antibacterial/chemical cleaning.
Personally, I found this question to be educational for men/women having sexual relations with women. It’s vital information for people to know that they need to be careful in not transferring germs from certain body parts to other body parts.
@MyNewtBoobs No it’s not! It’s akin to the same things your doctor would tell you about feminine hygiene. I’m not talking about being “sterile”, otherwise I would saying something ridiculous like “Do you realize how unsanitary it is to swap body fluids with another person?”
I’m not talking about being sterile, I’m talking about a man being careful to not get sweaty penile bacteria from the day’s work all crammed up inside the delicate environment of his lover’s jayjay. I’m talking about a person who cares about their female lover, being conscientious enough to not transfer shit particles from the asshole to the jayjay. There’s nothing “overly sterile” about that!
Like I said before, what I’m suggesting is no worse than doctors or nutritionists telling people to eat more fruits and veggies to promote a healthy immune system. You’re the only person on this thread who has had any sort of problem with it. This makes me wonder if you yell at your doctor and tell her/him, “You can’t tell me what to do!” You’re acting like a petulant child, when all I did was make suggestions about how people can be more careful with their lovers’ health.
@SpatzieLover How? We clean ourselves with chemicals. Cleaning counters is how you prevent person A from getting the germs to transfer to person B.
@WillWorkForChocolate Anal to vaginal sex is only one thing you mentioned – sweaty parts, always showering – you mentioned those, too. Showering too frequently can eradicate your body’s natural barrier between you and toxins. Produce is purely adding something to your body, whereas much of hygiene is removing your body’s natural defense systems.
@MyNewtBoobs I really am not certain what point you are driving at here. If you choose to be unhygienic, then why not just answer the question that way. It seems you’d prefer to drive this discussion completely off-topic
@MyNewtBoobs Because you are outlandishly railroading this discussion.
@MyNewtBoobs I didn’t say to shower 5 times a day. I just said a shower before sex is better for a woman’s health. I agree that showering/bathing too often is detrimental to your health, just as shampooing your hair too frequently strips nutrients from your hair.
It’s not necessary to “shower too frequently”, it’s only necessary to make sure you’re clean before you stuff unclean parts of yourself into a woman. I would say the same for masturbation- be sure to wash your hands and toys before they go inside. Holy hell, people wipe their feet before entering a house, what’s the big deal about cleaning your body before entering a woman’s body?
Regarding your most recent comment- now you’re just being childish.
@SpatzieLover All by myself, with no help? Wow, and here I thought it takes two to tango.
I multitask. I pee during sex. Mellow a little guys.
Again, very childish. And unnecessary. If the question bothers you, and quite obviously it does, then stop following the thread.
Come on, people. We’re all grown-ups here. What the OP is suggesting is that women and their partners practice good hygiene. Clean your toys, clean your bod. What the hell is so objectionable about that? I think she’s making a good point here. It’s not about whether yeast causes a cold or dipping yourself in hand sanitizer.
Women, being the most-often-penetrated of the two sexes, have every right to request that what’s being put into their bodies is clean, whether it’s a toy or a finger or a penis.
Quit arguing for the sake of arguing.
@Seelix Yes, thank-you. That was fucking ridiculous.
I pee after sex. That’s about it. I’m far from being a clean freak. And it’d be a waste of water, and my skin would be even drier than it is now. I’ve never had a bladder infection or anything, but if I got one maybe I’d start showering more. I don’t know.
I’ve never worried about showering first, or having him do it. Sweaty sex from working outside or being at the beach is the best. As we used to have sex late at night or early am, we went to sleep or cleaned up after. I’ve never had a toy, and I pee every hour anyway. Now, after nursing all day, I’d have a shower. But If you feel sexier all clean, that’s the way to go. And if I were prone to infections, he’d be very clean.
@faye GA
I’m sorry but when a woman’s like “do this and that and shower and clip your nails before we” . . . Well i’m sorry but that just quite ruins the mood. And I HAVE experienced that. Spontaneity is a HUGE deal. And when we’re ready to do the dirty and a girl’s like “uh, I know we’re already almost there, but you have to go brush your teeth before you go down. . .” it truly just brings the whole game a few steps backward. I respect it, b/c I understand to each his own, but I don’t think it ads to the “fun.”
Of course if I were working in a mudhole all day I’m not gonna slip my muddy fingers in there . . . and I’m sorry, but I wear my pants and undies all day like the next guy, when I get home there is no “moisture” developed in the “darkness.” I guess my hygiene has something to do with that.
I completely agree, and yes, I am aware that hygiene plays an important role in jayjay health. But in my experience (and I’m aware that I’m only one person here), there are just girls that are prone to UTI’s and yeasties. I concluded that b/c of the girls I’d been with there were some that we did anything and there was never a concern, and there were just two, that even if you looked at them the wrong way, their vaj would itch.
I’d say if you are gonna worry about it to this extent, worry about it by yourself and don’t bring it up in the heat of the moment. and if you are going to fuck someone, just know them well enough first to be able to judge if their general hygiene is good. . . and you’ll be juuust fine.
Wow, this was painful to read, yet, I did.
[mod says] I’m a little late here, but I’d just like to remind everyone to disagree without being disagreeable.
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