Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Is there a sad song out there that makes you feel better and if yes, why do you think?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) April 4th, 2011

I’m under the impression happy songs are suppose to make you feel better and sad songs portray your down moods and pains. Yet there are times after listening to a sad song that I feel relaxed, even hopeful.

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9 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

I posted this in another thread, but Your Ex Lover is Dead by Stars does it for me. It’s the ultimate break-up song, but the lyrics are also hopeful.

“In a Sweater Poorly Knit” by mewithoutYou can be considered sad, but it really blows my mind in the most spiritual possible way every time I hear it.

creative1's avatar

It really depends on what is getting me down, if its a break up then I get out the break up music but if its something else I seek other music depending on the situation. I love music that builds slowly or is fun like AC/DC’s Big Balls one of my all time head banging fun songs

SABOTEUR's avatar

Sad songs for me are like Dementors for anyone in the Potter universe. Sucks all the friggin’ joy out of my soul.

This is the reason why I’ve always preferred rock ‘n roll to R&B (to the bewilderment of family and friends) i just can’t get behind the logic of listening to mournful songs about miserable people.

ucme's avatar

Oh this works for me all day long. Why? Because that’s the way I wiggle :¬)

longtresses's avatar

Sadness is the process you go through when you grieve for a loss. So of course, sad music is soothing because it allows you to grieve and to have that space to mourn. It’s OK to feel the way you do.

When you’re in a happy phase, you just don’t listen to sad songs.. much..

Randy's avatar

Into the Sea by As Cities Burn is a pretty sad song that makes me feel better because I have a tendency to beat myself up over my mistakes. This song reminds me that it’s ok to fuck up every once and a while. Learn from it and move on.

MilkyWay's avatar

Hello World by Lady Antebellum—
A friend recently introduced me to it. It’s sad but makes you feel happy too.

marinelife's avatar

I think it might be catharsis in some cases (you feel your sadness and afterward you feel better) or misery loves company.

In any case, listening to the blues always makes me feel better.

ariah's avatar

I like just about anything by Three Days Grace…
It makes me feel like there are bigger things than me, especially other peoples problems.

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