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(NSFW) Do you realize how important sexual hygiene is, in regards to a lady's health?
I’m not talking about STDs; everyone knows the importance of protection by now. I’m talking about your own personal hygiene. Do you shower beforehand? Are you careful with your roaming fingers? Are the toys freshly washed?
If you have a female lover, sexual hygiene is extremely important! Penetration with a sweaty or dirty penis can cause your partner to develop a bladder infection or a yeast infection. If your nether regions have been in your undies all day, they have been in a dark, moist environment, and dark, moist environments promote bacteria growth. Sure, it takes away from spontaneity, but showering before sex is important!
Oral sex that includes anal play can also cause painful infections if you aren’t careful. If one of your fingers plays around or in the anus, then moves back to the jayjay, you’ve just transferred (even a miniscule amount) fecal matter to her jayjay.
If toys are involved, they should be washed before and after use, to ensure cleanliness! And they should never be used to penetrate the anus then penetrate the jayjay. Not unless you use a condom on your toys.
I’m asking this question because, with endometriosis, I’m horribly prone to both bladder and yeast infections if I’m not very careful, so I’ve had to school my husband on how to be careful.
So now I’m wondering how many people with female lovers don’t realize how important sexual hygiene really is.
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