Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Will you write a testimonial for some product, brand, or service that you absolutely love?

Asked by Jeruba (56254points) April 4th, 2011

They deliver top quality, they keep their promises, they give satisfaction: who are they?

Whether it’s your favorite brand of microwave popcorn or a model of car, a hotel chain or an online service, what business do you want to praise and recommend without reservation? Let’s see your promotional message for a brand or product that you totally believe in.

Please limit this to nationally or internationally known names and not your neighborhood boutique or microbusiness so it’s a name that’s recognizable to others.

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26 Answers

bobbinhood's avatar

Lunapads is awesome. They are fantastic to do business with, and I love their products. Their stain remover works wonders, even on blood that has been left for a couple days. Cloth pads feel so much better than disposable ones, and they are ultimately far less expensive. But their very best product is the DivaCup. I am so glad I decided to try it. Menstral cups make periods so much better. I recommend the DivaCup to everyone. I will never go back.

12Oaks's avatar

McDonald’s always delivers good food at right nice prices. Their only fumble through the years was that Deluxe line. I still can’t figure out why a restaurant would willingly advertise that their food tastes bad, as McDonald’s did with the Arch Deluxe. Still, gotta love them Golden Arches!!!

crisw's avatar

REI. Good products and good service. I take my bike in there all the time to get minor things fixed and they hardly every charge me fort anything. And those end-of-the-year dividends are great.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I love Netflix. I never had a problem with them, and plus, their selection of movies is astronomical. They might not have every movie, but they still have a lot. Plus, most of the movies I want to watch are part of the criterion collection, so they’re pretty expensive to buy. I want to watch a movie before I can decide if it’s worth buying. Plus, they have fast shipping (delivers in two days).

Ladymia69's avatar

I don’t do free advertising.

cak's avatar

For family dinners and taking food to friends, I love takealongs.

I have lost many containers to family and friends, while trying to send homemade relief to sickness, housewarmings and just a random thank you. Takealongs have saved my Tupperware collection and made leftovers easier, too. Along with the convenience, they are recyclable. When they start to wear out, into the recycle bin they go.

Because my husband can work some rather odd hours, Takealongs are wonderful. I can’t count how many containers he’s lost along the way, but now, it’s easier on the wallet.

Berserker's avatar


Sick and tired of limited bandwidth? Agonized with limited storage space and uploading restrictions such as censorship and time frames? Do your eyes hurt from seeing more advertisement than uploaded photos? Does your computer beg you sweet, sweet mercy at constantly having to run sites heavy with adds, worthless features and a bunch of other crap?

Well I say, it’s time to cut the crap.

Visit imghunt the best damn upload site on the net. Totally free, pictures stored forever, unlimited storage. No advertisements, no censorship, no bullshit!


I was getting aggravated with trying to find an upload site that could meet my needs. I guess all my pornography and gore is too much for Photobucket or ImageShack. I mean seriously, I’ve searched high and low for a good uploading site…you would NOT believe how many there are out there…but they all have a catch, some annoying restriction, fees or too many adds. Too much bullshit.
Until I finally found this one…it’s my upload dream come true. You can post whatever you want in there, everything’s free and it has all the features you need to post them on websites, blogs and forums. Plus everything is unlimited. That’s good too, cuz I got a lot of nasty shit on my hardrive…and it finally found a friend.

I don’t even know what Photobucket means anymore. imghunt, for the bloody win!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I just realized that I said “plus” a lot. Stay tuned for a sarcastic and scathing review…

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I love Ikea! I love their terrible swedish furniture that makes my living room a total eyesore! And those prices! I just loooove to burn money! Who cares about food when I have to have the perfect coffee table? ALSO, it says a lot about me! I am so ZEN and ENLIGHTENED and I have superior taste when it comes to bed frames! LOVE ME. LOVE MY FURNITURE.

AmWiser's avatar

Reusable Canvas grocery bags they’re convient, they help stop unnecessary landfill waste, they save trees, and one bag holds at least 2 plastic shopping bags worth of items. It pays to buy the 100% cotton bags because the reusable bags bought or distributed at most grocery stores are made of polypropylene which is not bio-degradable and contains lead. They also breed bacteria. Good old cotton canvas tote bags that can be washed and used for many years, and if ever they make it into a landfill, they will breakdown without leaching toxins into the soil and waterways.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Nope. Toblerones ftw

john65pennington's avatar

My mothers funeral home has been outstanding !!

I cannot say enough about the staff and their willingness to help me with my funeral arrangements for my mother.

Believe this or not, my mother only had $4,000 dollars of life insurance. She was 93 years old when she passed. That was a lot of money, back in her generation.

I showed the policies to the funeral home staff and explained the situation. My mother is going to have a beautiful funeral for less than $4,000 dollars. I am still in shock at how much compassion these people have shown to me and my family.

I will not mention their names as this might not be proper. But, they know who they are and I thank them so much. jp

AmWiser's avatar

@john65pennington that is wonderful news and it seems to take some weight off of your shoulders. It is very proper to name a funeral home if you want, as they appreciate testimonials from satisfied customers just like any business would. This can be a very stressful time and others need to know there are caring businesses out there.

Cupcake's avatar

I second the Diva Cup and Ikea

faye's avatar

Dove bathsoap, Dawn dishwashing detergent, Always sanitary napkins,, Gain laundry detergent and dryer sheets, Red Rose orange Pekoe tea, Oil of Olay Regenerist cream, Sears, L’Oreal makeup, Temptations cat treats, so many! I think they all do what they advertise.
I didn’t link bookit- don’t know how.

bobbinhood's avatar

@faye Anytime you put ”.com” after something, it automatically becomes a link. If you want to make a link in general, use this format without the spaces:
” link ” : url
You can see the complete formatting guide here.

lifeflame's avatar

I come across the question of produce placement in our theatre shows / films, and I refuse to do them even if it happens to be a product I personally like and use. I think it degrades the integrity of a creative piece of work.

Now obviously in fluther there’s less of a conflict, but I still believe on principle, that really there is already too much advertising in the world. So why advertise gratuitously…

Cupcake's avatar

I love green works cleaners… especially the water lily dish soap. Mmmmm… I could wash dishes for hours.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Taco Bell is both the bane of my existence and the love of my life. Their food tastes so good, even if it’s not “authentic” or even, dare I say it… real. I can eat the heck out of some Taco Bell when I’m craving fast food, and their prices make it easy on my pocketbook! My current favorite “meal” is two Beef Chalupa Supremes with guacamole, with one packet of Mild Sauce and one packet of their new Salsa Verde. It’s a lot of food, with excellent flavor, for less than $5. It’s so unhealthy, but I can’t stop eating it; Taco Bell is my version of crack.

faye's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I endorse their potatoes, little cubes? I don’t know what they’re called but so good, nice and spicy and a little greasy!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

This product will save you through labor, this one will save you post-labor and The Roku will save you through life.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@faye I think they’re called “Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes” or something like that.

cak's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I admit the same. Taco Bell is my crack.

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