What questions would you include in a "Fluther Classics" list?
We’ve done this before, but it’s been a while and there are a lot of newer people who’ve probably missed some.
What are our most heartwarming, awe inspiring, and just plain hilarious questions? Specifically, I’m looking for those that have become part of Fluther lore.
My ultimate goal is to write a blog post about them. This way, I’ll be able to add newer classics as they come along, and we’ll all be able to link to the blog post next time we want to reference our memes. No more starting from scratch! :D
Link us to your classics, please. Thanks!
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62 Answers
Well we all know The Cake in the Frizzer will be on the list.XD
MrsDufresne’s last question sticks with me, for all of the wrong reasons.
Links, guys, links! Pretty please?
Well, the paid plants Q which led to the plaid pants Q seems to be making it’s way into Fluther lore pretty quickly. Much to my delight! Already there are numerous references to “plaid pants” in various posts when a Q or post seems off or trollish…
The question about Seahorse Porn.
The repeated ones from Pink Panties Guy were hysterical and alarming at the same time. Sadly, they have been deleted.
This one question about BF/GF and Cake is prime Fluther silliness.
Plus how on earth do you get 228 answers and 1 GQ ? That is worth something….or not.
I haven’t really been around long enough to know about all the classics. But I’m with @JilltheTooth about the p(L)aid p(L)ants being one of the best moments in the few months that I’ve been here. Also, How much do you hate the new Fluther? was pretty awesome.
After searching hard for the Cake in the Frizzer award, I found some great ones. I quite like the idea of orgasming every time I eat pancakes, and I will now laugh hysterically every time I think of stiff socks!
All of @pathfinder’s Borat-like mutilations of English.
@Andrew’s Shakespearean sonnet, in perfect iambic pentameter.
The haiku threads
I really wish I had been around to experience pathfinder in real time.
How could you not include this beauty? If I bought a cactus, what should I name it?
It wouldn’t let me link it.
I thought so @queenie but I wasn’t sure…Thank you!
@erichw1504: I’d hire you as a research assistant any time.
@erichw1504 The answers are also gone to that question. Probably not a bad thing or Auggie might shoot me.
@erichw1504 I was thinking of the followup question.
Can the Qs on Fluther get any more nonsensical? What can we do to change this trend?
Nonsensical? In tacked? Out tacked? Intact?
Wow, now I’m definitely lost. And yes, I spelled “intact” wrong, shoot me @gailcalled. :)
@Seelix @pathfinder is still around. He answered a question the other day. =)
@jonsblond – Oh yeah, lookit that! I wish he’d ask some questions, then. :)
@SpatzieLover I was thinking the cactus question had a huge number of answers, but it was a followup question about the cactus question that generated a major uproar. My mistake.
Ahhh..the follow-up was awesome. —-lurved @bob—
@ladymia69 The cactus Q was a prelude to the mess that @bob_ linked to up there ^^. In hindsight, it became apparent that it was asked to mock other (similar, but genuine) questions. Pretty sure I’m not going to count either of those as classics. Maybe they’ll go under a new heading: Little Shop of Horrors.
@augustlan Little Shops of Horrors? teehee… What about Train Wrecks?
Ha, that’s what we actually call them!
@Kardamom “There was one really funny one about “bad” foods that we love.”
Was it this one?
@seazen_ – WOW. That is SO AWESOME I might die.
@erichw1504 No, I looked at that one, and that’s not it. That must have been before my time. The one I’m thinking about had answers from me as well as others. Unfortunately I can’t remember exactly how the question was worded or who the OP was. It might have had something to do with things you ate as a child or things that you used to love but now realize are really bad for you.
No it’s neither of those either. I tried going back through all of my comments, but there were too many, so I stopped looking. The only thing I can recall is that I listed Kraft cheese spread in a jar and raspberry zingers. But there were tons of awful but delicious things listed by everybody.
This was the most suspenseful thread ever in Fluther. I was holding my breath waiting for her to come back!
LOL4RL—I thought @andrew was brilliant
Fluther memes this leads you to the Fluther timeline created by @Nimis genius
@erichw1504 YES!!! That’s it! Thank you for finding it. Hopefully @augustlan will like it too. Some of the answers were just hilarious and/or gross. Plus everybody came out to play that day.
@Kardamom We’ve had so many weird food combination questions, I think it would be hard to pick one over the other. Here’s @andrew’s question from 2006. I do love those questions. They are fun. =)
Damn it people! I’m spittin’ mashed potatoes all over my key board!
THAT WASN’T EVEN A QUESTION ANDREW!! Pushed back for editing.
HE’S ON THE SOFA! HE’S IN THE TOILET! CALL THE COPS!! I have tears running down my face!
lol dude you cummed on a door? hilarious.
Ah! I just realized this question is 3 years old!
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