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Aside from individual health or financial issues is there any valid and rational reason an individual should not become a vegetarian?
I pride myself on being an objective skeptic, well pride myself is a bit much perhaps as the lifestyle’s always seemed rather natural to me. A better description would be that I’ve long felt an inclination towards the more rational “balanced” side of things.
With this stated, I’ve been through a thousand wonderful debates. Fought for gay rights, defended the existence of a God one day and questioned it the next, participated in the grand argument of Coke vs Pepsi, and yet one of the subjects that always sends me through a loop is vegetarianism.
I love meat, nay, I adore meat. I have a dependency on meat to the point that I’ve noted issues with my energy when I haven’t had some for a day. However, every discussion I’ve had with intellectual vegetarianism advocates has left me lost for words.
The best argument I’ve presented is that it’s unnatural to not eat meat (the ol’ “LOOK AT MA OMNIVOROUS TEETH MUNCH MUNCH” avenue of thought) but even that, with evidence showing people living active, healthy and longer lives without meat, fails to meet the bill. In addition to this it’s a common use of the naturalistic fallacy (if something’s natural then it’s presumed to be inherently good).
Ethically and logically vegetarianism offers the better argument to anyone who can support a vegetarian lifestyle (that is, anyone who won’t have iron intake issues and has the available finance).
Now this leaves me in something of a dilemma. I generally live my life according to what I believe is rational and presents the better argument, but I love meat to the extent that, if I’m to be honest, I’m not that bothered about killing an animal personally to get it. So do I instead purchase “free range” chicken presuming it to be a reasonable trade-off knowing that the chicken’s life was pretty cool, or perhaps disregard the logic entirely or what?
My good people, it would be most dearly appreciated if you’d share with me your opinion on the justification behind eating tasty meat products.
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