General Question

kelly's avatar

If engine calls for ultra low sulfur diesel fuel, is there damage if you put in higher sulfur diesel?

Asked by kelly (1926points) April 6th, 2011

Looking to buy diesel engine van for family. Never had a diesel. car will stay outside all year in Northern Illinois (possible minus 20F+ in winter). Engine calls for ultra low sulfur fuel, what may happen, other than emissions, if I can not find this type of fuel, say just low sulfur diesel. Will it cause engine issues, warranty issues, emissions control issues? Also I’ve heard that ultra low sulfur diesel will make starting a cold engine VERY difficult in dead of winter, true?

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3 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I don’t currently drive a diesel, but I don’t believe you can buy low sulfur diesel at fuel stations by highways in the USA. Cold start issues are related to the items below.

Issues when I drove a VW diesel many years ago in Vermont were
1) gelling at colder temps ( use additives to stop gelling )
2)moisture in fuel ( separation filters remove and empty accumulated water )

dabbler's avatar

i thought it was opposite, can’t buy high-sulfur fuel due to pollutants, acid rain, sulfur dioxide

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@dabbler There are three or more diesel fuel grades:

high sulfur ( 1960’s)
low sulfur (1980’s)

Ultra low (2000’s) what you can buy now

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