Social Question

How would you handle telling family and friends about your diagnosis or your child's diagnosis?
I have shared with the collection that my husband and my son have Asperger’s syndrome.
We are going to discuss this with our psychologist in detail at our next appt…unil then, I thought the collection might help shed some light :)
My son was officially diagnosed in autumn, my husband just about a month ago. We have shared our son’s diagnosis info with many family members. We have yet to go into specific details, but they have the gist of what our daily life with him and his therapy entails.
We have not shared my husband’s diagnosis with anyone. other than my mother
We are concerned with how his family will handle it. They are rather rigid thinkers. They do not share medical information, and are the type of family that thinks kids “outgrow” neurological conditions.
I’ve have tried to prepare my husband. I feel that his parents first reaction will be negative and reactionary. We plan to have a sit down meeting with them (maybe food will be involved…our son will not be present) to discuss this.
He has two brothers. We feel his eldest brother will handle the info fine. We again feel the youngest will be negative and reactionary, as this brother made fun of his differences (unique hobbies/nerdy-ness/geeky-ness-etc) the most.
If you’ve dealt with something similar, maybe you have ideas? Maybe you haven’t personally dealt with anything similar but could enlighten us with how you’d handle or go into this with a difficult individual.
:)Thank you in advance!